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我国大量沿岸入海河流的河口位置,存在不同程度的泥沙冲淤问题,影响沿海地区的防潮、排涝和灌溉需求,以及区域防灾减灾和经济安全保障。特别是在外海潮波辐聚区域,排涝出口的选择一直是工程和科研工作者关注的热点问题,需要综合考虑平均潮差、高潮位等沿海潮汐要素,滩槽水道发育等自然条件,以及周边围垦工程等人类活动影响。文章利用多时相遥感影像,得到滩面潮沟横向摆动特征、迁移速率与平均潮差之间的关系、二分水滩脊迁移速度影响因素、排涝河口距外海深槽距离与排涝通道弯曲程度的制约因素等,研究成果可为类似工程规划选址提供依据。 相似文献
从在CepheusE中C18O(J=1-0)的谱线频谱图发现,相对于峰速度的蓝移成分的积分流量密度明显大于相对于红移成分的积分流量密度.从在它的强度分布图也可以发现强度分布轮廓向西北和向东延伸.为此,研究了在CepheusE中C18O(J=1-0)的速度分段积分等高图,发现相对于峰速度的蓝移速度分段积分等高图中的C18O(J=1-0)的积分强度,要大于相对于红移速度分段积分等高图中的C18O(J=1-0)的积分强度,同时强度分布图中的分子外流的不准直分布是由相对于峰速度的蓝移成分的分布的不准直性所引起的. 相似文献
Li-Xin Li 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2007,375(1):240-256
Recently, a soft blackbody component was observed in the early X-ray afterglow of GRB 060218, which was interpreted as shock breakout from the thick wind of the progenitor Wolf–Rayet (WR) star of the underlying Type Ic supernova 2006aj. In this paper, we present a simple model for computing the characteristic quantities (including energy, temperature and time duration) for the transient event from the shock breakout in Type Ibc supernovae produced by the core-collapse of WR stars surrounded by dense winds. In contrast to the case of a star without a strong wind, the shock breakout occurs in the wind region rather than inside the star, caused by the large optical depth in the wind. We find that, for the case of a WR star with a dense wind, the total energy of the radiation generated by the supernova shock breakout is larger than that in the case of the same star without a wind by a factor of >10. The temperature can be either hotter or colder, depending on the wind parameters. The time duration is larger caused by the increase in the effective radius of the star due to the presence of a thick wind. Then, we apply the model to GRB 060218/SN 2006aj. We show that, to explain both the temperature and the total energy of the blackbody component observed in GRB 060218 by the shock breakout, the progenitor WR star has to have an unrealistically large core radius (the radius at optical depth of 20), larger than 100 R⊙ . In spite of this disappointing result, our model is expected to have important applications to the observations on Type Ibc supernovae in which the detection of shock breakout will provide important clues to the progenitors of Type Ibc supernovae. 相似文献
应用常规资料,结合雷达、卫星云图和其他观测资料,分析了0908号台风"莫拉克"异常路径及其对台湾海峡两岸强降水的影响.结果表明:(1)500 hPa欧亚中高纬度为两槽一脊的形势和东北区域大范围的正变高使副热带高压加强西伸,以及0909号热带气旋"艾涛"前身低压阻挡了副热带高压南落的共同作用,使"莫拉克"台风前期向偏西方向移动.(2)高空冷涡提供了有利于热带低压维持和发展的动力条件,热带低压的维持又对"莫拉克"的移动造成影响.(3)冷空气持续南下造成副热带高压减弱,并且在"莫拉克"台风北侧形成稳定低能区;高空冷涡引起其北侧中高层高度下降和东风引导气流减弱;在弱环流和多热带气旋的环境场下,以及热带风暴"天鹅"(0907号)、"艾涛"对"莫拉克"台风的反方向作用力等因素的综合作用,是"莫拉克"台风在台湾海峡移速异常缓慢的原因.(4)"莫拉克"台风在台湾海峡滞留时间长,其北侧强偏东风和南侧强西南风带来充沛的水汽,及迎风坡辐合抬升所产生的中小尺度系统是造成闽北、浙南和台湾岛南部强降水持续时间长、累计雨量大的重要原因. 相似文献
选取9711号台风\"Winnie\"和0713号台风\"Wipha\"分别作为变性加强和变性减弱类台风个例进行数值模拟,而后利用模式结果对大尺度场及涡度收支场进行诊断分析。结果表明:台风\"Winnie\"变性过程中,其西北侧高空槽呈西北—东南走向,南亚高压强度弱,对高空槽东移阻塞作用小。变性前期阶段主要是锋面系统和斜压性起关键作用,变性完成后,\"Winnie\"在斜压、高层辐散及涡度平流的共同作用下再次加强。台风\"Wipha\"变性过程受强大的南亚高压和副高影响,其西北侧高空槽稳定少动且呈东北—西南走向,冷空气入侵不明显,斜压区面积和强度都受到了限制。另外高层辐散场和涡度平流场均未能为\"Wipha\"提供有利的环境使其再加强。 相似文献
在高水头富水区,抗水压衬砌设计的关键在于外水压力的计算。深埋隧道排水时,沿轴线方向上流入隧道的水量来自于隧道掌子面的前方,当隧道施工足够长度后,可以认为已施工断面的地下水只从隧道两侧向断面内运动,此时可将三维问题处理为二维。对于深埋隧道,当其断面远小于水头时,可处理为一个点井;隧道全断面排水时,隧道断面线可处理为定流量边界。首先建立隧道排水的水文地质概念模型,采用经验解析法预测隧道的涌水量,然后将涌水量代入隧道围岩渗流的剖面二维模型,模拟隧道排水时围岩渗流场的分布,再采用作用系数的方法计算出隧道衬砌的外水压力。 相似文献
利用变分多普勒雷达分析系统, 结合多普勒雷达观测、 地面自动站、 风廓线仪、 加密探空等非常规观测资料, 对北京地区2011年8月9日局地雷暴的新生和增强机制进行了较精细的分析。结果表明: 该过程是一次发生在弱垂直风切变环境下的局地强对流雷暴大风过程, 环境场有较强的不稳定能量(CAPE达2 798 J·㎏-1), 地面高比湿带(>20 g·kg-1)在山前聚集, 城区西部山前存在一较强γ中尺度热辐合中心, 前期大气环境条件十分有利于对流发生发展; 上游移进北京的强雷暴受地形强迫作用影响, 其产生的冷池出流被抬高, 冷空气叠加在地面γ中尺度热辐合中心之上, 使山前局地大气层结更不稳定, 另一方面, 强冷池出流产生的边界层高层偏北风与近地面弱的偏南风构成有利于对流新生的垂直风切变, 地面热辐合中心、 边界层热力和动力不稳定的增强共同作用是局地雷暴新生的主要机制; 上游冷池出流边界(阵风锋)伴有的强温度梯度和边界层辐合上升运动是原有局地新生雷暴显著增强的主要原因; 多单体雷暴相互碰撞合并产生的辐合上升运动是局地雷暴得以持续的关键因素。 相似文献
Numerical simulations of the Mediterranean sea outflow: impact of the entrainment parameterization in an isopycnic coordinate ocean model 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Gravity current entrainment is essential in determining the properties of the interior ocean water masses that result from marginal sea overflows. Although the individual entraining billows will be unresolvable in large-scale ocean models for the foreseeable future, some large-scale simulations are now being carried out that do resolve the intermediate scale environment which may control the rate of entrainment. Hallberg [Mon. Wea. Rev. 128 (2000) 1402] has recently developed an implicit diapycnal mixing scheme for isopycnic coordinate ocean models that includes the Richardson number dependent entrainment parameterization of Turner [J. Fluid Mech. 173 (1986) 431], and which may be capable of representing the gravity current evolution in large-scale ocean models. The present work uses realistic regional simulations with the Miami Isopycnic Coordinate Ocean Model (MICOM) to evaluate ability of this scheme to simulate the entrainment that is observed to occur in the bottom boundary currents downstream of the Mediterranean outflow. These simulations are strikingly similar to the observations, indicating that this scheme does produce realistic mixing between the Mediterranean outflow and the North Atlantic Central Water. Sensitivity studies identify the critical Richardson number below which vigorous entrainment occurs as a particularly important parameter. Some of these experiments also show meddies detaching from the Mediterranean undercurrent at locations that appear to be highly influenced by topographic features. 相似文献