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Abstract The high-grade metamorphic rocks of southern Brittany underwent a complex tectonic evolution under various P-T conditions (high-P, high-T), related to stacking of nappes during Palaeozoic continentcontinent collision. The east to west thrusting observed in the whole belt is strongly perturbed by vertical movements attributed to the ascent of anatectic granites in the high-T area. The field reconstruction of subvertical, closed elliptical structures in gneisses and migmatites, associated with the subhorizontal, doubly radial pattern of stretching lineation in the mica schists, suggests the existence of an elliptical diapiric body buried at depth beneath the present erosion level. Deformation is associated with a complex P-T evolution partly recorded in aluminous gneisses (kinzigites, e.g. morbihanites). A chronology of successive episodes of mineral growth at different compositions is established by detailed studies of the mineral-microstructure relationships in X-Z sections, using the deformation-partitioning concept (low- and high-strain zones). Several thermometric and barometric calibrations are applied to mineral pairs either in contact or not in contact but in equivalent microstructiiral positions with respect to the deformation history. This methodology provides a continuous microstructural control of P-T variations through time and leads to three P-T-t-d paths constructed from numerous successive P-T estimations. Path 1 is a clockwise retrograde path preserved in low-strain zones, which records general exhumation movements after crustal thickening. Paths 2 and 3 are clockwise prograde/retrograde paths from high-strain zones; they are interpreted and discussed in the light of models of crustal anatexis and upward movement of magma (diapirism). Deformation and P-T effects induced by diapirism can be distinguished from the general deformation-metamorphic history of a belt, and would seem to be produced during a late stage of its history. The present microstructural-petrological approach to defining successive mineral equilibria in relation to progressive deformation steps provides a far more accurate evaluation of the metamorphic evolution than is possible by ‘standard’thermobarometry. 相似文献
Yingjie Hu Krzysztof Janowicz Yuqi Chen 《International journal of geographical information science》2016,30(6):1228-1249
Recent years have witnessed a large increase in the amount of information available from the Web and many other sources. Such an information deluge presents a challenge for individuals who have to identify useful information items to complete particular tasks in hand. Information value theory (IVT) from economics and artificial intelligence has provided some guidance on this issue. However, existing IVT studies often focus on monetary values, while ignoring the spatiotemporal properties which can play important roles in everyday tasks. In this paper, we propose a theoretical framework for task-oriented information value measurement. This framework integrates IVT with the space-time prism from time geography and measures the value of information based on its impact on an individual’s space-time prisms and its capability of improving task planning. We develop and formalize this framework by extending the utility function from space-time accessibility studies and elaborate it using a simplified example from time geography. We conduct a simulation on a real-world transportation network using the proposed framework. Our research could be applied to improving information display on small-screen mobile devices (e.g., smartwatches) by assigning priorities to different information items. 相似文献
The development of the Lancaster Sound Trough Mouth Fan (TMF) and glacial history in Arctic Canada were studied using a high‐resolution seismic profile across the entire fan and two piston cores. Stacked tills separated by erosion surfaces on the shelf pass seaward through till deltas into thick transparent glacigenic debris flow (GDF) deposits on the slope, separated by thin, well‐stratified glaciomarine layers. An age model was built by ties to the Ocean Drilling Program Site 645. The deepest GDF on the seismic profile was indicative of the onset of shelf‐crossing glaciation in the Early Pleistocene. The transition of the growth of Lancaster Sound TMF from an aggradational sequence (unit M) to an aggradational–progradational sequence (unit F) occurred at the Middle Pleistocene transition in glacial cyclicity. In the most recent glacial cycle, GDF sheets were deposited during Heinrich events 4 and 2 according to the correlation of the main detrital carbonate beds in two piston cores. The outmost till wedge reflects the maximum advance of the grounding glacier, far seaward of previously proposed Last Glacial Maximum ice extent. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
东昆仑祁漫塔格地区花岗岩类时空变化的构造控制——来自钾钠含量变化的证据 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
系统收集东昆仑祁漫塔格地区花岗岩类岩石化学数据,统一采用Collins,et al.(1982)提出的K2ONa2O分类图解法,获得各个地史时期花岗岩的成因类型。结果表明,晋宁期以S型为主,优势方位不明显。加里东期优势方位为北东向,以A型为主,北西向处于次要地位,以I型为主。海西印支期,优势方位为北西向,岩石类型在海西早、中期以I型为主,海西晚期至印支期以A型为主。此时北东向处于次要地位,岩石类型以A型为主。燕山期,整个祁漫塔格地区昆中断裂以北均为A型,以南形成新的构造岩浆岩带,岩石类型主要为I型。并且,燕山期昆中断裂以北早期以北西向为主,晚期以北东向为主。上述情况说明,至少自加里东期以来,该区花岗岩的空间展布、发育规模、成因类型等诸方面都始终受到北东向和北西向两组构造带的活动强度、力学性质交替变化的控制,并且由老到新总体上存在着由北向南逐渐迁移的变化趋势。因此,祁漫塔格岩浆岩带并非同一构造机制下形成的岩浆弧,而是由北东向和北西向两组构造岩浆活动带交替作用控制的、成因类型不同的花岗岩类共同组成的复合构造岩浆岩带。 相似文献
中国时空间行为研究进展 总被引:7,自引:4,他引:7
自时间地理学和活动分析法引入中国以来的近20年间,时空间行为研究已经成为中国城市地理学的重要领域。中国时空间行为研究关注城市空间重构的描述与解释,试图从行为角度解释中国城市社会转型,强调转型期中国城市空间与居民个体行为之间的互动关系,重视日常生活、生活质量、社会公正、低碳社会、智慧城市等热点问题,探索在城市交通、旅游和城市规划等领域中的实践应用。中国时空间行为研究已经形成了以解读城市转型为目标、以规划应用为导向的鲜明特点,为理解中国城市制度与空间转型背景下人类行为模式的复杂性和多样性提供了一个全新的视角。但是,中国时空间行为研究依然面临着理论发展滞后、实践应用需要突破等挑战。本文是对时空行为研究近年来发展的综述性文章,从数据采集与分析方法演进、实证研究与规划应用进展等方面回顾了近20年来中国城市时空间行为研究的最新进展,致力于推动不同学科领域之间的交流和时空间行为研究自身的发展。 相似文献
三维地震勘探中叠加速度成图 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
速度参数和成图方法和选取对于提高三维地震反射层构造图的精度是很重要的,文章提出了由地震资料的叠加速度来获得界面平均速度,并利用钻井资料对界面平均速度校正,得出了符合地质规律的平均速度,提高了作图精度。该方法成功地应用于华北某煤田勘探区的三维资料解释中,弥补了传统时深转换方法的不足,收到了很好的效果,所绘制的构造图深度同巷道资料吻合。 相似文献
作为跨行政等级主体的澳门,与大湾区其他城市之间存在制度与地理双重边界,跨珠海-澳门(珠澳)边界活动更具复杂性。以珠海拱北口岸的跨边界大湾区居民作为研究对象,根据身份属性将其分为内地访澳旅客、内地通勤劳工、来陆娱购澳人以及在陆居住澳人四大类。通过问卷调查与深度访谈,采用时空路径和2-模社会网络分析的方法,探究在边界效应作用下居民跨边界活动的时空特征及社会交往特征,并对跨边界活动的影响机制进行分析。研究发现:边界效应下大湾区居民跨珠澳边界活动空间的交互性不足,个人活动主要集中在局部空间。在局部空间下,内地访澳旅客与来陆娱购澳人跨边界活动内容和交往对象单一,活动交往以工具性联系为主,缺乏信息与感情的传递;内地通勤劳工跨边界交往对象多样化,社会网络密度较大,但社会网络往往是由“强关系”创造的人情网,社会文化边界仍有待消融;在陆居住澳人跨边界社会网络密度以及联系多样性较大,具有良好的社会交互预期。居民的跨珠澳边界活动受到一国两制与通行制度制约、异质文化与梯度经济吸引以及社会心理与差异性政策调节的共同作用。 相似文献