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京珠高速许漯段路基干拌水泥碎石桩加固研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
干拌水泥碎石桩是一项施工快速、不开挖路基的新型加固技术。针对京珠高速公路许漯段出现大量路基病害,采用此桩型进行加固处理。试验桩长为5.0 m,成孔直径为150 mm,间距为1.0 m×1.0 m,每层虚填料为25 cm,夯距为1.0 m,用120 kg重锤,分别对每层夯实10、8、7击的3根桩进行载荷试验,然后对每层夯实8、7击的2根桩进行重Ⅱ型动力触探试验。根据试验结果对比分析每层夯7击,单桩极限承载力达400 kPa,效果最优。通过地质雷达测试和室内土工试验对比分析加固前后路基土体变化,加固后路基不均匀变形减小,土体有效重度增加,含水率有所减少,桩体的吸水排水效果明显,桩的夯实挤密作用良好,路基的承载力和变形性能得到改善。经过桩加固后1年运行观测,加固后路段没有再次出现翻浆、叽泥等病害,表明此桩型加固高速公路路基效果显著。 相似文献
On the relationship of thunderstorm ice hydrometeor characteristics and total lightning measurements 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Wiebke Deierling John Latham Walter A. Petersen Scott M. Ellis Hugh J. Christian Jr. 《Atmospheric Research》2005,76(1-4):114
Satellite-borne and ground-based devices for the detection of lightning offer the opportunity to explore relationships–on all significant scales up to global–between lightning frequency, f, and other thundercloud parameters. Calculations predict that f is proportional to the product of the downflux p of solid precipitation and the upward mass flux, I, of ice crystals. This prediction has received support from limited computational studies. The physical reasons for such a relationship are explained in terms of the paramount role of ice in the electrification of thunderstorms. Herein, this prediction is subjected to further, preliminary examination through analysis of lightning and dual-polarimetric radar data collected during the STERAO experiment conducted in Northern Colorado during the summer of 1996. The analysis has yielded some highly provisional support for this flux hypothesis. Computed trends of radar derived hydrometeor fractions of solid precipitation and small ice show correlation to the total lightning frequency and raise the possibility of determining values of p and/or I from lightning measurements.It is shown that the extent to which the observed correlations between f and both solid precipitation and small ice trends are or are not strong can provide an indication as to whether the lightning activity is limited by the available concentrations of precipitating or non-precipitating ice in the upper regions of the charging zone of the thundercloud, where most of the charge transfer occurs. It is demonstrated that the most accurate determinations of precipitation rate p from measurements of lighting frequency f are likely to be for conditions where the field-growth is limited by the availability of graupel pellets. It is shown that the simultaneous time variations of f and solid precipitation trends of the type obtained in the STERAO experiment could enable us to determine the nature of the dominant glaciation process operative in the thunderclouds studied. 相似文献
We applied an image correlation method to Japanese Earth Resources Satellite-1 (JERS-1) synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data obtained from 1996 to 1998 to examine flow velocity within Shirase Glacier, Antarctica. From the grounding line to the downstream region of the glacier, the obtained ice-flow velocity was systematically higher on the western streamline than the eastern. The differences between the two streamlines were 0.31 km/a in 1996 and 0.37 km/a in 1998, significantly larger than the error estimate of 0.03 km/a. The direction of ice flow was about 312° at the grounding line and changed to 327° at 10 km, 346° at 20 km and 2° at 30 km downstream from the grounding line. The total accumulated deflection is 50° to the east. Under the assumption of the conservation of ice mass across the glacier, the observed eastward change in flow direction can be explained by an asymmetric deepening of bedrock topography, that is, across the 8 km width of the glacier, the eastern side is 50 m (10%) deeper than the western side. This eastward turning of flow direction appears to be accelerated by tributary inlets, that flow to the north and northeast at 60–75% of the velocity of inlets on the western streamline. 相似文献
A model for retrieval of dual linear polarization radar fields from model simulation outputs 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
An algorithm for retrieving polarimetric variables from numerical model fields is developed. By using this technique, radar reflectivity at horizontal polarization~ differential reflectivity, specific differential phase shift and correlation coefficients between the horizontal and vertical polarization signals at zero lag can be derived from rain, snow and hail contents of numerical model outputs. Effects of environmental temperature and the melting process on polarimetric variables are considered in the algorithm. The algorithm is applied to the Advanced Regional Prediction System (ARPS) model simulation results for a hail storm. The spatial distributions of the derived parameters are reasonable when compared with observational knowledge. This work provides a forward model for assimilation of dual linear polarization radar data into a mesoscale model. 相似文献
Radar data from Cerro Catedral (a peak close to Mexico City) were used to investigate the properties of convective storms over central Mexico, a region with complex orography. The spatial distribution shows a preference for storms to form and move to the west of radar, over a narrow band of high terrain. However, the storms with the higher volumes and echo-top heights tend to be located southwestward over lower terrain. Each radar feature was matched with the number of cloud-to-ground (CG) lightning produced inside it, as retrieved from the World Wide Lightning Location Network dataset. The storms in which lightning was detected, with an average of more than six lightning bolts, clearly outperform in size and intensity the group of storms in which lightning was not detected, and tend to lie over lower terrain. The sample of over 98 000 identified cells was divided into four elevation groups to look for elevation trends in the mean properties, as reported for other Mexican regions. While the number of storms per unit area increases with terrain height, the average values for properties related to both size (area, volume, echo-top height) and intensity (maximum reflectivity, number of CG bolts, height of maximum reflectivity, maximum height of 30 dBZ echo) decrease. These results could be related to the possible shallower warm-cloud depths over the higher elevations. The diurnal cycles of convection and lightning north of the radar show a nearly typical continental regime of precipitation in that zone, with maxima at 18:00 LT in both variables. However, south of the radar, a maximum in lightning activity occurs during late night and early morning, which is linked with the deeper nocturnal convection over the lower terrain in that zone. 相似文献
天山地区SAR数据雪盖制图研究 总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1
在分析合成孔径雷达(SAR)成像机理及雪盖参数散射特性的基础上,利用航天飞机搭载的成像雷达(SIR-C)获取的天山C波段、多极化SAR数据,进行提取雪盖信息的实验。数据通过预处理、散射系数图像的计算、去噪、入射角改正等处理后,利用BAYES监督分类方法产生该地区的雪盖分类图。实验结果表明,利用多波段、多极化SAR进行雪盖制图是可行的。 相似文献
概述了钻孔雷达的主要应用领域和在探测地下孔洞、地下裂缝等方面的优势, 并介绍了相关技术在国内外的发展现状, 同时对钻孔雷达天线设计的难点和特殊性进行了说明。文中介绍了天线的自行设计实例, 同时用实验中测量的驻波比VSWR等参数分析了天线的匹配特性, 并构建了三维天线模型, 将设计实例中的天线基于时域有限差分法对其方向性能进行仿真, 其方向性优于标准值。在设计的水槽实验中测试本天线架构的钻孔雷达系统, 获得了满意的测量数据。分析检验了整个系统和天线的工作状况, 实验表明天线主要性能满足设计和工程应用要求, 可应用于实际勘探; 并对采用本天线的钻孔雷达系统的探测能力和应用前景进行了评估, 钻孔雷达系统在花岗岩、石灰岩等岩层中的探测距离可到几十米至100 m。 相似文献
A dealiasing algorithm for radar radial velocity observed by C-band Doppler radars is presented as an extension of an existing S-band dealiasing algorithm. This has operational significance in that many portable and many commercial broadcast radars, as well as approximately one half of the Chinese weather radar network (CINRAD), are C-band radars. With a wavelength of about 5 cm, the Nyquist interval of C-band radars is just about one half that of S-band radars (wavelength of about 10 cm) and thus has more velocity folding. The proposed algorithm includes seven modules to remove noisy data, find the starting radials, dealias velocities, and apply least squares error checking in both the radial and azimuth directions. The proposed velocity dealiasing method was applied to one widespread rain case and three strong convective cases from radars operating in China. It was found that, on average, 92.95% of the aliased radial velocity data could be correctly de-aliased by the algorithm, resulting in 96.65% of the data being valid. 相似文献
赵恒轩 《成都信息工程学院学报》1999,(3)
介绍美国、欧洲、中国90年代高级天气雷达监测网建设与发展概况和瑞士的Met-Net高级气象雷达数据网系统的主要技术特色 相似文献
土体构型对土壤水分、溶质运移过程和作物成长等有显著影响,常规测量采用人工挖土壤剖面取样、实验室化验分析等方法,其周期长效率低。针对以上问题,以探地雷达波形及其图像为研究对象,从检测土体构型的属性(层次、层厚、土质)入手,提出了一种使用探地雷达快速测量土壤土体构型的无损探测方法。基于探地雷达波形图像的纵向梯度信息能够反应土壤分层,采用包络检波法从探地雷达回波中提取包络信号,利用Hilbert分析其瞬时相位来确定分层位置;鉴于土壤介电常数与雷达回波振幅的关系,采用探地雷达回波振幅反演各层介电常数,由介电常数推算雷达波在土壤中的传播速度,以此得到土壤剖面各层厚度;根据探地雷达波形图的图像噪声与土壤砂壤比之间存在定量关系,提出采用主成分分析方法对每一层土质的图像进行噪声估计求得各层土壤的含砂量,结合支持向量机进而辨识各层土壤土质。建立涵盖地域信息、土壤指标、探测信息、图像多特征融合信息的土体构型知识库,并编制快速识别土壤土体构型的信息系统,在内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市周边2个试验基地、6个采样点、4类土壤土体构型使用该方法进行野外探测验证。研究表明:在上述地区地表以下1 m范围内的土体构型识别正确... 相似文献