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海底控制点的GNSS-A定位精度受到测量船相对于海底控制点的航迹影响,本文针对圆形测量模式垂向几何结构较弱的问题,给出了一种新的基于嵌套圆的直线测量模式的分析方法,研究了直线测量模式的参数可估性,并给出了直线测量模式得到唯一解的条件.同时,详细分析了圆形测量模式下要增加十字航迹的原因,推导出圆加十字测量模式下获得海底控制点最优三维点位精度的走航半径约为1.15倍水深.理论分析表明,在圆形测量模式下增加直线航迹能够有效增强其几何结构,提升定位效能.此外,针对是否存在唯一的最优航迹进行了思考,并给出了相应的见解.最后,利用深海实测数据验证了理论推导的结果,圆加十字测量模式较圆形测量模式对海底控制点定位的精度提升可达1.4 cm.
采用审查回归模型,分别选取了中国东、中、西部的三个典型城市无锡、武汉和西安,计算了三城市受访者的支付意愿值,并对其影响因素进行了分析。结果表明:(1)支付意愿值与地区经济发展水平直接相关。无锡、武汉和西安受访者的支付意愿分别为21.68,17.15和10.07元/年;(2)年龄越长者,由于其天气知识更丰富、日常消费较节俭,对气象服务的支付意愿越低;(3)文化程度越高者,更能理解和支持气象服务事业,对气象服务的支付意愿越高;(4)月收入变量对气象服务的支付意愿有显著影响,但就不同城市的受访者而言,影响的方向并不一致。 相似文献
气候系统中存在着各种各样的气候反馈机制,而气候模式对这些反馈机制描述的差异,正是造成不同模式对同一直接辐射强迫(如二氧化碳加倍)的响应不同的主要原因。因此,只有正确描述气候系统中的各种反馈作用,气候模式才可能用来对未来的气候变化进行预测。为此,本文首先介绍了气候系统及模式反馈机制分析研究时所常用的一些概念,如气候敏感性参数、云辐射强迫等,随后概述了气候模式反馈机制比较分析时常用的各种方法,并指出了这些方法各自的优缺点。而详细的有关气候系统及模式中反馈作用及其机制的分析则在文章的第II部分给出。 相似文献
《International Geology Review》2012,54(1):115-130
We acquired bulk-rock analyses of Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) harzburgites in order to understand the influence of submarine igneous and metamorphic processes on the distribution of incompatible elements (especially rare Earth elements or REEs) in abyssal peridotites. The geochemical characteristics of these Logatchev Massif serpentinized and talc-altered harzburgites, and spatially associated metagabbros were then compared with a compilation of global abyssal peridotites. The Logatchev harzburgites show light rare earth element (LREE) enrichments (average La N /Yb N = 2.81), positive correlations between LREEs (e.g. La, Ce, Pr, and Nd) and high field strength elements (HFSEs; e.g. Nb and Zr), and positive correlations between HFSEs and Th. Most global abyssal peridotites show similar trends. We suggest that the systematic enrichment of incompatible elements probably reflects a post-partial fusion magmatic refertilization. The compositional scatter exhibited by some serpentinized peridotites in Nb-LREE diagrams is probably due to the elimination of diopside during partial melting and significant impregnation by a melt produced in the Opx–Ol–Sp melting field rather than to later hydrothermal alteration. The correlation between Pb and Nd observed for most global abyssal peridotites, including the Logatchev harzburgites, indicates magmatic generation. The scatter of Pb in some rocks suggests that lead is likely mobile during serpentinization or weathering. Low to moderate water/rock (W/R) ratios in the harzburgites calculated from Sr isotopic compositions (5.98–26.20 for a close system and 1.66–2.72 for an open system), and the low abundance of REEs in Logatchev hydrothermal fluids indicate that the REE contents of abyssal peridotites probably were little influenced by hydrothermal alteration. Compared to this later alteration, the presence of small proportions of gabbroic melt (from 1:30 to 1:3 in our sample) that crystallized in the residual harzburgites modified their REE patterns significantly by elevating the LREEs. 相似文献
A macroscopic transport model is developed, following the Taylor shear dispersion analysis procedure, for a 2D laminar shear flow between parallel plates possessing a constant specified concentration. This idealized geometry models flow with contaminant dissolution at pore-scale in a contaminant source zone and flow in a rock fracture with dissolving walls. We upscale a macroscopic transient transport model with effective transport coefficients of mean velocity, macroscopic dispersion, and first-order mass transfer rate. To validate the macroscopic model the mean concentration, covariance, and wall concentration gradient are compared to the results of numerical simulations of the advection–diffusion equation and the Graetz solution. Results indicate that in the presence of local-scale variations and constant concentration boundaries, the upscaled mean velocity and macrodispersion coefficient differ from those of the Taylor–Aris dispersion, and the mass transfer flux described by the first-order mass transfer model is larger than the diffusive mass flux from the constant wall. In addition, the upscaled first-order mass transfer coefficient in the macroscopic model depends only on the plate gap and diffusion coefficient. Therefore, the upscaled first-order mass transfer coefficient is independent of the mean velocity and travel distance, leading to a constant pore-scale Sherwood number of 12. By contrast, the effective Sherwood number determined by the diffusive mass flux is a function of the Peclet number for small Peclet number, and approaches a constant of 10.3 for large Peclet number. 相似文献
Seasonal hydrological forecasts, or outlooks, can potentially provide water managers with estimates of river flows and water resources for a lead time of several months ahead. An experimental modelling tool for national hydrological outlooks has been developed which combines a hydrological model estimate of sub‐surface water storage across Britain with a range of seasonal rainfall forecasts to provide estimates of area‐wide hydrological conditions up to a few months ahead. The link is made between a deficit in sub‐surface water storage and a requirement for additional rainfall over subsequent months to enable sub‐surface water storage and river flow to return to mean monthly values. The new scheme is assessed over a recent period which includes the termination of the drought that affected much of Britain in the first few months of 2012. An illustration is provided of its use to obtain return‐period estimates of the ‘rainfall required’ to ease drought conditions; these are well in excess of 200 years for several regions of the country, for termination within a month of 1 April 2012, and still exceed 40 years for termination within three months. National maps of sub‐surface water storage anomaly show for the first time the current spatial variability of drought severity. They can also be used to provide an indication of how a drought situation might develop in the next few months given a range of possible future rainfall scenarios. © 2013 CEH/Crown and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Considering the fact that there is only one pair of fixed potential poles in one direction used to monitor the resistivity
changes under the observatory station which may indicate process of earthquake preparation, based on the precondition that
the resistivity structure is 1-dimensional under the observatory station, and by way of equivalent model put forward by the
authors, this paper suggests a kind of method trying to separate the resistivity changes in deep layers from that of the shallow
layer. Analysis shows that, to obtain the same measured data with the same array, any a multi-layered geo-electrical structure
can be equivalently taken as a two-layered one, we call it equivalent model. In this paper, the resistivity and thickness
of the upper layer of the equivalent model are equal to that of the first layer of the original one, the resistivity of the
lower layer of the equivalent model is obtained with calculation according to the requirement of equivalence, its value is
relevant with the resistivities and thicknesses of all layer of the original model except for the first one, so the resistivity
change of the equivalent layer can indicate the synthetic effect of variation of all layers of the original model except for
the first one. The primary research results show that this method can work well.
Foundation item: Chinese Joint Seismological Science Foundation (100146). 相似文献
Digital Image Based Approach for Three-Dimensional Mechanical Analysis of Heterogeneous Rocks 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Summary This paper presents a digital image based approach for three-dimensional (3-D) numerical simulation and failure analysis of
rocks by taking into account the actual 3-D heterogeneity. Digital image techniques are adopted to extract two-dimensional
(2-D) material heterogeneity from material surface images. The 2-D image mesostructures are further extrapolated to 3-D cuboid
mesostructures by assuming the material surface as a representation of the inner material heterogeneity within a very small
depth. The iterative milling and scanning system is set up to generate the 3-D rock mesostructures. A Hong Kong granite specimen
is used as an example to demonstrate the procedure of 3-D mesostructure establishment. The mechanical responses and failure
process under the conventional Brazilian tensile test condition are examined through numerical analyses. The stress distribution,
crack propagation process and failure model of heterogeneous material cases are simulated with a finite difference software.
The numerical results indicate that material heterogeneity plays an important role in determining the failure behavior of
rocks under external loading. 相似文献
古构造应力场反演的理论与实践——基于断层滑动矢量分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
古构造应力场恢复是重建区域地质演化历史的重要手段之一。断层作为地壳浅表发育的脆性变形构造,为恢复古构造应力场提供了重要地质条件。关于利用断层滑动矢量反演古构造应力场,前人进行了长期探索。目前其相关理论基础、研究方法与实际应用均取得重要进展。在断层滑动矢量反演古构造应力场的理论方面,改进的安德森模式描述了在发育先存薄弱带的情况下断层形成与演化的规律,克服了安德森模式只适用于均匀变形域的理论局限性;在研究方法方面,突破了在沉积盆地内部变形相对单一的限制,在造山带前陆或者叠加褶皱区等复杂变形区有效地开展了相关研究,并通过断层相关褶皱与同褶皱变形的滑动矢量分析,厘定出同造山作用的古构造应力场。这一方法在大巴山造山带强变形区得到了有效应用,为探讨其构造演化提供了基础。 相似文献