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Images from satellite platforms are a valid aid in order to obtain distributed information about hydrological surface states and parameters needed in calibration and validation of the water balance and flood forecasting. Remotely sensed data are easily available on large areas and with a frequency compatible with land cover changes. In this paper, remotely sensed images from different types of sensor have been utilized as a support to the calibration of the distributed hydrological model MOBIDIC, currently used in the experimental system of flood forecasting of the Arno River Basin Authority. Six radar images from ERS‐2 synthetic aperture radar (SAR) sensors (three for summer 2002 and three for spring–summer 2003) have been utilized and a relationship between soil saturation indexes and backscatter coefficient from SAR images has been investigated. Analysis has been performed only on pixels with meagre or no vegetation cover, in order to legitimize the assumption that water content of the soil is the main variable that influences the backscatter coefficient. Such pixels have been obtained by considering vegetation indexes (NDVI) and land cover maps produced by optical sensors (Landsat‐ETM). In order to calibrate the soil moisture model based on information provided by SAR images, an optimization algorithm has been utilized to minimize the regression error between saturation indexes from model and SAR data and error between measured and modelled discharge flows. Utilizing this procedure, model parameters that rule soil moisture fluxes have been calibrated, obtaining not only a good match with remotely sensed data, but also an enhancement of model performance in flow prediction with respect to a previous calibration with river discharge data only. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
The Moon 35 years after Apollo: What's left to learn? 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Clive R. Neal 《Chemie der Erde / Geochemistry》2009,69(1):3-48
With the cancellation of the Apollo program after Apollo 17 returned from the Moon in 1972, the focus of NASA switched to other areas of the Solar System. Study of the Moon did continue through analysis of the returned samples and remotely sensed data sets (both orbital and surface), as well as through Earth-based telescopic studies. In the 1990s, new orbital data were obtained from several missions (fly-by and orbital), the first being Galileo that allowed the lunar farside to be mapped, followed by global mapping by the Clementine and Lunar Prospector missions.Interest in the Moon started to increase at the beginning of the 21st century as other nations focused their space exploration programs on the Moon. The speech by President Bush in January 2004 put the Moon back into the critical exploration path for NASA, paving the way for humans to return to the lunar surface by 2020. This return will be critical for developing technologies and protocols for the eventual human exploration of other parts of the solar system. At the time of writing (June 2008), the SELENE/Kaguya mission (Japan and Chang’e-1 (China) are orbiting the Moon, with Chandrayaan-1 (India) and Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (USA) being scheduled to launch later in 2008.The past (and present) exploration of the Moon begs the question “what's left to be done?” With the renewed focus on the Moon, now that it is on the pathway for the exploration of Mars (and beyond) a similar question has been raised - what should the astronauts do on the Moon? The publication of the New Views of the Moon book [Jolliff et al., 2006. New Views of the Moon, Reviews in Mineralogy, vol. 60. American Mineralogical Society, 721pp] highlighted a number of important scientific questions that remain unanswered as well as posing many more on the basis of the currently available data. These questions resonated in three Lunar Exploration Analysis Group (LEAG) reports pertinent to this discussion, which were also published (on line) during 2006 (http://www.lpi.usra.edu/leag), and in the National Research Council of the National Academies [2007. The Scientific Context for Exploration of the Moon. National Academies Press, Washington, DC, 112pp] report entitled “The Scientific Context for Exploration of the Moon”. This paper synthesizes these recent studies, along with those from the 1980s and 1990s, to emphasize the lunar science questions that remain unanswered. In addition, it summarizes the missions already flown to the Moon along with those that are planned in order to give the reader an idea of exactly what lunar science has been and will be conducted in the hope that it will inspire proposals for missions to address the outstanding science questions. 相似文献
Kohei Cho 《ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing》1997,52(6):277-280
The first ISPRS software contest for computer-assisted teaching, CATCON, took place on July 12, 1996 at the ISPRS Congress in Vienna. The main objective of the contest was to promote the development and dissemination of good/user-friendly software packages for computer-assisted teaching. Ten software packages and one data set from six countries were nominated. All the software and the data set were demonstrated at the contest, and prizes were given to three software packages and to one data set. 相似文献
红外遥控在电子产品中有着越来越广泛的应用.介绍了用凌阳SPCE061A系列单片机实现电子产品的红外遥控发射. 相似文献
《遥感基础与应用》课程是土地资源管理专业的专业必修课,根据边疆少数民族地区高校学生的特点,按照因材施教的原则对汉族和民族学生区别教学,确定不同的教学内容和教材。采用启发-互动式、鼓励加分式教学,充分利用多媒体丰富课堂内容,尝试创新性实验教学,激发学生的学习兴趣,提高教学质量。 相似文献
Water and suspended sediment fluxes are considered during the period 2000–2008 in a region including the full Amazon River from the confluence of the Negro River to Santarém, the end part of the Solimões River, and the lower part of the Madeira River. Three types of data are used: water discharge estimated from field measurements, and suspended sediment obtained from field measurements and derived from MODIS satellite data. A generalized least square method including a propagating term is developed in order to propagate the signal upward and downward the river. The approach is introduced and tested. Several experiments are considered in order, first, to estimate the ability to propagate the signal from stations located before the confluences of Negro and Madeira Rivers to stations located on the Amazon River; second to investigate the possibility to propagate the signal along the Amazon River which dynamics is coupled with floodplains dynamics; and third to produce optimal solutions of water and sediment fluxes. For each experiment, the influence of field and satellite data is compared. The approach is efficient in the upper part of the region of study where the Solimões, the Negro and the Madeira Rivers meet and fails in the lower part of the region where interactions between Amazon River and floodplains play an important role on the fluxes’ dynamics. The optimal experiment includes in situ and satellite data from all the stations available and is used to analyse the recent evolution of suspended sediment flux along the Amazon River and its interaction with the large coupled floodplains. A high accumulation rate is observed during the 2000–2002 period, followed by decreasing rates until 2005 and by increasing values in 2006 and 2007. Our results suggest that floodplains extending along a river reach of 390 km-long between Itacoatiara and Óbidos trap about 15% of the suspended sediment flux passing at Óbidos. The simulated deposition rate is of about 0.3 Mt km−1 yr−1 corresponding to an accretion rate of about 27 mm yr−1. 相似文献
东北三省城市扩展及植被覆盖状况 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
基于三期遥感影像数据( MSS、ETM、CBERS) 对城市建成区的面积进行了调查,研究30 多年来东北三省城市的扩展情况,并且结合NDVI 数据,对研究区范围内的植被覆盖情况进行了研究。结果表明: 1976-2000 年、2000-2007 年两个阶段,城市建成区的面积持续增加,年均扩展率由 5. 10%增加至6. 32%,扩展强度比较显著的区域主要分布在哈大交通经济带上; 研究区范围内东部的植被覆盖情况明显好于西部,NDVI 均值随与城市距离的增加而提高。 相似文献
利用GVG线采样技术提取农作物种植面积及其精度分析 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
GVG(GIS&Video&GPS)线采样系统提出以线状样区代替以往成数抽样中的点样区与面积样区概念,通过统计线状样区内作物种植面积成数来反映区域总体农作物种植面积成数。通过 GVG实地采样,将其结果与解译遥感影像提取的作物种植面积成数结果进行了对比分析,结果显示采用GVG线采样方式精确度较高,其采样系统具有实用性和推广价值。 相似文献
Remotely sensed assessment of water quality levels in the Pearl River Estuary, China 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
In this paper, a method of assessing water quality from satellite data is introduced. The composite pollution index (CPI) was calculated from measured chemical oxygen demand (COD) and nutrient concentration. The relationships between CPI and 240 band combinations of SeaWiFS water-leaving radiance were analyzed and the optimal band combination for estimating CPI was chosen from the 240 band combinations. An algorithm for retrieval of CPI was developed using the optimal band combination, (L443 × L510)/(L412 + L490). The CPI was estimated from atmospherically corrected SeaWiFS data by employing the algorithm. Furthermore, the CPI value range for each water quality level was determined based on data obtained from 850 samples taken in the Pearl River Estuary. The remotely sensed CPIs were then transferred to water quality levels and appropriate maps were derived. The remotely sensed water quality level maps displayed a similar distribution of levels based on in situ investigation issued by the State Ocean Administration, China. This study demonstrates that remote sensing can play an important role in water quality assessment. 相似文献