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本文运用已建立的二维时变云模式[1],就中低空风垂直切变对对流和云微物理过程的影响进行了模拟研究。为此设计了五种方案进行了对比试验。结果表明:中低空风切变较小时,容易爆发对流;中低空切变不超过某一值时,对流发展缓慢,但最终会爆发强对流;一旦中低空风切变超过某一值时,则对流发展不起来。另一方面,中低空风切变可加强各云微物理过程及地面降水量。  相似文献   
从目前的研究来看,二阶垂直导数(X和Y两个方向)的求解方法较简单,它采用的五个因子的数字滤波的最小二乘法来优化数据。但是在较小区域面积时(对工程和环境应用中的重力数据),重力异常很容易放大和被区域重力场掩盖,我们认为产生的缘由是表示重力场的x和y方向上的二次多项式引起的。因此,为了逼近重力水平方向的偏导可以设计一个好的滤波器来拟合在xy平面的重力场值,再得出想要的重力垂直方向偏导,文中最后对提出的方法在前人经典模型上和野外实践进行了验证。  相似文献   
In groundwater studies, the numerical modeling of complex boundary conditions can be made easier by considering reservoirs and pipes as “reservoir” finite elements, which can store or release large volumes of water at almost constant hydraulic head. The numerical code to be used must solve the complete conservation equation with unlinked functions for the water retention curve and the unsaturated hydraulic conductivity, and the ability to describe these as step functions. Four examples illustrate the performance of the “reservoir” element: reservoir pumping, laboratory variable-head permeability test, vertical flow in an open borehole, and pumping test with well storage.  相似文献   
In experimental studies of structural behaviour, it is often desirable, even necessary, to perform tests on a test structure from its undamaged state, through its damaged states, and finally to failure. The fact that experiments of this type are not often done primarily because of its prohibitive cost. In this paper, a testing procedure is proposed in which a test structure is allowed to undergo its degradation in real time yet it is not physically damaged, thus allowing it to be reused. The underlying concept is that of active structural control. Considerable research and development of active structural control in civil engineering has taken place relative to responsive control of structures against damaging environmental loads. While the use of active control systems to simulate damage in an experimental setting as proposed in this paper appears to be new, much of the existing knowledge base in active structural control is directly applicable. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
对一幢具有转换层的复杂退台式框架剪力墙高层建筑的1/35缩尺模型进行了模拟地震振动台试验,深入研究该结构的动力特性和地震反应特征.试验及理论分析表明:该结构的抗震性能基本满足现行规范要求;由于结构上部逐渐退台,因而结构顶部有较明显的鞭端效应;结构首层和结构转换层及其相邻层的剪力墙、转换层上下层柱是受力较大的区域,应当局...  相似文献   
载荷试验检测复合桩基承载力的影响因素   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
针对桩基检测中水泥土桩复合地基检测承载力实测值与设计值差别很大,从工程地质条件、地基处理情况、检测方法出发,通过实例分析了复合地基承载力取值的影响因素。分析表明:桩设计参数取值偏低、地基土的力学性能未充分利用、设计的安全储备偏大是影响承载力取值的主要因素,检测时桩间土含水量的变化也有一定程度的影响。  相似文献   
This research focuses on the application of three soft computing techniques including Minimax Probability Machine Regression(MPMR),Particle Swarm Optimization based Artificial Neural Network(ANN-PSO)and Particle Swarm Optimization based Adaptive Network Fuzzy Inference System(ANFIS-PSO)to study the shallow foundation reliability based on settlement criteria.Soil is a heterogeneous medium and the involvement of its attributes for geotechnical behaviour in soil-foundation system makes the prediction of settlement of shallow a complex engineering problem.This study explores the feasibility of soft computing techniques against the deterministic approach.The settlement of shallow foundation depends on the parametersγ(unit weight),e0(void ratio)and CC(compression index).These soil parameters are taken as input variables while the settlement of shallow foundation as output.To assess the performance of models,different performance indices i.e.RMSE,VAF,R^2,Bias Factor,MAPE,LMI,U(95),RSR,NS,RPD,etc.were used.From the analysis of results,it was found that MPMR model outperformed PSO-ANFIS and PSO-ANN.Therefore,MPMR can be used as a reliable soft computing technique for non-linear problems for settlement of shallow foundations on soils.  相似文献   
This paper reports a study for the seismic performance of one large‐scaled (1/15) model of 30‐story steel‐reinforced concrete frame‐concrete core wall mixed structure. The study was implemented by both shaking table tests, in which the similarity ratio for lateral and gravitational accelerations was kept to 1:1, and numerical nonlinear dynamic analysis. The test observations presented herein include story displacement, interstory drift, natural vibration periods, and final failure mode. The numerical analysis was performed to simulate the shaking table test procedure, and the numerically obtained responses were verified by the test results. On the basis of the numerical results, the progressions of structural stiffness, base shear, and overturning moment were investigated, and the distributions of base shear and overturning moment between frame and core wall were also discussed. The test demonstrates the seismic performance of the steel‐reinforced concrete frame‐core wall mixed structure and reveals the potential overturning failure mode for high rise structures. The nonlinear analysis results indicate that the peripheral frames could take more shear forces after core wall damaged under severe earthquakes. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
简要阐述了水泥粉喷桩设计要求、施工工艺、效果检测,对地基承载力的影响,具有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   
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