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对未来1年内发生强震的预测在做好备灾应急准备和防震减灾工作上具有重要的现实需求.为反映近年来国际上关于1年尺度地震预测模型研究的进展,本文系统地整理了地震的统计概率预测模型、物理预测模型和混合预测模型,并从方法原理、预测效能评价、部署应用等角度进行了梳理.研究表明,目前国际上发展的1年尺度地震预测模型及其效能评价使用的参考模型的总体数量较少、建模原理主要基于G-R关系等统计学基本定律,显示该领域在基础理论架构、关键技术体系上并未足够成熟,这可能与相应的地震发生机理解释尚不完善、建立数理化的预测模型尚有困难等因素有关. 相似文献
浅层地震探测的可控震源信号设计 总被引:8,自引:8,他引:8
在工程与环境物探中,浅层地震探测是一种常用的高分辨率物探方法,但是这种方法使用的炸药震源和枪击震源破坏力大,对人和建筑物都有危害,因而被禁止在人口稠密的地区使用.因此,无公害的电磁驱动可控震源技术得到了发展和应用.利用扫描信号压缩技术,小能量弹性波Chirp信号可持续向地下发送,不损害地面和建筑物,对人群也没有影响,是一种较理想的城市浅层地震震源.本文介绍了电磁驱动可控震源的信号设计方法,并简要介绍了具有波束定向能力的相控震源的设计思想. 相似文献
在基于连续小波变换的大地电磁信号谱估计方法中 ,通过引入整体平均、小波系数收缩和显著性检验等统计技术 ,以提高谱估计的精度 .文中同时讨论了连续小波变换中各种参数的选取问题 ,给出了Morlet小波函数中尺度与傅里叶频率之间转换的经验公式 ,并给出了谱估计的具体算法 .结果表明 ,本文方法可有效压制较强的白噪声和局部相关噪声 .与FFT谱估计方法相比 ,该方法大大降低了对信号记录长度的要求 ,因而对大地电磁信号的处理有实际意义 . 相似文献
在简介川西南及邻区地震地质和历史强震活动的基础上,通过重点梳理部分典型地震短临预测实例,介绍了地方政府对防震减灾、地震预报工作的重视和支持,对工作中的一些实际问题进行了思考,供同行们讨论与参考。 相似文献
In recent work, three physical factors of the Dynamical-Statistical-Analog Ensemble Forecast Model for Landfalling Typhoon Precipitation (DSAEF_LTP model) have been introduced, namely, tropical cyclone (TC) track, TC landfall season, and TC intensity. In the present study, we set out to test the forecasting performance of the improved model with new similarity regions and ensemble forecast schemes added. Four experiments associated with the prediction of accumulated precipitation were conducted based on 47 landfalling TCs that occurred over South China during 2004-2018. The first experiment was designed as the DSAEF_LTP model with TC track, TC landfall season, and intensity (DSAEF_LTP-1). The other three experiments were based on the first experiment, but with new ensemble forecast schemes added (DSAEF_LTP-2), new similarity regions added (DSAEF_LTP-3), and both added (DSAEF_LTP- 4), respectively. Results showed that, after new similarity regions added into the model (DSAEF_LTP-3), the forecasting performance of the DSAEF_LTP model for heavy rainfall (accumulated precipitation ≥250 mm and ≥100 mm) improved, and the sum of the threat score (TS250 + TS100) increased by 4.44%. Although the forecasting performance of DSAEF_LTP-2 was the same as that of DSAEF_LTP-1, the forecasting performance was significantly improved and better than that of DSAEF_LTP-3 when the new ensemble schemes and similarity regions were added simultaneously (DSAEF_LTP-4), with the TS increasing by 25.36%. Moreover, the forecasting performance of the four experiments was compared with four operational numerical weather prediction models, and the comparison indicated that the DSAEF_LTP model showed advantages in predicting heavy rainfall. Finally, some issues associated with the experimental results and future improvements of the DSAEF_LTP model were discussed. 相似文献
赵俊荣 《沙漠与绿洲气象(新疆气象)》2000,23(6):13-14
利用1998~2000年6~8月常规高空资料、T106物理量场资料、GMS-5卫星云图资料对阿勒泰夏季短期大降水落区的预报进行综合分析,结果表明:把三方面资料结合起来做阿勒泰夏季短期大降水落区预报效果较好。 相似文献
Oceanic current data in the warm pool region of the western equatorial Pacific measured by upward-looking moored Acoustic
Doppler Current Profilers at two equatorial sites (147°E and 154°E) and two off-equatorial sites (2°N and 2°S, 156°E) during
TOGA/COARE Intensive Observing Period (IOP) from November 1992 to February 1993 are used to examine short-term variabilities
in the upper layer above 160–240 m. In time series of the zonal and meridional currents in many layers, spectral peaks are
found at periods around 2 days and 4 days in addition to high energies in a period range longer than 10 days. The signal with
the period of about 2 days has significantly high energies at all sites, and its magnitude is higher for the meridional current
than for the zonal one. This signal is especially active in the first half of IOP from November to December in 1992. In this
period, the quasi-2-day signal in the current field is coherent between northern (2°N) and southern (2°S) stations, but it
has no evident relationship with that in the surface wind field around the stations. The quasi-4-day signal with the period
of about 4 days has highest energies in layers above 160 m at the southern station, and is coherent between northern and southern
stations. Besides, the signal at the station of 2°S has a significantly high coherence with that in the wind at the southern
station, suggesting that it is a local phenomenon. 相似文献