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A closed‐form deflection response of a beam rest is presented in this paper using the integral transform method. The theory of linear partial differential equations is used to represent the deflection of beam subjected to a moving harmonic line load in integration form. The solution is finally carried out using the inverse Fourier transform. To evaluate the integration analytically, poles of the integrand are identified with the help of algebraic equation theory. Residue theorem is then utilized to represent the integration as a contour integral in the complex plane. Closed‐form deflections and numerical results are provided for different combinations of load frequency and velocity. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Based on daily ECMWF gridpoint data of two winters during 1981—1983 including an ENSOyear,propagation of low frequency oscillations(LFO)during Northern Hemisphere winters andtheir influences upon 30—60 day oscillations of the subtropical jet stream are studied with the sta-tistical methods as complex empirical orthogonal function(CEOF)and so on.Results show that inthe winter of a normal year(1981—1982),30—60 day oscillations in the subtropical zone aremainly in the northern and southern flanks of exit region of jet stream.In the ENSO year(1982—1983),they are mainly in the vicinity of entrance and exit regions of jet stream.Intraseasonalchanges of subtropical jet stream manifested themselves as latitudinal fluctuation or longitudinalprogression or regression of about 40 day period.There are marked differences between propagat-ing passages of low frequency modes responsible for changes of subtropical jet stream in the normalyear(1981—1982)and in the ENSO year(1982—1983).Changes of oscillation amplitude showobvious phases.In general,the one in late winter is stronger than that in early winter,strongestone occurs in February.  相似文献   
Universal cokriging is used to obtain predictions when dealing with multivariate random functions. An important type of nonstationarity is defined in terms of multivariate random functions with increments which are stationary of orderk. The covariance between increments of different variables is modeled by means of the pseudo-cross-covariance function. Criteria are formulated to which the parameters of pseudo-cross-covariance functions must comply so as to ensure positive-definiteness. Cokriging equations and the induced cokriging equations are given. The study is illustrated by an example from soil science.  相似文献   
One of the potential applications of polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data is the classification of land cover, such as forest canopies, vegetation, sea ice types, and urban areas. In contrast to single or dual polarized SAR systems, full polarimetric SAR systems provide more information about the physical and geometrical properties of the imaged area. This paper proposes a new Bayes risk function which can be minimized to obtain a Likelihood Ratio (LR) for the supervised classification of polarimetric SAR data. The derived Bayes risk function is based on the complex Wishart distribution. Furthermore, a new spatial criterion is incorporated with the LR classification process to produce more homogeneous classes. The application for Arctic sea ice mapping shows that the LR and the proposed spatial criterion are able to provide promising classification results. Comparison with classification results based on the Wishart classifier, the Wishart Likelihood Ratio Test Statistic (WLRTS) proposed by Conradsen et al. (2003) and the Expectation Maximization with Probabilistic Label Relaxation (EMPLR) algorithm are presented. High overall classification accuracy of selected study areas which reaches 97.8% using the LR is obtained. Combining the derived spatial criterion with the LR can improve the overall classification accuracy to reach 99.9%. In this study, fully polarimetric C-band RADARSAT-2 data collected over Franklin Bay, Canadian Arctic, is used.  相似文献   
正交距离圆曲线拟合方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在分析圆曲线拟合准则基础上,提出采用正交最小二乘法拟合圆曲线。该方法以圆曲线正交距离残差平方和极小为准则。基于间接平差原理详细推导了相关模型和算法,并以实际算例说明了该方法的效果。  相似文献   
本文从球谐函数理论的物理含义、中国地磁数据的分布情况及实际计算结果的分析,提出对当前用球谐函数拟合法提取中国大陆区域地磁异常的几点认识。  相似文献   
Response surface methodology (RSM) was applied to study the combined effects of the various parameters namely, pH, biosorbent dosage, cadmium concentration and temperature, and to optimize the process conditions for the maximum removal of cadmium using Psidium guvajava L. leaf powder. In order to obtain the mutual interactions between the variables and to optimize these variables, a 24 full factorial central composite design using RSM was employed. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) of the quadratic model demonstrates that the model was highly significant. The model was statistically tested and verified by experimentation. A maximum cadmium removal of 93.2% was obtained under the following optimum conditions: aqueous cadmium concentration 40.15 mg/L, adsorbent dosage 0.5 g/50 mL solution, pH 5.0, and temperature (35°C). The value of desirability factor obtained was 1.  相似文献   
Many sensors have their bands overlapped and therefore do not set a normal space. If a spectral distance is measured, as in first-order statistical classifiers, the direct consequence is that the result will not be the most accurate. Image classification processes are independent of the spectral response function of the sensor, so this overlap is usually ignored during image processing. This paper presents a methodology that introduces the spectral response function of sensors into the classification process to increase its accuracy. This process takes place in two steps: first, incident energy values of the sensors are reconstructed; second, the energy of the bands is set in an orthonormal space using a matrix singular value decomposition. Sensors with and without overlapping spectral bands were simulated to evaluate the reconstruction of energy values. The whole process was implemented on three types of images with medium, high and very high spatial resolution obtained with the sensors ASTER, IKONOS and DMC camera, respectively. These images were classified by ISODATA and minimum distance algorithms. The ISODATA classifier showed well-defined features in the processed images, while the results were less clear in the original images. At the same time, the minimum distance classifier showed that overall accuracy of the processed images increased as the maximum tolerance distance decreased compared to the original images.  相似文献   
双等腰三角形凸起地形在SH波入射时的地表位移函数   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用"分区、辅助函数"思想,将求解的区域分为三部分,区域Ⅰ为一个带有半圆形弧线的等腰三角形区域,区域Ⅱ也为一个带有半圆形弧线的等腰三角形区域,区域Ⅲ为两个带有半圆形凹陷的弹性半空间,并利用波函数展开法分别在区域Ⅰ、Ⅱ和区域Ⅲ中构造满足等腰三角形在其斜面上应力自由和在弹性半空间中满足水平面上应力自由的驻波函数,以此为基础,通过区域Ⅰ、Ⅱ和区域Ⅲ的"公共边界"位移应力连续条件,建立对该问题进行求解的无穷代数方程组,并采用截断有限项的方法对其进行求解。  相似文献   
Width of the first ray of the pectoral fin has been measured in two places for 154 young and 89 adult wels. Statistical relationships between the above characters and fish length as well as its maturity and sex have been proved. Three models of discriminant function for identification of adult fish sex have been derived and verified. The accuracy of sex separation has been 89,5% in a standard sample of wels, and 90,6% in a routine sample, after an adjustment in the procedure.  相似文献   
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