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粉喷桩具有低污染、低噪音、有效实用、施工简便快捷、施工工期短、技术效果好和费用底等特点而受到普遍关注,但其也存在一定的不足。本文分析了粉喷桩在工程中应用的研究现状,介绍了粉喷桩与其他工程措施相结合的实例,并对以后的研究方向提出了看法。  相似文献   
The caldera of Pululagua is an eruptive centre of the Northern Volcanic Zone of the South American volcanic arc, located about 15 km north of Quito, Ecuador. Activity leading to formation of the caldera occurred about 2450 b.p. as a series of volcanic episodes during which an estimated 5–6 km3 (DRE) of hornblende-bearing dacitic magma was erupted. A basal pumice-fall deposit covers more than 2.2x104 km2 with a volume of about 1.1 km3 and represents the principal and best-preserved plinian layer. Circular patterns of isopachs and pumice, lithic and Md isopleths of the Basal Fallout (BF) around the caldera indicate emplacement in wind-free conditions. Absence of wind is confirmed by an ubiquitous, normally graded, thin ash bed at the top of the lapilli layer which originated from slow settling of fines after cessation of the plinian column (co-plinian ash). The unusual atmospheric conditions during deposition make the BF deposit particularly suitable for the application and evaluation of pyroclast dispersal models. Application of the Carey and Sparks' (1986) model shows that whereas the 3.2-, 1.6-, and 0.8-cm lithic isopleths predict a model column height of about 36 km, the 6.4-cm isopleth yields and estimate of only 21 km. The 4.9- and 6.4-cm isopleths yield a column height of 28 km using the model of Wilson and Walker (1987). The two models give the same mass discharge rate of 2x108 kg s-1. A simple exponential decrease of thickness with distance, as proposed by Pyle (1989) for plinian falls, fits well with the BF. Exponential decrease of size with distance is followed by clasts less than about 3 cm, suggesting, in agreement with Wilson and Walker (1987), that only a small proportion of large clasts reach the top of the column. Variations with distance in clast distribution patterns imply that, in order to obtain column heights by clast dispersal models, the distribution should be known from both proximal and distal zones. Knowledge of only a few isopleths, irrespective of their distance from the vent, is not sufficient as seemed justified by the method of Pyle (1989).  相似文献   
Long-term changes in total ozone time series for Arosa, Belsk, Boulder and Sapporo stations are examined. For each station we analyze time series of the following statistical characteristics of the distribution of daily ozone data: seasonal mean, standard deviation, maximum and minimum of total daily ozone values for all seasons. The iterative statistical model is proposed to estimate trends and long-term changes in the statistical distribution of the daily total ozone data. The trends are calculated for the period 1980–2003. We observe lessening of negative trends in the seasonal means as compared to those calculated by WMO for 1980–2000. We discuss a possibility of a change of the distribution shape of ozone daily data using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and comparing trend values in the seasonal mean, standard deviation, maximum and minimum time series for the selected stations and seasons. The distribution shift toward lower values without a change in the distribution shape is suggested with the following exceptions: the spreading of the distribution toward lower values for Belsk during winter and no decisive result for Sapporo and Boulder in summer.  相似文献   

An intercomparison of the Väisälä MicroCora system used in the Automated Shipboard Aerological Program (ASAP) and the Atmospheric Environment Service upper‐air system (GMD/ADRES) was conducted in May‐June 1983. Thirty‐three paired ascents were made. The ASAP system dry‐bulb temperatures averaged 0.3°C warmer. For the lowest 100 mb, the dew‐point temperature difference (ASAP ‐ GMD/ADRES) was near ‐1°C whereas for the 780–500 mb layer, the difference was 1°C. The wind component mean differences averaged were small but with a 4 m s?1 standard deviation.  相似文献   
深层搅拌桩施工时,固化剂的注入与叶片的搅拌作用不可避免地会扰动周围土体,改变桩周土体中的应力状态,产生超静孔隙水压力。在高灵敏性的日本有明黏土中搅拌桩施工时对周围土体中的孔隙水压力进行了现场监测。监测结果表明周围土体中产生了很高的超静孔隙水压力,其量值较土体的初始上覆压力还要大,使土体中的有效应力为零,处于张拉状态,但是该超静孔隙水压力在初始阶段消散得非常快。为分析施工引起的超静孔隙水压力,将搅拌桩施工时和周围土体的相互作用采用受剪的孔穴扩张过程来模拟,提出一种简单的方法来计算搅拌桩施工时周围土体中的超静孔隙水压力,同时考虑了固化剂注入时的膨胀压力与旋转叶片在搅拌时所产生的剪切力的作用。超静孔隙水压力由土的不排水抗剪强度、剪切力、注浆压力和孔隙压力系数所确定。所提出的计算方法得到实测数据的验证。  相似文献   
杨涧煤矿90102工作面底板隔水层厚度约50m,隔水层底板奥灰水压约1.8MPa,经煤矿开采该工作面揭露5个陷落柱,运输顺槽230~290m发生底鼓并多处开裂涌水,分析水源为底部砂岩水,底板隔水层发育的裂隙在近距离厚煤层回采条件下,必将加剧其底板破坏,为确保工作面安全开采,有必要实施底板堵截工程。为此,在矿区岩溶陷落柱发育规律探查、底鼓监测条件下,以XL1陷落柱和底鼓区为例,针对柱体下段、底板破坏带,采用水泥浆液来截断底板出水补给来源的同时加固底板隔水层强度。经钻探验证堵截效果较好。最后对治理方案、注浆层段、注浆参数等进行了详细总结,形成了适用于朔州矿区的注浆堵截技术,可为指导矿区今后防治水实践提供借鉴。  相似文献   
Seismic performance of exterior beam–column subassemblages of reinforced concrete structure designed and detailed on the basis of the provisions of Eurocode and Indian Standards at different stages of their evolution is evaluated. Performance of the subassemblages designed and detailed according to the three different stages of codal evolution (gravity load design, ‘Nonductile’, and ‘Ductile’) is evaluated through analytical formulations and experimental investigations. In the ‘NonDuctile’ specimens, it has been observed that the shear distortion and degradation in stiffness and strength are significantly high. Performance of the ‘Ductile’ specimens based on Eurocode and Indian Standards is almost similar in terms of strength and stiffness degradation. Nevertheless, the specimen designed on the basis of Indian Standard shows higher energy dissipation at a given drift ratio. In the analytical study, shear and flexural failure of members of subassemblage and shear failure of the joint are considered as possible modes of failure of the beam–column subassemblage. For evaluating the shear strength of the joint region, a soften strut‐and‐tie model is used. Analytically obtained strengths based on the failure criteria of different components of the specimens have been first validated with experimental results and then used to determine the strength of the specimens. The investigation could indicate even the mode of failure at local level. It is utmost important to mention here that even the ductile specimens dissipate most of the energy through the development of damage in the joint region, which is neither desirable nor safe for the stability of whole structure. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The behavior and budget of Mn, Cd and Cu in the Gironde estuary were investigated through data from both the water column (WC) and sediment depth profiles. In the estuarine freshwater reaches, Mn and Cd removal from and Cu addition to the dissolved phase occurs with a magnitude equivalent to 10%, 30% and 25% of their respective annual fluvial gross dissolved input, respectively. In the saline estuary, diffusive benthic outflow is the main source of dissolved Mn (74% of the total gross dissolved input within the estuary) to the WC. In contrast, Cd (96%) and Cu (89%) are mainly released into the dissolved phase of the WC from fluvial, estuarine and dredging-related particles through complexation (Cd) and organic carbon mineralization (Cu). Anthropogenic activities (sediment dredging) induce pore water inputs, particulate sulfide oxidation and sediment resuspension, significantly contributing to the metal budget of the WC. The related amounts of metals released could be equivalent to 20–50% (Cd) and up to 70% (Cu) of their respective net dissolved addition. Mass balances suggest that a large part of the metals previously released into the dissolved phase from processes within the estuary are removed by suspended particles due to (co-)precipitation of Fe/Mn (oxy)hydroxides and scavenging on autochthonous organic matter. On an annual basis, the Gironde estuary acts as a net sink of dissolved Mn, removing 60% of the dissolved fluvial inputs, and as a net source of dissolved Cd and Cu, contributing ∼ 85% and 20–45% to the dissolved Cd and Cu fluxes to the ocean.  相似文献   
现有灌浆套筒连接预制拼装桥墩的抗剪试验仅考虑了轴压和长细比的影响。为进一步深入研究预制拼装桥墩的抗剪强度影响因素,基于现有试验结果,建立了高精度的桥墩抗剪数值分析模型,该模型可以考虑拼接缝处钢筋销栓力的作用。并通过与试验结果对比分析了试件裂缝模态、力与位移曲线、接缝变形和箍筋应力等指标参数,验证了数值模型的正确性和精确性。在此基础上,开展了箍筋配筋率、纵筋配筋率、灌浆层强度和摩擦系数等因素对预制拼装桥墩抗剪强度影响规律研究,结果表明,纵筋配筋率的提高对桥墩抗剪强度的提高有显著影响。  相似文献   
钢筋混凝土构件的性能指标在性能化抗震设计中具有广泛应用。现有研究成果大多采用国外试验数据库,在国内实际工程结构的应用中面临挑战。因此,文中收集了国内公开发表的132组钢筋混凝土柱和24组钢筋混凝土梁的低周往复荷载试验数据,分析了《建筑抗震韧性评价标准》(GB/T 38591-2020)的转角性能指标与试验转角之间的相对误差。研究发现,《建筑抗震韧性评价标准》部分转角性能指标忽略了关键参数的影响,相对误差较高,各性能指标之间的安全冗余度相差较大。文中对此提出了修正的钢筋混凝土构件转角性能指标,更好地考虑了关键参数的影响,既降低了相对误差,又保证了安全冗余度的一致性,能够更合理地判断构件的损伤状态。  相似文献   
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