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Lina Li Jean Guenzennec Peter Nichols Pierre Henry Miki Yanagibayashi Chiaki Kato 《Journal of Oceanography》1999,55(5):635-642
Dense populations of bivalves, primarily Calyptogena sp., were observed at cold seeps of the Nankai Trough. Bacterial input to the sediment was estimated through determination of phospholipid ester-linked fatty acid (PLFA) and DNA profiles. Results indicated a bacterial biomass of 109 cells (g dry wt)-1 while individual fatty acid profiles revealed a predominance of monounsaturated fatty acids, mainly 18:1 isomers. The presence of these fatty acids can be interpreted to reflect a response to low temperature and a predominance of psychrophilic bacteria. DNA fragments encoding bacterial ribosomal RNA small-subunit sequences (16S rDNA) were amplified by the polymerase chain reaction method using DNA extracted directly from the sediment samples. From the sequencing results, at least 19 kinds of bacterial 16S rDNAs related to mostly the Proteobacteria and a few gram-positive bacteria were identified. These results suggest that the bacterial community in the Nankai Trough sediments consists of mainly bacteria belonging to the Proteobacteria , , and subdivisions. Bacteria belonging to the and subdivisions, which are known to include epibiont and sulfate reducing bacteria, respectively, were mostly detected in the sediment obtained from inside the area of the Calyptogena community, and the -Proteobacteria may function to supply reduced sulfur to bacterial endosymbionts of Calyptogena. 相似文献
本文利用NCEP/NCAR再分析格点资料,着重对8903号"BRENDA"和0601号"珍珠"两个同源地进入南海后不同路径的典型热带气旋的大尺度环境场进行对比分析。结果表明:西风槽的强弱和东移的快慢、西太平洋副高的形状变化和东退西进、冷空气的强弱和南下路径及热带气旋内部的不对称结构是造成二者移动路经差异的主要原因。另,印缅槽的变化也对其路径差异有一定的作用。 相似文献
精细化风暴潮预报是目前风暴潮预报重点发展方向之一,本文首次建立起了一个覆盖整个中国沿海地区的精细化台风风暴潮数值模型,克服了以往分区域数值模型的不足,该模型在中国沿海地区的分辨率达到300m左右。模型采用了并行计算,并对2012年和2013年灾害性台风风暴潮过程进行了数值检验,计算精度和计算所用时间都能够满足业务化运行的要求。本文同时还根据中国气象局、美国国家气象局等5家主要台风预报机构给出的24h台风预报,对2013年度灾害性台风风暴潮过程进行了24h数值预报检验,检验结果表明:根据中国气象局台风登陆前24h预报可以得到更准确的风暴潮预报结果,其预报结果优于其他各家预报结果。该结论可以为今后的台风风暴潮预报中台风路径的选取提供重要的参考。 相似文献
利用NCEP/NCAA再分析资料,国家气候中心74项环流指数及云南省122个观测站资料,结合诊断、合成和相关分析等方法,探讨2011年初云南东部极端低温冰冻灾害天气气候特征及成因,并与2008年初低温冰冻灾害进行对比分析。旨在寻找云南低温冰冻天气的预报着眼点,为提前做好防灾减灾工作提供决策依据。研究表明:500hPa高度场欧亚中高纬呈两槽一脊,西西伯利亚高压脊异常强大,贝巴之间为东西向横槽,东亚中高纬呈"+-+"的高度场距平分布,西太平洋副热带高压异常偏东偏弱,南海副高异常偏南偏弱是2011年1月云南东部频遭冷空气影响的大尺度大气环流背景。另外,相关分析发现NINO4区海温持续异常偏冷对应云南东部气温异常偏低。较2008年初持续近2个月的低温雨雪冰冻灾害相比,虽然2011年灾害影响时间较短,范围较小,但冷空气过程频发,昆明准静止锋长时间控制云南东部,最终造成近50年来的极端低温冰冻灾害。 相似文献
Pyroclastic deposits from the 1883 eruption of Krakatau are described from areas northeast of the volcano on the islands of Sebesi, Sebuku, and Lagoendi, and the southeast coast of Sumatra. Massive and poorly stratified units formed predominantly from pyroclastic flows and surges that traveled over the sea for distances up to 80 km. Granulometric and lithologic characteristics of the deposits indicate that they represent the complement of proximal subaerial and submarine pyroclastic flow deposits laid down on and close to the Krakatau islands. The distal deposits exhibit a decrease in sorting coefficient, median grain size, and thickness with increasing distance from Krakatau. Crystal fractionation is consistent with the distal facies being derived from the upper part of gravitationally segregated pyroclastic flows in which the relative amount of crystal enrichment and abundance of dense lithic clasts diminished upwards. The deposits are correlated to a major pyroclastic flow phase that occurred on the morning of 27 August at approximately 10 a.m. Energetic flows spread out away from the volcano at speeds in excess of 100 km/h and traveled up to 80 km from source. The flows retained temperatures high enough to burn victims on the SW coast of Sumatra. Historical accounts from ships in the Sunda Straits constrain the area affected by the flows to a minimum of 4x103 km2. At the distal edge of this area the flows were relatively dilute and turbulent, yet carried enough material to deposit several tens of centimeters of tephra. The great mobility of the Krakatau flows from the 10 a.m. activity may be the result of enhanced runout over the sea. It is proposed that the generation of steam at the flow/seawater interface may have led to a reduction in the sedimentation of particles and consequently a delay in the time before the flows ceased lateral motion and became buoyantly convective. The buoyant distal edge of these ash-and steam-laden clouds lifted off into the atmosphere, leading to cooling, condensation, and mud rain. 相似文献
利用常规气象观测资料和Micaps提供的相关资料,对2009年9月19—20日在河套地区发生的寒潮天气的环流形势及物理量进行分析。分析表明:在寒潮爆发前期,500hPa系统,蒙古西部的冷中心强度≥-32℃,且温度场滞后于高度场,为冷空气爆发南下提供了最基本条件;700hPa河套地区及上游≥16m.s-1的西北风急流基本形成,等温线与等高线交角≥45°且10个纬距内有4条及以上等温线的密集区;850hPa河套地区有≥16℃的暖中心,高空槽前后的西北风速≥18 m.s-1,温度线与高度线的夹角>45°;地面蒙古气旋的暖性性质为寒潮爆发的前期提供了有利的热力条件,地面冷锋后部冷高压轴线接近南北向,且冷高压中心强度≥1040hPa,3h变压≥3hPa。 相似文献
寒区有隔热层的圆形隧道温度场解析解 总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7
在多年冻土地区修建隧道,会影响到多年冻土的热稳定性,目前一般采用在隧道衬砌中设置隔热层的方法来防止冻土嗣岩融化.根据隧道现场实测的气温资料,考虑正弦曲线规律变化的对流换热边界条件,建立了一次衬砌、隔热层、二次衬砌及围岩4层结构的圆形隧道热传导方程.运用微分方程求解方法和贝塞尔特征函数的正交和展开定理,对4个热传导方程进行了求解,得到隧道一次衬砌、隔热层、二次衬砌及同岩4层结构温度场的解析解,将计算结果与现场实测结果进行比较,吻合良好.计算结果还表明,在衬砌中铺设厚5 cm、导热系数为0.03 W·m-1·℃-1的隔热层可以保证风火山隧道围岩不发生季节性融化.该解析解可用于验证其它数值方法的计算结果,也便于工程设计人员和施工人员对同类寒区隧道进行温度场的计算,因而具有一定的工程应用价值. 相似文献