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乌尔逊凹陷西部边界断裂的幕式演化模式及其对含油气系统的控制作用 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
海拉尔盆地乌尔逊凹陷西部的边界断层-乌西断裂, 对该凹陷的构造演化具有明显的控制作用。研究发现该断裂的生长发育有着明显的幕式演化特点: 经历了分段连锁、宁静、活化和反转等4 个演化阶段, 每一阶段都有不同的构造和沉积特点。其中, 分段连锁和活化阶段是凹陷的主要生长期, 分段连锁阶段以发育张性断块构造样式为特征, 活化阶段则以发育盖层滑脱型构造样式为主。乌西断裂的幕式演化对乌尔逊凹陷烃源岩演化、储盖系统的分布及含油气系统具有一定的控制作用。 相似文献
Mean Profiles of Moisture Fluxes in Snow-Filled Boundary Layers 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Profiles of moisture fluxes have been examined for convective boundary layers containing clouds and snow, using data derived from aircraft measurements taken on four dates during the 1983/1984 University of Chicago lake-effect snow project. Flux profiles were derived from vertical stacks of aircraft cross-wind flight legs taken at various heights over Lake Michigan near the downwind shore. It was found that, if ice processes are taken into account, profiles of potential temperature and water content were very similar to those presented in past studies of convective boundary layers strongly heated from below. Profiles of total water content and equivalent potential temperature adjusted for ice were nearly invariant with height, except very near the top of the boundary layer, suggesting that internal boundary-layer mixing processes were rapid relative to the rates at which heat and vapour were transported into the boundary layer through entrainment and surface fluxes. Ice was found to play a significant, measurable role in boundary-layer moisture fluxes. It was estimated that 40 to 57% of the upward vapour flux was returned to the surface in the form of snow, converting about 45 to 64% of the surface latent heat flux into sensible heat in the snow-producing process. Assuming advective fluxes are relatively small (thought to be appropriate after the first few tens of km over the lake as suggested by past studies), the boundary layer was found to warm at a rate faster than could be explained by surface heat fluxes and latent heat releases alone, the remainder of the heating presumably coming from radiational processes and entrainment. Discussions of moisture phase change processes throughout the boundary layer and estimates of errors of these flux measurements are presented. 相似文献
Biostratigraphically constrained sequences at the Wushi Yingshan and Kalpin Cement Plant sections (Kalpin Region; Tarim Basin) were densely sampled for geochemical studies. Carbonates across the Cambrian-Ordovician boundary of both sections mainly record negative carbon isotope values. Stable isotope curves show four negative and four positive excursions appearing alternately at the Wushi Yingshan section and five negative alternating with five positive excursions at the Kalpin Cement Plant section. The carbon isotope logs of these two sections are correlated with the international Cambrian-Ordovician boundary key sections: (1) Dayangcha section in China, (2) Green Point section in Canada, (3) Black mountain section in Australia and (4) Lowson Cove section in USA. These correlations suggest that the Cambrian-Ordovician boundary of the Wushi Yingshan section and the Kalpin Cement Plant section can be placed within a particular horizon that also corresponds to the observed biostratigraphic units. 相似文献
Performance of various similarity functions for nondimensional wind and temperature profiles in the surface layer in stable conditions 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
The linear functions for non-dimensional wind and temperature profiles are commonly used to describe the surface layer fluxes in atmospheric models. However, their applicability is limited to smaller values of the stability parameter z/L (where z is the height above ground and L is the Obukhov length) i.e. z/L < 1.0. These linear functions have been modified (Webb 1970, Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc. 96, 67–90; Clarke 1970, Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc. 96, 91–114; Hicks 1976, Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc. 102, 535–551; Beljaars and Holtslag 1991, J. Appl. Meteorol. 30, 327–341; Cheng and Brutsaert 2005, Boundary-Layer Meteorol. 114, 519–538) over the years for calculating fluxes when z/L > 1.0 under strongly stable conditions. In view of this, the objective of the present study is to analyze the performance of these similarity functions to compute surface fluxes in stable conditions.The meteorological observations from the Cooperative Atmosphere-Surface Exchange Study (CASES-99) experiment are utilized for computing the surface fluxes in stable conditions. The computed fluxes are found to be reasonably close to those observed. The ratio of observed to computed fluxes reveals that the computed fluxes are close to the observations for all the similarity functions for z/L < 1.0 whereas the computed values show relatively a large scatter from observations for z/L > 1.0. The computed values of u and heat flux do not show significant differences from those observed at 99% confidence limit. The performance of all the similarity functions considered here is found to be comparable to each other in strongly stable conditions. 相似文献
In this paper, a series of field experiments were carried out to investigate the active vibration isolation for a surface foundation using horizontal wave impedance block (WIB) in a multilayered ground under vertical excitations. The velocity amplitude of ground vibration was measured and the root-mean-square (RMS) velocity is used to evaluate the vibration mitigation effect of the WIB. The influences of the size, the embedded depth and the shear modulus of the WIB on the vibration mitigation were also systematically examined under different loading conditions. The experimental results convincingly indicate that WIB is effective to reduce the ground vibration, especially at high excitation frequencies. The vibration mitigation effect of the WIB would be improved when its size and shear modulus increase or the embedded depth decreases. The results also showed that the WIB may amplify rather than reduce the ground vibration when its shear modulus is smaller or the embedded depth is larger than a threshold value. Meanwhile, an improved 3D semi-analytical boundary element method (BEM) combined with a thin layer method (TLM) was proposed to account for the rectangular shape of the used WIB and the laminated characteristics of the actual ground condition in analyzing the vibration mitigation of machine foundations. Comparisons between the field experiments and the numerical analyses were also made to validate the proposed BEM. 相似文献
塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地边界层风场特征 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
利用CFL-03边界层风廓线雷达在塔中开展了边界层风场探测研究,根据2010年4月1日至2010年11月30日连续的边界层风场探测资料,分析了塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地大气边界层风场时空分布特征,得到了4月至11月各月的高空风廓线。结果表明,塔中春秋季风场结构类似,中高层多为西风,风速较大,低层多为东风,风速较小,整层风速与高度成正比;夏季高层风速变小,低层风速增大,东风层增厚,夏季塔中地区上空100~200 m高度层存在明显风速切变带。 相似文献
倾斜基岩上的土-框架相互作用研究 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
倾斜基岩上的框架是山地、丘陵地区多见的一种结构形式,但以往对其抗震性能研究很少。本文利用二次开发后的ANSYS对倾斜基岩上的框架的抗震性能进行了上下部相互作用分析。在研究中发现,考虑土一结相互作用后,结构的高阶振型在地震反应中的参与程度提高;可能在结构的地震反应傅里叶谱中形成双峰;并使地震反应沿结构高度的分布不再沿直线变化,而呈锯齿状分布。由于倾斜基岩将降低土层对地震波的放大作用,但基本不改变地基的卓越频率,因此倾斜基岩将会抑制上部结构的地震反应;而倾斜基岩上结构的地震反应分布将比相应平坦基岩上结构的地震反应分布更接近直线形分布,但变化形状基本相同。 相似文献
S. A. Gil-Zepeda J. C. Montalvo-Arrieta R. Vai F. J. Snchez-Sesma 《Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering》2003,23(1):77-86
A hybrid indirect boundary element – discrete wavenumber method is presented and applied to model the ground motion on stratified alluvial valleys under incident plane SH waves from an elastic half-space. The method is based on the single-layer integral representation for diffracted waves. Refracted waves in the horizontally stratified region can be expressed as a linear superposition of solutions for a set of discrete wavenumbers. These solutions are obtained in terms of the Thomson–Haskell propagators formalism. Boundary conditions of continuity of displacements and tractions along the common boundary between the half-space and the stratified region lead to a system of equations for the sources strengths and the coefficients of the plane wave expansion. Although the regions share the boundary, the discretization schemes are different for both sides: for the exterior region, it is based on the numerical and analytical integration of exact Green's functions for displacements and tractions whereas for the layered part, a collocation approach is used. In order to validate this approach results are compared for well-known cases studied in the literature. A homogeneous trapezoidal valley and a parabolic stratified valley were studied and excellent agreement with previous computations was found. An example is given for a stratified inclusion model of an alluvial deposit with an irregular interface with the half-space. Results are displayed in both frequency and time domains. These results show the significant influence of lateral heterogeneity and the emergence of locally generated surface waves in the seismic response of alluvial valleys. 相似文献
Parameterization of Sheared Convective Entrainment in the First-Order Jump Model: Evaluation Through Large-Eddy Simulation 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
In this note, two different approaches are used to estimate the entrainment-flux to surface-flux ratio for a sheared convective
boundary layer (CBL); both are derived under the framework of the first-order jump model (FOM). That suggested by Sun and
Wang (SW approach) has the advantage that there is no empirical constant included, though the dynamics are described in an
implicit manner. The second, which was proposed by Kim et al. and Pino et al. (KP approach), explicitly characterizes the
dynamics of the sheared entrainment, but uncertainties are induced through the empirical constants. Their performances in
parameterizing the CBL growth rate are compared and discussed, and a new value of the parameter A
3 in the KP approach is suggested. Large-eddy simulation (LES) data are employed to test both approaches: simulations are conducted
for the CBL growing under varying conditions of surface roughness, free-atmospheric stratification, and wind shear, and data
used when the turbulence is in steady state. The predicted entrainment rates in each case are tested against the LES data.
The results show that the SW approach describes the evolution of the sheared CBL quite well, and the KP approach also reproduces
the growth of the CBL reasonably, so long as the value of A
3 is modified to 0.6. 相似文献
河北唐山—卢龙地区寒武-奥陶系界线地层的牙形刺及其重要属种的演化 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文对唐山和卢龙地区寒武-奥陶系界线地层中的牙形刺再次进行研究,厘定了过去报道的一些重要属种,并对最具地层意义的Cordylodus的几个种的演化进行了分析。指出了该属的两个进化系列,第一支进化系列是Eoconodontusnotchpeakensis-Cordylodusprimitivus-C.proavus-C.caboti-C.intermedius-C.angulatus;而另一支则是Eoconodontusnotchpeakensis-C.caboti-C.prolindstromi-C.lindstromi-C.prion。本文对寒武-奥陶系界线的几个划分方案也进行了简单的讨论 相似文献