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2021年汉江秋汛期出现了超20 a一遇的大洪水,其上游累计降雨量和丹江口水库累积来水量均突破其历史极值。如何有针对性做好气象保障服务,对气象部门而言是重大挑战。基于对2021年汉江异常秋汛水雨情特征的总结及其气象保障服务过程的回顾,指出汉江秋汛气象保障服务工作中存在的若干问题,提出不断提高汉江秋汛气象保障服务质量和效率的若干风险管理机制,可为今后做好汉江秋汛气象保障服务提供参考依据。

High buildings or architectural complex in urban areas remarkably distort the urban surface wind fields. As the air flow approaches,local strong wind may appear around the buildings. The strong wind makes the pedestrians on sidewalks, entrances and terrace very uncomfortable and causes the pedestrian level wind environment problem. In this studies, hot-wire wind measurement, wind scouring in wind tunnel and numerical computation were carried out to evaluate the wind environment of tall buildings in the prevailing flow conditions in Beijing areas. The results obtained by three techniques were compared and mutually verified. The conclusions drawn from three approaches agree with each other. Also the advantages and limitations of each method were analyzed. It is suggested that the combination of different techniques may produce better assessment of wind environment around high buildings.  相似文献   
Only by providing the good conditions for the growth of plants can a favorable ecologicalenvironment on which human beings rely for existence be created. The upside-down-T dou-ble-layer water-conserving afforestation way is developed according to the situation of the short-age of water resources, low soil fertility and vast land in the arid areas. The characteristics of theafforestation way are to change the microenvironment in the root area of the plants, provide thefavorable conditions for the growth of plants, and reduce the necessary conditions for the growth ofplants in large areas in the arid regions. Meanwhile, the size of its water-conserving layer can bechanged according to the size of the planted trees. The different ways of the bottom wa-ter-conserving layer can be used according to the requirements. The afforestation way is suitablefor planting trees on a small scale and also for afforesting on a large scale under the adverse cir-cumstances in the arid areas, and has been effectively used in the afforestation in the hinterland ofTaklamakan Desert and the southern marginal zone of Gurbantonggut Desert. The prospects ofthe afforestation way are broad in afforestation and desertification control in the desert regions.  相似文献   
活断层是地震的潜在策源地。然而不同的活断层上地震潜在能力有极大的差别。客观地评价活断层上地震潜在能力不仅是地震预报研究的需要,对国民经济建设的布局和抗震决策也极为重要。在这个意义上,对弱活动性断裂的研究与对强活动性断裂的研究具有同样的重要性。本文以弱活动的蒲江—新津—成都—德阳断裂带为例,讨论了该断裂的晚第四纪活动性,断裂带的地质结构以及断裂的切割深度等因素对该断裂带地震潜在能力的可能影响。  相似文献   
本文阐述了应用FY85-Ⅲ型立体定向仪辅以EL-506H计算器对颅内异物的三维空间坐标值进行逻辑编程处理实行颅内异物定位的方法。  相似文献   
West Sarawak,which located in the northwest of South Kalimantan Diwa Region,underwent geosynclinal period (An C-T),platform period (J1-J2) and diwa period (J3-).In geosynclinal evolution period,the crust was thickened and accreted by sedimentary accumulating,orogenic movement and metamorphism.In the different kinds of volcanic-sedimentary rocks,content of gold is general higher than the mean value of upper crust and its enrichment factor ranges from 0.94 to 4.7.The basement tectonics formed in geosynclinal fold inversionstage strike northeast,which controlled the distribution ofmagmatic activities and gold mineralization belts of the west part of west Sarawak.  相似文献   
降水粒子特性是大气运动和云内微物理过程的综合结果,在云降水物理及人工影响天气领域有着重要的意义。传统的测量方法不适合对大量数据分析寻找规律,德国OTT公司的Parsivel激光降水粒子谱测量系统可以较好解决自动测量难题。该仪器是以激光测量为基础的粒子测量传感器,采用平行激光束和光电管阵列结合,当有降水粒子穿越采样空间时,自动记录遮挡物的宽度,通过穿越时间计算降水粒子的尺度和速度,根据各种参数的综合信息对降水粒子进行分类,并能够以数字形式显示瞬时降水强度、降水粒子总数、累积降水量、降水时的能见度和雷达反射因子,以图形方式显示降水粒子尺度谱、速度谱、降水粒子分类且自动生成天气现象代码,实现天气现象的自动识别。激光降水粒子谱仪主要用于气象水文观测。在雷达气象学领域可用于Z/R关系的拟合修正,比传统的用雨量筒观测数据拟合效果好得多;由降水粒子谱仪测量雨滴的降落速度,可以对天气雷达垂直向上测量的粒子径向速度谱进行校正。人工影响天气的效果检验一直是一个难题,自然降水粒子谱分布形式与人工催化以后的降水粒子谱型理论上应当具有较大的差别,人工增雨作业降水滴谱变化物理响应和降水强度时间变化响应都有明显的区别。如果能够实时检测到这些差别,就能够充分说明人工催化的有效性。未来如果能够进行联网观测记录区域性降水、降雹,就有充分证据表明人影作业的有效性,在定量化作业效果评估以及灾害损失评估等方面应用潜力巨大。利用该仪器已经对一年的自然降水过程进行了连续观测,并将所获得的降水粒子谱、雨滴浓度值随时间变化状况与卫星反演的云顶有效粒子半径时间变化趋势进行了对比,发现有较好的一致性。  相似文献   
The west Kunlun fold-thrust belt (WKFTB) and the Altun fold-thrust belt (AFTB) are respectively located in the southern margin of the Tarim basin, NW China. The analyses of typical structures and regional dynamics of the fold-thrust belts reveal their different structural and petroleum features and mechanisms. WKFTB differs from AFTB by abundant fault-related folds and triangles zones, and was formed by northward extrusion of the west Kunlun orogen. AFTB was affected synchronously by northward extrusion of the Altun orogen and the sinistral strike-slipping of the Altun Fault, so it is characterized by the minor scale and the monotonous structural styles. The Aqike anticline and the Aqike fault, of which the strikes are orthogonal to the strike of the fold-thrust belts, are regarded as the adjustive structures between both of the fold-thrust belts. The oil-gas pools of WKFTB develop mainly in the faulted-related anticline traps, but the oil-gas pools of AFTB develop mainly in the low fault-block and anticlines traps related with the paleo-uplifts. There are different exploration countermeasures for both of the fold-thrust belts.  相似文献   
经济预测模型在土地规划中的应用与分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
主要介绍土地规划时需用到的几种预测模型 ,具体阐述了几种模型的原理 ,并以抚州地区的总人口历史数据为例 ,进行实际的预测与分析 ,从而总结各种模型的优缺点 ,选择最合适的土地规划预测模型。  相似文献   
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