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2021年汉江秋汛期出现了超20 a一遇的大洪水,其上游累计降雨量和丹江口水库累积来水量均突破其历史极值。如何有针对性做好气象保障服务,对气象部门而言是重大挑战。基于对2021年汉江异常秋汛水雨情特征的总结及其气象保障服务过程的回顾,指出汉江秋汛气象保障服务工作中存在的若干问题,提出不断提高汉江秋汛气象保障服务质量和效率的若干风险管理机制,可为今后做好汉江秋汛气象保障服务提供参考依据。

2011年,作者在贺兰山中段腰坝配件厂地区进行1∶5万区域地质调查时发现了震旦系盖帽白云岩,进而研究了其沉积特征、碳氧同位素组成和时代,并与该区紫花沟兔儿坑组白云岩、华南和华北地台南缘相应地层进行对比.结果表明,盖帽白云岩为含陆源细碎屑白云岩,与兔儿坑组白云岩相近;其δ13C值为-4.7‰~0.79‰,且自下而上呈下降趋势;其时代与华南震旦系下、中部相当,与华北地台南缘震旦系罗圈组的沉积特征和古地理环境相近;与全球Gaskiers冰期有相关性.这对华北地台的古构造、古地理、古气候及动物演化“源头”的研究有重要意义.  相似文献   
Hydrological processes depend directly on climate conditions [e.g., precipitation, potential evapotranspiration (PE)] based on the water balance. This paper examines streamflow datasets at four hydrological stations and meteorological observations at 79 weather stations to reveal the streamflow changes and underlying drivers in four typical watersheds (Meigang, Saitang, Gaosha, and Xiashan) within Poyang Lake Basin from 1961 to 2000. Most of the less than 90th percentile of daily streamflow in each watershed increases significantly at different rates. As an important indicator of the seasonal changes in the streamflow, CT (the timing of the mass center of the streamflow) in each watershed shows a negligible change. The annual streamflow in each watershed increases at different rates, with a statistically significant trend (at the 5 % level) of 9.87 and 7.72 mm year?1, respectively, in Meigang and Gaosha watersheds. Given the existence of interactions between precipitation and PE, the original climate elasticity of streamflow can not reflect the relationship of streamflow with precipitation and PE effectively. We modify this method and find the modified climate elasticity to be more accurate and reasonable using the correlation analysis. The analyses from the modified climate elasticity in the four watersheds show that a 10 % increase (decrease) in precipitation will increase (decrease) the annual streamflow by 14.1–16.3 %, while a 10 % increase (decrease) in PE will decrease (increase) the annual streamflow by ?10.2 to ?2.1 %. In addition, the modified climate elasticity is applied to estimate the contribution of annual precipitation and PE to the increasing annual streamflow in each watershed over the past 40 years. Our result suggests that the percentage attribution of the increasing precipitation is more than 59 % and the decreasing in PE is less than 41 %, indicating that the increasing precipitation is the major driving factor for the annual streamflow increase for each watershed.  相似文献   
Du  Yi  Yan  Echuan  Gao  Xu  Mwizerwa  Schadrack  Yuan  Liwei  Zhao  Song 《Geotechnical and Geological Engineering》2021,39(5):3499-3516
Geotechnical and Geological Engineering - The failure of landslide control project presents a deformation that continues to develop along the crack system, and the continuous failure of mechanical...  相似文献   
Garnet geochronology was used to provide the first direct measurement of the timing of eclogitization in the central Himalaya. Lu–Hf dates from garnet separates in one relict eclogite from the Arun River Valley in eastern Nepal indicate an age of 20.7 ± 0.4 Ma, significantly younger than ultra-high pressure eclogites from the western Himalaya, reflecting either different origins or substantial time lags in tectonics along strike. Four proximal garnet amphibolites from structurally lower horizons are 14–15 Ma, similar to post-eclogitization ages published for rocks along strike in southern Tibet. PT calculations indicate three metamorphic episodes for the eclogite: i) eclogite-facies metamorphism at ~ 670 °C and ≥ 15 kbar at 23–16 Ma; ii) a peak-T granulite event at ~ 780 °C and 12 kbar; and iii) late-stage amphibolite-facies metamorphism at ~ 675 °C and 6 kbar at ~ 14 Ma. The garnet amphibolites were metamorphosed at ~ 660 °C. Three models are considered to explain the observed PTt evolution. The first assumes that the Main Himalayan Thrust (basal thrust of the Himalayan thrust system) cuts deeper at Arun than elsewhere. While conceptually the simplest, this model has difficulty explaining both the granulite-facies overprint and the pulse of exhumation between 25 and 14 Ma. A second model assumes that (aborted) subduction, slab breakoff, and ascent of India's leading edge occurred diachronously: ~ 50 Ma in the western Himalaya, ~ 25 Ma in the central Himalaya of Nepal, and presumably later in the eastern Himalaya. This model explains the PTt path, particularly heating during initial exhumation, but implies significant along-strike diachroneity, which is generally lacking in other features of the Himalaya. A third model assumes repeated loss of mantle lithosphere, first by slab breakoff at ~ 50 Ma, and again by delamination at ~ 25 Ma; this model explains the PTt path, but requires geographically restricted tectonic behavior at Arun. The PTt history of the Arun eclogites may imply a change in the physical state of the Himalayan metamorphic wedge at 16–25 Ma, ultimately giving rise to the Main Central Thrust by 15–16 Ma.  相似文献   
The planktonic community of freshwater Rotifera in 27 subtropical lakes was studied to assess the relative importance of physicochemical factors and crustacean zooplankton as determinants of rotifer density and species distribution. Factor analysis and multiple linear regressions showed that 21.9% and 29.9% of the variance in rotifer density was explained by physicochemical factors and crustaceans, respectively. Larger rotifer density was possible in shallower lakes with higher concentration of inorganic nitrogen and less herbivorous crustaceans such as Sinocalanus dorrii and Daphnia. Redundancy analysis showed that the variances of rotifer species distribution explained by crustaceans and physicochemical factors were 26.9% and 31.0%, respectively. Further analysis demonstrated that the variances explained by pure crustaceans and pure physicochemical factors were 12.5% and 16.6%, respectively. However, these two percentages were not statistically different. Rotifer species distribution was strongly associated with Chl a and Moina micrura. Their coexistence with crustaceans seemed to be determined by their defense against potential predators and competitors.  相似文献   
K-近邻法(K-Nearest Neighbor,KNN)是一种应用广泛的人工智能方法,可用于线性不可分的多类别样本的识别。该方法的基本原理是在多维空间中找到与未知样本最近邻的k个点,并根据这k个点的类别来判断未知样本的类别。以新疆东天山地区铁矿预测为例,利用GIS采集、分析和管理数据,采用K-近邻法分析成矿有利度并圈定找矿有利地段。从预测结果看,研究区内绝大多数矿床(点)落入到成矿有利度的高值区域,表明该方法预测结果的可信度高,可以有效地用于成矿预测。  相似文献   
Several caves of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, southern China, have delivered Gigantopithecus blacki remains, an extinct Pleistocene giant ape, in association with abundant mammalian faunas. To determine their geological ages, fossil teeth from Mohui and Sanhe Caves were dated using the coupled ESR/U-series method. The teeth from Mohui Cave gave age estimates of 1.69 ± 0.22 Ma and 1.29 ± 0.11 Ma. The Sanhe Cave samples had age estimates ranging from 910 ± 200 ka to 600 ± 150 ka with error weighted mean ages of 890 ± 130 ka and 720 ± 90 ka for the layers 5 and 4, respectively. Our results and previous paleomagnestism data place the Gigantopithecus fauna at Mohui Cave between Olduvai and Jaramillo subchrons and suggest that it was coeval with Chuifeng, Longgupo and Liucheng assemblages. The Sanhe fauna is younger, of late early Pleistocene age, and can be dated to the period between Jaramillo subchron and B/M boundary.  相似文献   
蔡逸涛 《云南地质》2006,25(1):86-89
澳大利亚珠宝评估师协会的“SPEED”方法,把切工分成5个步骤,能全面的对钻石的切工进行评价。本文将此法和现有国标和国内行业习惯作对比研究,将对国内刚刚兴起的珠宝评估行业产生指导意义。  相似文献   
岩石热破裂是高放废物地质处置工程中需深入研究的课题。对我国高放废物重点预选场址甘肃北山的花岗岩开展室内热破裂模拟试验研究,采用多通道温度测试仪、声发射、波速层析成像和数码显微镜等手段研究了该花岗岩热破裂过程。试验表明,(1)热破裂从试件端部开始产生,逐步向内缓慢扩展,表现出分段性和独立性;(2)根据声发射撞击率可将热破裂可分为稳定热损伤、宏观裂纹形成、宏观裂纹扩展、裂纹冷却闭合4个阶段,声发射定位的时空演化规律清楚地揭示了裂纹从试件上端部向内部扩展的规律;(3)波速层析成像指示了宏观裂纹位置及高温对岩石造成显著损伤的区域,热应力产生的损伤集中在试件边界,范围小,损伤严重,高温造成的损伤集中在钻孔附近高温区,范围较大,损伤略轻微;(4)监测多通道温度,获得了试件内的温度场并为数值模拟参数选取提供验证,采用有限元程序进行了热力耦合数值模拟,从机制上初步解释了热破裂现象,研究认为综合声发射实时监测热破裂过程和波速层析成像能实现对热损伤的量化的特性可实现岩石热破裂的动态监测和损伤量化,为今后地下实验室相关试验的开展和认识高放废物处置长期稳定性做了有意义的探索。  相似文献   
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