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Wang Deyu Zhang Shanyuan
Associate Prof. Depart of Naval Archi. Ocean Engineering Shanghai Jiaotong University Shanghai
Prof. Research Institute of Applied Mechanics Taiyuan University of Technology Taiyuan 《中国海洋工程》1996,(2)
- The shear failure of a rigid-plastic dented clamped tubular beam under the lateral impact of a mass is investigated. Both the denting and the impact point are in the middle span of the beam. It is assumed that denting does not spread during the shear sliding. Numerical results show that the axial force and lateral deflection of the beam are very small at the moment of the occurence of shear failure, which means that the finite deformation effect can be neglected in the shear failure analysis. Also, some aspects of the initial impact energy are investigated. 相似文献
钢筋混凝土管桩反射波法的三维有限元分析 总被引:5,自引:4,他引:5
对桩-土系统用三维有限元模型和Wilson- 直接积分法计算钢筋混凝土管桩顶面的瞬态动力响应,并由此分析了管桩顶面不同测点的反射波信号特征及其与桩身缺陷的对应规律。计算结果表明:管桩顶部波传播的三维效应对桩身浅部局部缺陷深度的判断有较大的影响,所得结论对由反射波法检测管桩全截面断裂和局部缺陷以及传感器的合理布置有较大的指导作用。 相似文献
Lei Chen Shengmiao Wu Feng Yuan 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2009,398(4):1900-1904
We consider a thin accretion disc warped due to the Bardeen–Petterson effect, presenting both analytical and numerical solutions for the situation in which the two viscosity coefficients vary with radius as a power law, with the two power-law indices not necessarily equal. The analytical solutions are compared with numerical ones, showing that our new analytical solution is more accurate than the previous one, which overestimated the inclination change in the outer disc. Our new analytical solution is appropriate for moderately warped discs, while for extremely misaligned discs only a numerical solution is appropriate. 相似文献
The tropopause has a complex structure and some interference information may exist in high-resolution global positioning system (GPS)/low earth-orbiting (LEO) radio occultation (RO) data. The position of the tropopause cannot be accurately determined using traditional cold point tropopause (CPT) and lapse rate tropopause (LRT) algorithms. In this paper, an integrative algorithm is developed to determinate tropopause parameters. The algorithm is applied to GPS/COSMIC RO data to obtain a global distribution of the height and temperature of the tropopause. This algorithm improves the utilization rate of GPS/LEO RO data by 30% compared with that from the traditional CPT method. The rationality and reliability of GPS/LEO RO data in probing the Earth's atmosphere are verified by our study of the tropopause using COSMIC data. 相似文献
深层搅拌桩施工时,固化剂的注入与叶片的搅拌作用不可避免地会扰动周围土体,改变桩周土体中的应力状态,产生超静孔隙水压力。在高灵敏性的日本有明黏土中搅拌桩施工时对周围土体中的孔隙水压力进行了现场监测。监测结果表明周围土体中产生了很高的超静孔隙水压力,其量值较土体的初始上覆压力还要大,使土体中的有效应力为零,处于张拉状态,但是该超静孔隙水压力在初始阶段消散得非常快。为分析施工引起的超静孔隙水压力,将搅拌桩施工时和周围土体的相互作用采用受剪的孔穴扩张过程来模拟,提出一种简单的方法来计算搅拌桩施工时周围土体中的超静孔隙水压力,同时考虑了固化剂注入时的膨胀压力与旋转叶片在搅拌时所产生的剪切力的作用。超静孔隙水压力由土的不排水抗剪强度、剪切力、注浆压力和孔隙压力系数所确定。所提出的计算方法得到实测数据的验证。 相似文献
The longitudinal strength of turret mooring productive/storage tanker is studied.A numeri-cal example has been implemented according to the method presented in this paper to give practical il-lustration.From the results of the numerical example,it is concluded that the turret hole located near theforward of the amidships has small effect on the longitudinal strength of the ship hull.As for design ex-treme value of wave bending moment of storage tanker,statistic method is a more reasonablemethodology,especially with the consideration of the servere environmental conditions.The primary esti-mation of design section modulus of turret storage tanker can be determined by this design bending mo-ment. 相似文献
转塔位置是内转塔式FPSO设计中的重要参数,对风标效应以及运动和系泊力等有重要影响.采用时域分析方法分别计算了10万吨级FPSO在不同转塔位置时百年一遇风、浪、流海洋环境条件作用下的运动响应和系泊力,分析了不同转塔位置对FPSO水动力性能的影响.计算结果与模型实验进行了比较,结果表明,转塔位置的变化对FPSO风标效应、转塔系泊力等影响显著.分析结果对于选择理想的转塔位置具有一定的实际意义. 相似文献
The wind-induced responses of a large-scale membrane structure, Expo Boulevard, are evaluated in this study. To obtain the wind pressure distribution on the roof surface, a wind tunnel test is performed. A brief analysis of wind pressure on the membrane roof is conducted first and then an analysis of the wind-induced responses of the structure is carried out using a numerical integral method in the time domain. In the process of calculation, the geometrical nonlinearity is taken into account. Results indicate that mean, RSM and peak values of the structure responses increase nonlinearly while the approaching flow velocity increases. Strong nonlinear characteristics are observed in the displacement responses, whereas the responses of nodal stress and cable axial force show minimal nonlinear properties when the membrane structure is subjected to wind loads. Different values of the damping ratio only have a minimal impact on the RSM response of the structure because the background component is a dominant part of the total dynamic response and the resonant component is too small. As the damping ratio increases from 0.02 to 0.05, the RMS responses of vertical displacement, nodal stress and cable axial force decrease by 8.1%, 6.7% and 17.9%, respectively. Since the mean component plays a significant role in the wind-induced response, the values of the gust response factor are not high for Expo Boulevard. 相似文献
以MM5模式作为试验模式, 通过选取不同的物理过程参数化方案产生8个集合成员, 分别用平均法、相关法和Rank法对2001年11月至2002年5月期间的22个降水个例进行短期集合降水概率预报试验。试验结果显示对小雨—大暴雨6类降水的概率预报, Rank法的综合预报效果明显好于相关法和平均法, 相关法的综合预报效果与平均法基本相同; 无论从均方误差角度还是从命中率和假警报率的相对大小角度, 对小雨、中雨、大雨和暴雨各量级以上降水的概率预报, Rank法的平均预报效果是三种方法中最好的, 相关法的平均预报效果与平均法相同; Rank法好于平均法的平均幅度从均方误差角度较大, 从命中率和假警报率的相对大小角度则较小。平均而言, 三种方法对各量级以上降水的概率预报都是有技巧预报, 对量级小的降水的概率预报技巧高于对量级大的降水的概率预报技巧。 相似文献