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经参加全国危机矿山示范项目的实际工作,认为目前重庆地质仪器厂生产的新型JCX 3井中三分量磁测仪探头倾斜面向北时X读数正值最大,倾斜面向南时X读数负值最大,X分量指向井斜方向。两者在直角坐标系中虽然同样符合左手法则,但新老仪器的井下磁测传感器x、y坐标相差90°。因而,对于当前广泛在用的数十台JCX 3型仪器的测量结果,如果仍然套用建立在垂向系统基础上的矢量计算公式,就会导致应用和解释错误,因此有必要共同探讨。  相似文献   
介绍了交流变频调速CD-2B型岩心钻机研制情况,技术参数,主要特点及型式检验,生产试验等情况。  相似文献   
聚丙烯酸/绢云母超吸水性复合材料的合成与性能研究   总被引:22,自引:5,他引:22  
通过丙烯酸与绢云母超纫粉的接技共聚,制备出吸水率为1100倍的超吸水性复合材料。研究了制备过程中各种影响因素,结果表明,当绢云母超纫粉的用量为10%—20%,丙烯酸单体的浓度为25%,单体的中和度为65%,交联剂用量为0.1%,引发剂用量为1.5%,接技共聚反应温度为70℃时,可获得较好的结果。本文讨论了上述反应因素对复合材料吸水率的影响,并探讨了吸水材料的颗粒大小对吸水性能的影响。  相似文献   
全球气候变化下青藏公路沿线冻土变化响应模型的研究   总被引:16,自引:17,他引:16  
利用英国Hadley气候预测与研究中心GCM模型HADCM2预测的气温变化背景,分别提取青藏公路沿线地区在2009年,2049年和2099年的气温参数,考虑年平均气温和年平均地温的关系及年平均地温与海拔,纬度的关系模型,多年冻土下界分布模型和地温带分带,建立青藏公路沿线多年冻土下界分布的响应模型和多年冻土地温带的响应模型,研究结果表明,2009年青藏公路沿线的冻土变化较小,多年冻土极稳定带,稳定带和基本稳定带仅发生微弱的变化,基本稳定过渡带和不稳定带变化较大,多年冻土,逐渐退化,2049年青藏公路沿线多年冻土各地温带变化较大,但仍以基本稳定过渡带和不稳定带变化最大,多年冻土发生较大范围的退化;2099年后青藏公路沿线冻土发生了很大的变化,多年冻土发生大面积的退化,融区面积逐渐增大,多年冻土地温带也发生了较大的变化,其中多年冻土上带仅保留了稳定带,极稳定带全部消失,稳定带和基本稳定带全部转化为不稳定带。  相似文献   
Large organic falls to the benthic environment, such as dead wood or whale bones, harbour organisms relying on sulfide-oxidizing symbionts. Nothing is known however, concerning sulfide enrichment at the wood surface and its relation to wood colonization by sulfide-oxidizing symbiotic organisms.In this study we combined in situ hydrogen sulfide and pH measurements on sunken wood, with associated fauna microscopy analyses in a tropical mangrove swamp. This shallow environment is known to harbour thiotrophic symbioses and is also abundantly supplied with sunken wood. A significant sulfide enrichment at the wood surface was revealed. A 72 h sequence of measurements emphasized the wide fluctuation of sulfide levels (0.1–>100 μM) over time with both a tidal influence and rapid fluctuations. Protozoans observed on the wood surface were similar to Zoothamnium niveum and to vorticellids. Our SEM observations revealed their association with ectosymbiotic bacteria, which are likely to be sulfide-oxidizers. These results support the idea that sunken wood surfaces constitute an environment suitable for sulfide-oxidizing symbioses.  相似文献   
Carbonates capping Neoproterozoic glacial deposits contain peculiar sedimentological features and geochemical anomalies ascribed to extraordinary environmental conditions in the snowball Earth aftermath. It is commonly assumed that post-snowball climate dominated by CO2 partial pressures several hundred times greater than modern levels, would be characterized by extreme temperatures, a vigorous hydrological cycle, and associated high continental weathering rates. However, the climate in the aftermath of a global glaciation has never been rigorously modelled. Here, we use a hierarchy of numerical models, from an atmospheric general circulation model to a mechanistic model describing continental weathering processes, to explore characteristics of the Earth system during the supergreenhouse climate following a snowball glaciation. These models suggest that the hydrological cycle intensifies only moderately in response to the elevated greenhouse. Indeed, constraints imposed by the surface energy budget sharply limit global mean evaporation once the temperature has warmed sufficiently that the evaporation approaches the total absorbed solar radiation. Even at 400 times the present day pressure of atmospheric CO2, continental runoff is only 1.2 times the modern runoff. Under these conditions and accounting for the grinding of the continental surface by the ice sheet during the snowball event, the simulated maximum discharge of dissolved elements from continental weathering into the ocean is approximately 10 times greater than the modern flux. Consequently, it takes millions of years for the silicate weathering cycle to reduce post-snowball CO2 levels to background Neoproterozoic levels. Regarding the origin of the cap dolostones, we show that continental weathering alone does not supply enough cations during the snowball melting phase to account for their observed volume.  相似文献   
随着气象现代化建设的逐步深入,701-X雷达作为701系列雷达(包括701、701B和701C)大修改进的一种新技术在山西省探空站投入使用,为使用电子探空仪的新一代400M探空体系做好了准备。虽然701-X结构紧凑,电路高度集成化,故障率远小于701雷达,但由于种种原因,发生故障是不可避免的。  相似文献   
为了深入研究密云射电源表分类样本的性质,作为系列工作的第一部分,选出了一个232~4850MHz平谱源样本.1998年5月29至31日,利用北京天文台2.16米望远镜和OMR摄谱仪,对其中18个目标进行了观测及光谱认证.结果共证认出15个AGN,其中3个信噪比不小于8的BLLac天体和5个类星体(最大红移为2.519±0.003)是新发现的.  相似文献   
利用林芝国家基准气侯站冬季(2018年12月-2019年2月),CHP1型太阳直接辐射传感器、DFC2型光电式数字日照计、暗筒式日照计在不同天气模式下的测量值分类进行对比分析。结果表明:三种仪器两两测量值对比绝对偏差和相对偏差,直接辐射传感器测量值在“阴云”、“多云”、“云晴”比暗筒式日照计低,从大到小的顺序为“晴天”>“阴云”>“多云”。DFC2型光电式数字日照计仅“晴天”测量值比暗筒式日照计高,其余则低。从大到小顺序为“晴天”>“多云”>“阴云”;三种设备测量值可以相互替代,取消人工观测设备后,日照资料可以合并使用。  相似文献   
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