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Based on daily ECMWF gridpoint data of two winters during 1981—1983 including an ENSOyear,propagation of low frequency oscillations(LFO)during Northern Hemisphere winters andtheir influences upon 30—60 day oscillations of the subtropical jet stream are studied with the sta-tistical methods as complex empirical orthogonal function(CEOF)and so on.Results show that inthe winter of a normal year(1981—1982),30—60 day oscillations in the subtropical zone aremainly in the northern and southern flanks of exit region of jet stream.In the ENSO year(1982—1983),they are mainly in the vicinity of entrance and exit regions of jet stream.Intraseasonalchanges of subtropical jet stream manifested themselves as latitudinal fluctuation or longitudinalprogression or regression of about 40 day period.There are marked differences between propagat-ing passages of low frequency modes responsible for changes of subtropical jet stream in the normalyear(1981—1982)and in the ENSO year(1982—1983).Changes of oscillation amplitude showobvious phases.In general,the one in late winter is stronger than that in early winter,strongestone occurs in February.  相似文献   
结合车辆的运动轨迹只能被限制于道路网络上的事实约束,提出了一种基于道路特征的车辆监控数据存储管理方法,存储车辆在道路网特征点处的信息,通过将原始数据中存储的二维地理坐标转换为存储一维的沿道路网的线性参照坐标实现了监控数据和道路网的结合,可极大地节省GPS车辆跟踪数据的存储空间,有利于对车辆数据的进一步分析利用和交通信息的提取.  相似文献   
在传统可达性度量方法的基础上进行改进,提出了一种行程时间不确定环境下地点时空效用可达性度量方法,考虑了行程时间不确定性以及需求端竞争的时变效应。利用深圳市真实的浮动车数据和在线用户原创内容(user-generated content,UGC)数据对深圳市餐饮可达性分布水平进行了分析,结果表明,所提的可达性度量模型比传统可达性度量模型能更准确地表达城市可达性分布。  相似文献   
海量地形数据的Web发布与交互浏览   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
阐述了基于CORBA的分布式平台实现异构网络环境下海量地形数据的Web发布与服务的关键技术,通过一个实验系统对上述方法进行了测试。  相似文献   
近年来,稀疏表示理论在信号处理、图像处理和计算机视觉等领域引起了广泛关注。很多研究人员提出了基于稀疏模型的算法,从不同视角对稀疏表示进行分类,如稀疏约束中使用的不同范数的方法可分为l0范数最小化、lp范数(0<p<1)最小化、l1范数最小化、l2范数以及l2,1范数最小化5类。此外,还可对求解上述稀疏模型中不同的优化算法进行分类,包括贪婪策略、约束优化策略、逼近算法和同伦算法。通过介绍不同的稀疏模型及分析各类优化算法的基本原理,充分揭示出稀疏表示理论的潜在性质,为相关研究人员提供指引。  相似文献   
通过与历史上已发生的ENSO事件的比较,对1997-1998年热带太平洋海温异常的基本特征和可能成因进行了诊断分析,发现1997/1998年E1Nino事件具有显著的异常性和独特性,不同于以往单纯的东部型或西部型E1Nino。对用一个简化海气耦合动力学模式做1998/1998年E1Nino事件的预报进行检验。结果表明该模式对这次暖事件超前0-24个月的预报技巧均在0.5以上,模式对暖事件的成熟位相及以后阶段的预报比对暖事件的开始阶段预报得好。  相似文献   
一、前言在强天气的诊断分析和预报中,常常要了解上升运动、锋生函数及非地转运动等物理量的分布与强度,由于计算这些物理量所需求的资料量较大,给日常的应用带来不便。Hoskins等提出的“Q矢量分析方法”就是用Q矢量来描述这些物理量的分布和强度,其形式简单,物理意义清楚,能弥补传统准地转ω方程的缺点,而且计算简便,资料需求量少。Barnes  相似文献   
 现代物流业需要快速高效并智能化制定物流运输方案。传统路径优化方法适合处理中小规模的车辆路径问题,计算时间较长,方案质量较低,故需发展短时间内能提供高质量路径方案的启发式算法。针对大规模物流车辆路径优化,本文提出了一种Voronoi邻近的快速优化方法。该方法先创建初始解,而后进行迭代优化。初始解创建利用Voronoi邻近关系,顾及车辆容量约束,自底向上进行客户点空间聚类,将问题降维;采用最廉价插入算法安排聚类内部路径,生成性质良好的初始解。迭代优化在客户点Voronoi邻近内进行有效的局部搜索,利用模拟退火机制接受较差解,从而跳出局部最优,不断提高解的质量。本文利用模拟生成的北京市大规模车辆路径问题进行实验,结果表明:本文算法能够在4500s内优化客户点高达12 000个物流车辆路径问题,计算时间较短,解的质量优良,算法性能稳定。本文与其他算法比较,能在较短时间内提供高质量车辆路径方案,适用于大规模物流车辆路径的优化。  相似文献   
一种基于机载LiDAR和离散曲率的建筑物三维重建方法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
机载LiDAR作为一种获取地物空间信息的新技术已得到广泛应用,但从LiDAR数据中重建建筑物三维模型方法的缺乏,是制约其进一步发展的瓶颈.该文介绍了一种自动与人机交互建模相结合的建筑物三维重建方法,首先基于离散曲率分析自动提取建筑物3D轮廓信息,然后将建筑物轮廓信息作为约束条件,使用模型驱动的ATOP算法实现建筑物自动建模,并支持对复杂建筑物人机交互建模.  相似文献   
A nested regional climate model has been experimentally used in the seasonal prediction at the China National Climate Center (NCC) since 2001. The NCC/IAP (Institute of Atmospheric Physics) T63 coupled GCM (CGCM) provides the boundary and initial conditions for driving the regional climate model (RegCM NCC). The latter has a 60-km horizontal resolution and improved physical parameterization schemes including the mass flux cumulus parameterization scheme, the turbulent kinetic energy closure scheme (TKE) and an improved land process model (LPM). The large-scale terrain features such as the Tibetan Plateau are included in the larger domain to produce the topographic forcing on the rain-producing systems. A sensitivity study of the East Asian climate with regard to the above physical processes has been presented in the first part of the present paper. This is the second part, as a continuation of Part I. In order to verify the performance of the nested regional climate model, a ten-year simulation driven by NCEP reanalysis datasets has been made to explore the performance of the East Asian climate simulation and to identify the model’s systematic errors. At the same time, comparative simulation experiments for 5 years between the RegCM2 and RegCM NCC have been done to further understand their differences in simulation performance. Also, a ten-year hindcast (1991–2000) for summer (June–August), the rainy season in China, has been undertaken. The preliminary results have shown that the RegCM NCC is capable of predicting the major seasonal rain belts. The best predicted regions with high anomaly correlation coefficient (ACC) are located in the eastern part of West China, in Northeast China and in North China, where the CGCM has maximum prediction skill as well. This fact may reflect the importance of the largescale forcing. One significant improvement of the prediction derived from RegCM NCC is the increase of ACC in the Yangtze River valley where the CGCM has a very low, even a negative, ACC. The reason behind this improvement is likely to be related to the more realistic representation of the large-scale terrain features of the Tibetan Plateau. Presumably, many rain-producing systems may be generated over or near the Tibetan Plateau and may then move eastward along the Yangtze River basin steered by upper-level westerly airflow, thus leading to enhancement of rainfalls in the mid and lower basins of the Yangtze River. The real-time experimental predictions for summer in 2001, 2002, 2003 and 2004 by using this nested RegCM NCC were made. The results are basically reasonable compared with the observations.  相似文献   
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