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E. Dişli 《Ground Water Monitoring & Remediation》2010,30(3):125-139
This article describes laboratory batch sorption and column transport experiments that were conducted using heterogeneous alluvial sediments with a wide physical characteristic from wells, located between Lake Mogan and Lake Eymir, Gölbaşı, Ankara. The batch sorption experiment was conducted in two separate systems, that is, single and multicomponents. Single batch experiment was performed to determine equilibrium condition between the heavy metal ions and the soil adsorption sites. The sorption isotherms data from multibatch experiments were used to calculate the sorption parameters. Single batch experiment indicated that equilibrium was attained within 9 days from the start of the sorption test. As a result of multicomponents batch experiments, for Zn and Mn, the sorption process was well described by the Freundlich or Langmuir isotherm model, whereas sorption of Cu was better described by the linear isotherm model. The Kd of Cu were found to be highest in soil 1 (32550.350 L kg−1) and lowest in soil 5 (18170.76 L kg−1). The maximum and minimum sorption capacity values for Zn were found to be in soil 1 (10985.148 mg kg−1) and in soil 2 (8597.14 mg kg−1) units, respectively. [Correction added after online publication 15 July, 2010: In the preceding sentence, the words “minimum” and “maximum” were initially switched.] Similarly, soil 1 (7587.391 mg kg−1) and soil 5 (4908.695 mg kg−1) units provided the maximum and minimum values for Mn. In the column experiments, flow and tracer transport was studied under saturated conditions using conservative tracer to determine the transport parameters. Transport parameter values were obtained by curve-fitting using the nonlinear least-squares optimization code CXTFIT. Results of the column experiments indicated that the dispersivity values obtained for soil samples were in the range of 0.024 to 1.13 cm. 相似文献
记述了四川盆地西南部晚侏罗世上沙溪庙组顶部的中国盗龙型肉食龙类化石材料,并依此建立一新属新种——犍为乐山龙 (Leshansaurus qianweiensis gen. et sp. nov.)。它以上枕骨中嵴呈尖峰状,额骨最大长度与最大宽度之比约2.86,基蝶骨之基翼骨突细长,环椎间椎体马蹄形,背椎横突相当细长,背椎和荐椎神经棘非常薄,荐椎椎体具有明显的腹嵴,肠骨内侧髋臼缘存在一明显的嵴等特征区别于其他肉食龙类。犍为乐山龙是目前所知四川盆地产出层位最高的肉食龙材料,它的发现扩大了肉食龙类的时代分布和地理分布,对探讨肉食龙的演化具有比较重要的意义。 相似文献
2001年春季中国北方沙尘暴的环流动力结构分析 总被引:14,自引:15,他引:14
通过对2001年春季中国北方5次沙尘暴的高度场,涡度场,散度场和风场的分析,研究了沙尘暴强盛期的环流动力结构。结果表明,在5次沙尘暴强盛期有相似的环流动力结构特征。在沙尘暴强盛期的高度场上,蒙古国有深厚的低值系统,乌拉尔高压发展,其间的强气压梯度是沙尘暴的动力源;低值系统有正涡度中心支持,外围是负涡度区,其间有强涡度梯度带;低值中心伴随有低层辐合高层辐散的垂直结构,易于发生近地面大风和上升气流,有利于地面起沙上扬,形成沙尘暴,大风区与强涡度梯度带一致,强风带切变形成的涡度输送有利于加强低值系统,进而增强风场。 相似文献
太原市大气颗粒物中有机物浓度的分布特征 总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5
首次研究了太原市大气颗粒物中的有机物分布特征。收集了太原市不同功能区冬夏两季的大气颗粒样品,经抽提分离取得饱和烃、芳香烃、非烃、沥青质4组馏分。分析结果表明:(1)大气颗粒中有机物浓度在取暖期高于非取暖期;(2)各功能区的有机污染程度不同,太钢工业区>长风剧场商业居民混合区>一电厂化工区、太行文化区。(3)各馏分浓度中沥青质含量普遍高,饱和烃含量最低,非烃、芳香烃馏分居中,且相对较低。(4)太原市整体污染主要为煤的燃烧和工业生产、尾气排放。 相似文献