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We studied olivines from the Devonian pre-trap (the Ilbokich occurrence) and the Triassic post-trap (the Chadobets occurrence) carbonate-rich ultramafic lamprophyres (UMLs) in the southwestern portion of the Siberian craton. On the basis of detailed investigations of major, minor, and trace-element distributions, we have reconstructed the main processes that control the origins of these olivines. These include fractional crystallisation from melt, assimilation, and fractional crystallisation processes with orthopyroxene assimilation, melt-reaction diffusive re-equilibration, alkali enrichment, and CO2 degassing of the melt. Furthermore, we inferred the composition of the sources of the primary UML melt and their possible correlations with proto-kimberlitic melts, as well as the influence of the Triassic Siberian plume on the composition of the lithospheric mantle. The main differences between olivines from the Ilbokich and the Chadobets aillikites were that the olivines from the former had more magnesium-rich cores (Mg# = 89.2?±?0.2), had Mg- and Cr-rich transition zones (Mg# = 89.7?±?0.2 and 300–500 ppm Cr), had lower Ni (up to 3100 ppm) and Li (1.4–1.5 ppm), and had higher B (0.8–2.6 ppm) contents, all at higher Fo values (90–86), relative to the olivines from the latter (Mg# = 88–75; 200–300 ppm Cr; up to 3400 ppm Ni; 1.4–2.4 ppm Li; 0.4–2.2 ppm B). The Siberian aillikite sources contained a significant amount of metasomatic material. Phlogopite-rich MARID-type veins provided the likely metasomatic component in the pre-trap Devonian Ilbokich aillikite source, whereas the Triassic Chadobets aillikitic post-trap melts were derived from a source with a significant carbonate component. A comparison of UML olivines with olivines from the pre-trap and post-trap Siberian kimberlites shows a striking similarity. This suggests that the carbonate component in the aillikitic source could have been produced by evolved kimberlite melts. The differences in the lithospheric metasomatic component that contributed to pre-trap and post-trap aillikitic melts can be interpreted as reflections of the thermal impact of the Siberian Traps, which reduced phlogopite-bearing metasomes within the southwestern Siberian sub-continental lithospheric mantle.  相似文献   
During breakup of the continental lithosphere, partial or complete separation of small continental blocks from the mainland frequently occurs, leading to the formation of microcontinents or partially separated submerged plateaus that advance toward the ocean, as well as to emergent nonvolcanic islands. The article reviews the geodynamic settings in which isolated blocks of continental crust can form. Depending on the thermomechanical conditions of continental rifting, such blocks may be preserved as emergent islands or as submerged blocks of continental crust.  相似文献   
The results of an analysis of the possible effect of auroral electron fluxes on the effective recombination coefficient αeff in the ionosphere are presented. It is shown that the αeff value in the E-region of the ionosphere is determined mainly by the physical-chemical properties of the medium. In the F1-layer of the ionosphere, the effective recombination coefficient becomes dependent on both the value of the energy flux and the type of the energy spectrum of the auroral electron flux.  相似文献   
The study of the stress-strain state of a medium in seismically quiet areas is difficult because of the absence of strong events. Under such circumstances, each earthquake, even relatively weak, is of high importance. In this case, all possible information on tectonic stresses and their dynamics, e.g., information on time, location, and magnitude of aftershocks, should be obtained from available seismic data. The earthquake near the town of Mariupol which occurred on August 7, 2016, had a body wave magnitude of 4.5–4.9 from the data of the different seismological centers. We detected 12 aftershocks that occurred within 5 days after the main shock using two seismic arrays (AKASG and BRTR) and one three-component station (KBZ) of the International Monitoring System, as well as two array stations of the Institute of Geosphere Dynamics, Russian Academy of Sciences. For six aftershocks, signals were found at three or more stations. The other aftershocks were detected from the data at two out of three nearest stations. Signal detection and association with aftershocks of the main shock, as well as estimation of magnitude and relative location of the found aftershocks, were carried out using the method of waveform cross-correlation (WFCC). The signals from the main shock that acted as the only master event (ME) for the WFCC method were used as waveform templates. To increase the signal-to-noise ratio and to determine the exact onset time of regular seismic waves from aftershocks, we used waveform templates of different length, from 10 to 180 s depending on the wave type and distance to the station, as well as band filtering in narrow frequency bands. The highest sensitivity of the detector and accuracy of the P-wave onset time estimates were reached when a waveform template included all regular waves from P to L g . Association of signals with aftershocks was based on back projection of signal arrival times to origin times using the travel time from a master event to the station, which was measured with a very low error, being equal to almost half of the digitization step length. To develop a seismic event hypothesis, the origin times at two or more stations should be spaced within a 2-s interval.  相似文献   
小河金矿的细菌预氧化研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
郑存江  熊英 《陕西地质》2000,18(2):93-97
陕西旬阳小河金矿的浮选金精矿含砷(20-27%),采用细菌预氧化时较为困难。采用不同方式对有T.f菌进行驯化,有效地提高了细菌的氧化活性,金的浸出率从0.6%提高到85.12%。  相似文献   
琼西抱板群变质沉积岩地球化学研究   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
琼西中元古代抱板群变质沉积岩可分为白云母石英片岩组和石英二云母片岩组,其原岩为砂岩质泥质沉积岩夹火山物质。白云母石英片岩组和石英二云母片岩组在地球化学成分上的差异是原始沉积化学分异作用的结果。对主元素、微量元素(含稀土元素)及Sm-Nd同位素的综合研究表明,海南岛存在古元古代或更早的古老基底,抱板群变质沉积岩一部分来源于成熟度较低的古老地壳物质,另一部分来源于含地幔火山物质较多的初生地壳,或与研究区大规模造山运动、构造-岩浆活动所伴生的地幔物质加入有关。初步研究显示,琼西抱板群变质沉积岩可能是造山带岛弧和活动大陆边缘区(扩张弧后或弧间盆地)大地构造环境下的沉积产物。  相似文献   
This work presents integrated geophysical studies that were carried out to identify the nature of the intense magnetic anomaly detected by the results of land surveying on the right bank of the Slushka River in the territory of the Yukhnovskii district of Kaluga Region. The comprehensive interpretation of the geophysical data and the laboratory measurements of the core made it possible to determine the nature and parameters of the anomaly-forming object that is located in the upper part of the section; it consists of loams that contain such magnetic minerals as greigite, pyrrhotite, and magnetite.  相似文献   
我国西部开发中生态环境保护及其对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
西部地区生态环境脆弱 ,在实施西部开发战略中如何保护和优化生态环境显得尤为重要。在分析西部地区存在的生态环境问题的基础上 ,提出了适度调整资源开发导向战略 ;科技先行 ,强化生态环境建设 ;调整产业结构 ,加快城市化进程 ;制定合理的政策 ,加强环境立法、执法等对策和建议 ,保护和优化生态环境  相似文献   
The results of 2-year (2010–2012) measurements of the concentrations of organic carbon (OC) and elemental carbon (EC), which were taken at the Zotino Tall Tower Observatory (ZOTTO) Siberian background station (61° N, 89° E), are given. Despite the fact that this station is located far from populated areas and industrial zones, the concentrations of OC and EC in the atmosphere over boreal forests in central Siberia significantly exceed their background values. In winter and fall, high concentrations of atmospheric carbonaceous aerosol particles are caused by the long-range transport (~1000 km) of air masses that accumulate pollutants from large cities located in both southern and southwestern regions of Siberia. In spring and summer, the pollution level is also high due to regional forest fires and agricultural burning in the steppe zone of western Siberia in the Russian–Kazakh border region. Background concentrations of carbonaceous aerosol particles were observed within relatively short time intervals whose total duration was no more than 20% of the entire observation period. In summer, variations in the background concentrations of OC closely correlated with air temperature, which implies that the biogenic sources of organic-particle formation are dominating.  相似文献   
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