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从云南各地采集微生物菌种进行筛选、驯化,找到一株对水环境中的微量铬具有良好吸附去除能力的菌种,并研究了碳源、氮源、培养液pH值和培养温度等因素对其去除铬的影响.试验结果表明,去除水环境中微量铬的适宜菌种的培养条件为以可溶性淀粉为碳源、(NH4)2SO4为氮源、培养温度25℃、培养液pH 8,培养液中碳:氮=10:1,利用该条件培养的菌种对水环境中微量铬具有较好的去除能力. 相似文献
依法保护饮用水源地涉及银川市的安全与稳定,同时也涉及水源地周边个人、企业的生存和经济发展。严重的水资源短缺、浪费与水源地污染三大因素叠加,在客观上加大了水资源的供需矛盾,直接影响到银川市民饮用水的安全保证。当前银川市饮用水源地环境保护问题已成为经济建设可持续发展的瓶颈,改善银川市饮用水源地环境质量已是燃眉之急。为此,本文从饮用水源地现状及保护意义出发,分析现行立法构架及实施情况,并提出加强饮用水源地环境治理的相关对策。 相似文献
In this study,we derived atmospheric profiles of temperature,moisture,and ozone,along with surface emissivity,skin temperature,and surface pressure,from infrared-sounder radiances under clear sky (cloudless) condition.Clouds were detected objectively using the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder under a relatively low spatial resolution and cloud-mask information from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer under a high horizontal resolution;this detection was conducted using space matching.Newton’s nonlinear physical iterative solution technique is applied to the radiative transfer equation (RTE) to retrieve temperature profiles,relative humidity profiles,and surface variables simultaneously.This technique is carried out by using the results of an eigenvector regression retrieval as the background profile and using corresponding iterative forms for the weighting functions of temperature and water-vapor mixing ratio.The iterative forms are obtained by applying the variational principle to the RTE.We also compared the retrievals obtained with different types of observations.The results show that the retrieved atmospheric sounding profile has great superiority over other observations by accuracy and resolution.Retrieved profiles can be used to improve the initial conditions of numerical models and used in areas where conventional observations are sparse,such as plateaus,deserts,and seas. 相似文献
意大利拉德瑞罗地热田热储压力试验[意]国家地热管理处拉德瑞罗地热再生工程的主要目的之一,是在超压力下进行热储的运转。这种方法很可能提高地热电站的工作效率。并且,作为世界上第一个地热发电站的拉德瑞罗地热田中的首次偿试,用热储作为储存库进行超压运转以系统... 相似文献
Combined with TRMM products and Tropical Cyclone (TC) best track data in Northwest Pacific from 1 January 2003 to 31 December 2009, a total of 118 TCs, including 336 instantaneous TC precipitation observations are established as the TRMM TC database, and the database is stratified into four intensity classes according to the standard of TC intensity adopted by China Meteorological Administration (CMA): Severe Tropical Storm (STS), Typhoon (TY), Severe Typhoon (STY) and Super Typhoon (SuperTY). For each TC snapshot, the mean rainfall distribution is computed using 10-km annuli from the TC center to a 300-km radius, then the axisymmetric component of TC rainfall is represented by the radial distribution of the azimuthal mean rain rate; the mean rain rates, rain types occurrence and contribution proportion are computed for each TC intensity class; and the mean quadrantal distribution of rain rates along TCs motion is analyzed. The result shows that: (1) TCs mean rain rates increase with their intensity classes, and their radial distributions show single-peak characteristic gradually, and furthermore, the characteristics of rain rates occurrence and contribution proportion change from dual-peak to single-peak distribution, with the peak rain rate at about 5.0 mm/h; (2) Stratiform rain dominate the rain type in the analysis zone, while convective rain mainly occurred in the eye-wall region; (3) The values of mean rain rate in each quadrant along TCs motion are close to each other, relatively, the value in the right-rear quadrant is the smallest one. 相似文献
采集大连某机场2004—2007年大雾、轻雾和无雾天气事件共186例,选取雾天气事件前期(前一日08:00,14:00,20:00(北京时)实测资料)的温、压、湿、风等要素指标为预报因子,基于学习向量量化神经网络(learning vector quantization,LVQ),采用逐级预报思想建立起某机场雾天气事件的预报模型。在网络训练过程中,动态调整网络神经元比例参数,提高模型的预报能力;采用根据检验准确率适时终止训练的"先停止"技术,有效提高了模型的泛化能力。预报试验表明:无论是拟合率还是独立预报准确率,模型均已达到较高水准,具有实际应用意义。 相似文献
数值天气预报中卫星资料同化应用现状和发展 总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14
卫星资料已大量应用于数值天气预报,占据了所用观测资料的主体并对数值天气预报效果的改善具有明显的作用。目前卫星资料的同化应用一方面在努力解决受地表辐射、云和降水影响的卫星观测资料的同化问题,以充分利用现有卫星资料并发挥其效能,同时发展适应伴随全球观测系统建立而带来大数量和多种类新类型卫星资料的同化应用。文章介绍了为满足卫星资料在数值天气预报中同化应用现状与发展而建立的两个卫星资料同化研究中心(JCSDA:Joint Center of Satellite Data Assimilation和NWP SAF:Satellite Applications Facility for Numerical Weather Prediction)的基本情况,并简要讨论我国数值天气预报中卫星资料同化应用。 相似文献