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通过对手术切除的37例胃癌患者的离体标本的自体荧光光谱检测,显示308nm,337nm激发光谱均呈双主峰结构,双主峰的比值均能区分胃癌与正常胃壁(P<0.001).分别用308nm,337nm激发荧光光谱单因素分析诊断胃癌的灵敏度、特异度、阳性预测值分别为88.8%,86.8%,86.4%和80.1%,72.1%,67.5%.对308nm及337nm激发荧光光谱双因素分析,癌诊断的灵敏度、特异度、阳性预测值分别为94.4%,92.1%,91.9%,其诊断正确符合率明显高于单因素分析的结果.研究表明,以308nm及337nm双波长激发检测胃壁浆膜,双因素判别算法可较好地区分胃癌,这种方法有望成为手术中快速识别胃癌在胃壁的浸润范围的有效方法. 相似文献
We used long term monitoring data to evaluate changes in abundance and species dominance of small-jellyfish (collected with zooplankton net whose bell diameter was less than 5 cm) between 1991 and 2009 in the Jiaozhou Bay, China. Zooplankton samples were vertically towed with conical plankton net from near-bottom to surface, identified microscopically, and mapped in time-space using Grapher 7.0 and Surfer 8.0. Results show that the abundance of small-jellyfish throughout the bay had been increasing during 2001-2009 on average of 15.2 ind./m 3 , almost 5 times higher than that between 1991 and 2000. The occurrence of peak abundance shifted from spring to summer after 2000, and two peaks appeared in spring and summer, respectively, after 2005. Both the abundance and the frequency of blooms of small-jellyfish increased after 2000 in the bay. In addition, the biodiversity of jellyfish has increased significantly in recent years with a change in dominant species. Several new dominant species appeared after 2000, including Rathkae octopunctata in winter, Phialidium hemisphaericum in spring, summer, and autumn, Phialucium carolinae in spring, and Pleurobrachia globosa in summer and autumn, while some previous dominant species throughout the 1990s (Eirene ceylonensis, Zanclea costata, Lovenella assimilis, and Muggiaea atlantica) were no longer dominant after 2000. The abundance of small-jellyfish was positively correlated with the density of dinoflagellates, and the abundance of zooplankton. We believe that the changes in smalljellyfish abundance and species composition were the result of eutrophication, aquaculture and coastal construction activities around the bay. Concurrently, seawater warming and salinity decrease in recent decades promoted the growth and reproduction of small-jellyfish in the bay. 相似文献
面向世界的气候资料整编工作简介张玉琴,李颖(省局气候资料室兰州730020)我国历次气候资料整编工作都是为国内需要而进行的。1979年12月,中央气象局下发的《1951-1980年全国地面基本气候资料统计方法》便是如此。它在整编方法、整编项目和整编时... 相似文献
国家级油气资源数据库建设方案 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
针对油气资源信息中的海量数据处理、信息集成和综合利用等关键问题,提出了开发国家级油气资源数据库软件系统的整体设计方案。其中包括软件结构、功能结构、数据库结构以及基于C/S和B/S模式的数据库系统建设方案。阐述了应用Ajax技术实现B/S模式系统架构,使用自行开发的ETL工具解决C/S与B/S模式间多类数据的提取转换等关键问题。该设计方案用地理信息系统(GIS)的空间属性一体化技术解决问题。 相似文献
以Landsat TM/ETM+为基本数据源,利用遥感和GIS技术定量反演了哈尔滨市1989和2000年的地面亮温和植被指数(NDVI),对标准化地面亮温分级数据进行热力景观指数计算,研究城市热场分布的空间格局、时空变化规律和不同植被指数(NDVI)等级下热环境的变化特征.结果表明:1989和2000年哈尔滨市建成区均存在显著的热岛效应,2000年建成区热岛效应增强,哈尔滨市总体地面亮温升高;热力景观日趋破碎,各景观类型受干扰程度较大,处于很不稳定的状态.NDVI与地面亮温的负相关性随着植被覆盖度的升高而增大;植被覆盖度与地面亮温的空间变异呈负相关. 相似文献