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An applicable algorithm for Total Kalman Filter (TKF) approach is proposed. Meanwhile, we extend it to the case in which we can consider arbitrary weight matrixes for the observation vector, the random design matrix and possible correlation between them. Also the updated dispersion matrix of the predicted unknown is given. This approach makes use of condition equations and straightforward variance propagation rules. It is applicable to data fusion within a dynamic errors-in-variables (DEIV) model, which usually appears in the determination of the position and attitude of mobile sensors. Then, we apply for the first time the TKF algorithm and its extended version named WTKF to a DEIV model and compare the results. The results show the efficiency of the proposed WTKF algorithm. In particular in the case of large weights, WTKF shows approximately 25% improvement in contrast to TKF approach.  相似文献   
Groundwater is the main source for water provision in the arid and semi-arid areas such as Iran. The groundwater quality was simulated by using a hybrid model integrating a Self-Organizing Map(SOM) and geographic information system(GIS). SOM and GIS were used as pre-processing and postprocessing tools in the Mazandaran Plain. Further, the Ground Water Quality Index(GWQI) and its effective factors were estimated by using digital maps and the secondary data. Neuro Solutions software was used for simulating the groundwater quality. To do this, a model was trained and optimized in the SOM and then the optimized model was tested. In the next step, the performance of SOM in groundwater quality simulation was confirmed(test stage, Rsqr=0.8, and MSE=0.008). Then, the digital maps of the SOM inputs were converted to raster format in GIS. In the last step, a raster layer was generated by combining the model input layers which comprised the model inputs values. The tested SOM was used to simulate GWQI in the sites without the secondary data of the groundwater quality. Finally, the groundwater quality map was generated by coupling the results of SOM estimations and GIS capabilities. The results revealed that the coupling of SOM and GIS has high performance in the simulation of the groundwater quality. According to the results, a limited area of the studied plain has groundwater resources with low quality(GWQI0.04). Therefore, that will be a threat to the life of humans, animals, and vegetative species. Therefore, it is necessary to plan for managing the groundwater quality in the Mazandaran plain.  相似文献   
This paper evaluates the feasibility of using an artificial neural network (ANN) methodology for estimating the groundwater levels in some piezometers placed in an aquifer in north‐western Iran. This aquifer is multilayer and has a high groundwater level in urban areas. Spatiotemporal groundwater level simulation in a multilayer aquifer is regarded as difficult in hydrogeology due to the complexity of the different aquifer materials. In the present research the performance of different neural networks for groundwater level forecasting is examined in order to identify an optimal ANN architecture that can simulate the piezometers water levels. Six different types of network architectures and training algorithms are investigated and compared in terms of model prediction efficiency and accuracy. The results of different experiments show that accurate predictions can be achieved with a standard feedforward neural network trained usung the Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm. The structure and spatial regressions of the ANN parameters (weights and biases) are then used for spatiotemporal model presentation. The efficiency of the spatio‐temporal ANN (STANN) model is compared with two hybrid neural‐geostatistics (NG) and multivariate time series‐geostatistics (TSG) models. It is found in this study that the ANNs provide the most accurate predictions in comparison with the other models. Based on the nonlinear intrinsic ANN approach, the developed STANN model gives acceptable results for the Tabriz multilayer aquifer. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
In this study, we calculate accurate absolute locations for nearly 3,000 shallow earthquakes (≤20 km depth) that occurred from 1996 to 2010 in the Central Alborz region of northern Iran using a non-linear probabilistic relocation algorithm on a local scale. We aim to produce a consistent dataset with a realistic assessment of location errors using probabilistic hypocenter probability density functions. Our results indicate significant improvement in hypocenter locations and far less scattering than in the routine earthquake catalog. According to our results, 816 earthquakes have horizontal uncertainties in the 0.5–3.0 km range, and 981 earthquakes are relocated with focal-depth errors less than 3.0 km, even with a suboptimal network geometry. Earthquake relocated are tightly clustered in the eastern Tehran region and are mainly associated with active faults in the study area (the Mosha and Garmsar faults). Strong historical earthquakes have occurred along the Mosha and Garmsar faults, and the relocated earthquakes along these faults show clear north-dipping structures and align along east–west lineations, consistent with the predominant trend of faults within the study region. After event relocation, all seismicity lies in the upper 20 km of the crust, and no deep seismicity (>20 km depth) has been observed. In many circumstances, the seismicity at depth does not correlate with surface faulting, suggesting that the faulting at depth does not directly offset overlying sediments.  相似文献   
This paper presents a neural network approach to determine 2D inverse modeling of a buried structure from gravity anomaly profile. The results of the applied neural network method are compared with the results of two other methods, least-squares minimization and the simple method. Sphere, horizontal cylinder and vertical cylinder and their gravity effects are considered as the synthetic models and the synthetic data, respectively. The synthetic data are also corrupted with noise to evaluate the capability of the methods. Then the Dehloran bitumen map in Iran is chosen as a real data application. Anomaly value of the cross-section, which is taken from the gravity anomaly map of Dehloran bitumen, is very close to those obtained from these methods.  相似文献   
This paper presents a novel triple‐layer model, called VART DO‐3L, for simulation of spatial variations in dissolved oxygen (DO) in fine‐grained streams, characterized by a fluid mud (fluff or flocculent) layer (an advection‐dominated storage zone) as the interface between overlying stream water and relatively consolidated streambed sediment (a diffusion‐dominated storage zone). A global sensitivity analysis is conducted to investigate the sensitivity of VART DO‐3L model input parameters. Results of the sensitivity analysis indicate that the most sensitive parameter is the relative size of the advection‐dominated storage zones (As/A), followed by a lumped reaction term (R) for the flocculent layer, biological reaction rate (μo) in diffusive layer and biochemical oxygen demand concentration (L) in water column. In order to address uncertainty in model input parameters, Monte Carlo simulations are performed to sample parameter values and to produce various parameter combinations or cases. The VART DO‐3L model is applied to the Lower Amite River in Louisiana, USA, to simulate vertical and longitudinal variations in DO under the cases. In terms of longitudinal variation, the DO level decreases from 7.9 mg l at the Denham Springs station to about 2.89 mg l?1 at the Port Vincent station. In terms of vertical variation, the DO level drops rapidly from the overlying water column to the advection‐dominated storage zone and further to the diffusive layer. The DO level (CF) in the advective layer (flocculent layer) can reach as high as 40% of DO concentration (C) in the water column. The VART DO‐3L model may be applied to similar rivers for simulation of spatial variations in DO level. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The main goal of this study is to develop an efficient approach for the assimilation of the hindcasted wave parameters in the Persian Gulf. Hence, the third generation SWAN model was employed for wave modeling forced by the 6-h ECMWF wind data with a resolution of 0.5°. In situ wave measurements at two stations were utilized to evaluate the assimilation approaches. It was found that since the model errors are not the same for wave height and period, adaptation of model parameter does not result in simultaneous and comprehensive improvement of them. Therefore, an approach based on the error prediction and updating of output variables was employed to modify wave height and period. In this approach, artificial neural networks (ANNs) were used to estimate the deviations between the simulated and measured wave parameters. The results showed that updating of output variables leads to significant improvement in a wide range of the predicted wave characteristics. It was revealed that the best input parameters for error prediction networks are mean wind speed, mean wind direction, wind duration, and the wave parameters. In addition, combination of the ANN estimated error with numerically modeled wave parameters leads to further improvement in the predicted wave parameters in contrast to direct estimation of the parameters by ANN.  相似文献   
Flood is the most common disaster in the world and has acute or chronic health consequences including psychological sequels. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is one of the main consequences. This study aimed to explore the psychological impacts (PTSD) in two flooded cities of Mazandaran Province, Neka and Behshahr, in the southeastern Caspian region that experienced flooding in 2012. A cross-sectional community-based study was performed on randomly selected samples of 400 individuals using GIS-based sampling from 139931 residents of the two flooded cities. The PTSS-10 questionnaire was used for data collection. The results showed that the overall stress disorder mean score among the participants was 2.59 out of 6. PTSD prevalence in the affected population was 64%. It was also found that stress scores significantly increased in younger people, male gender, the divorced, the widows or the widowers, and those who lost their properties (p < 0.05). Study findings showed that flood is a considerable stressor which develops PTSD. This finding should be taken into account in all four phases of disaster management cycle, and subsequently, specialized post-disaster mental health services must be provided for the afflicted population.  相似文献   
There are several alternatives to evaluate seismic damage‐cracking behavior of concrete arch dams, among which damage theory is the most popular. A more recent option introduced for this purpose is plastic–damage (PD) approach. In this study, a special finite element program coded in 3‐D space is developed on the basis of a well‐established PD model successfully applied to gravity dams in 2‐D plane stress state. The model originally proposed by Lee and Fenves in 1998 relies on isotropic damaged elasticity in combination with isotropic tensile and compressive plasticity to capture inelastic behaviors of concrete in cyclic or dynamic loadings. The present implementation is based on the rate‐dependent version of the model, including large crack opening/closing possibilities. Moreover, with utilizing the Hilber–Hughes–Taylor time integration scheme, an incremental–iterative solution strategy is detailed for the coupled dam–reservoir equations while the damage–dependent damping stress is included. The program is initially validated, and then, it is employed for the main analyses of the Koyna gravity dam in a 3‐D modeling as well as a typical concrete arch dam. The former is a major verification for the further examination on the arch dam. The application of the PD model to an arch dam is more challenging because the governing stress condition is multiaxial, causing shear damage to become more important than uniaxial states dominated in gravity dams. In fact, the softening and strength loss in compression for the damaged regions under multiaxial cyclic loadings affect its seismic safety. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
In gravity interpretation methods, an initial guess for the approximate shape of the gravity source is necessary. In this paper, the support vector classifier (SVC) is applied for this duty by using gravity data. It is shown that using SVC leads us to estimate the approximate shapes of gravity sources more objectively. The procedure of selecting correct features is called feature selection (FS).In this research, the proper features are selected using inter/intra class distance algorithm and also FS is optimized by increasing and decreasing the number of dimensions of features space. Then, by using the proper features, SVC is used to estimate approximate shapes of sources from the six possible shapes, including: sphere, horizontal cylinder, vertical cylinder, rectangular prism, syncline, and anticline. SVC is trained using 300 synthetic gravity profiles and tested by 60 other synthetic and some real gravity profiles (related to a well and two ore bodies), and shapes of their sources estimated properly.  相似文献   
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