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In this paper, the hydrodynamic efficiency of a floating breakwater system is experimentally studied by use of physical models. Regular waves with wide ranges of wave heights and periods are tested. The efficiency of the breakwater is presented as a function of the wave transmission, reflection, and energy dissipation coefficients. Different parameters affecting the breakwater efficiency are investigated, e.g. the number of the under connected vertical plates, the length of the mooring wire, and the wave length. It is found that, the transmission coefficient kt decreases with the increase of the relative breakwater width B/L, the number of plates n and the relative wire length l/h, while the reflection coefficient kr takes the opposite trend. Therefore, it is possible to achieve kt values smaller than 0.25 and kr values larger than 0.80 when B/L is larger than 0.25 for the case of l/h-1.5 and n=4. In addition, empirical equations used for estimating the transmission and reflection coefficients are developed by using the dimensionless analysis, regression analysis and measured data and verified by different theoretical and experimental results.  相似文献   
基岩岛屿组成的"门"地貌单元是珠江河口区别于世界其他河口的重要地貌特征之一。文章基于重整化群k-ε湍流模型(RNG k-ε)的FLOW3D流体计算模型研究了"门"地貌单元的时均动力结构及湍流能耗特性。"门"地形致动力结构伴随不同类型能耗区。根据能耗空间分布特性可分为核心区(A1区)、混合区(A2区)、上游区(A3区)、下游区(A4区)。"门"地形作用下,不同分区的动力结构、湍流特性、能量转化、能量耗散特征及其驱动机制不同。  相似文献   
开展潮流能装置实海况试验、检测与评价方法研究,对海洋高科技成果的转化、海洋可再生能源开发提供了科学、有效的技术保障。文章通过对潮流能装置的功率输出特性、年发电量、能量转换效率三项核心指标进行分析,提出指标的测试内容和评价方法,为实现潮流能海上试验与测试场建设提供技术依据;并根据对海上风电场的研究,提出了海上试验场潮流能装置的电能质量测试与评估方法;给出潮流能装置安全准入的测试内容,全面评估试验场潮流能装置的运行状态。  相似文献   
利用1991—2010年的NCEP再分析风场驱动LAGFD-WAM海浪数值模式,通过数值后报方法,对海南万宁近海海域近20年的波浪场进行了逐时数值模拟,数值模拟结果和实测结果对比的一致性良好。在数值后报数据的基础上计算了万宁近海波浪能流密度和能流密度变异系数,并对其年内变化特点、区域分布特征和稳定性进行了分析。万宁近海年均波浪能流密度3—10 k W/m,属于波浪能资源可利用区和较丰富区。年内各月月均能流密度差别较大,12月波浪能资源最好,5月波浪能资源最差。秋季(9—11月)和冬季(12—2月)月均波浪能流密度分别为5—24 k W/m和6—29 k W/m,春季(3—5月)和夏季(6—8月)分别为3—7 k W/m和1—6 k W/m。地形对波浪能量的辐聚作用明显,受岬角、岛屿、海底陡坡等因素影响,大洲岛、白鞍岛周边、大花角附近及白鞍岛以北部分近岸区域形成波浪能富集区。除9月外,年内其他时段能流密度变异系数都在2.8以下,9月能流密度变异系数在3.0—5.9之间。  相似文献   
利用1949—2011年CMA-STI热带气旋最佳路径数据集,分析了西北太平洋累积气旋能量(ACE)的年代际变化特征。结果表明,西北太平洋热带气旋(ACE)的年代际变化主要分为1957—1967高值期、1976—1986过渡期和1998—2008低值期。其中强热带风暴(STS)、台风(TY)和超强台风(SuperTY),特别超强台风是决定成分。副热带高压偏弱,垂直风切变偏小,低纬度低空正涡度异常偏东以及低纬度海表面温度(SST)正异常偏东等背景场的年代际特征,有利于形成ACE的年代高值期。  相似文献   
南海北部陆坡海域内波谱特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对1998年南海季风实验中定点观测的声学多普勒流速剖面仪(Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler,ADCP)海流数据进行频谱分析,结果表明南海北部地区内波之间的非线性作用的强弱影响着该海域的内波谱特征。在季节性温跃层(水深22m和58m)中,由于存在着强的非线性作用,内波带的谱斜率趋于σ^-1和σ^-2之间,而且较高能量的潮谐波频率的峰值随着频率呈现少见的一。递减。在季节性温跃层(水深130m)以下,内波非线性相互作用较弱,观测的内波带谱特征与标准Garrett-Munk内波谱相似,均显示了σ^-2的谱斜率。  相似文献   
南大洋太平洋扇区中尺度涡旋的统计特性及其变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中尺度涡旋在南大洋海洋动力学中具有重要地位,其对气候变化的响应表现也引起了海洋学家与气候学家的广泛关注。本文利用涡动动能与涡旋自动探测技术两种方法对南大洋太平洋扇区的涡旋特性及其变化进行了分析。与前人结果相一致的是,高值的涡动动能主要集中在南极极锋海区,并且自西向东逐渐减弱。在过去的20年里,涡动动能在太平洋扇区的显著增强也集中在中西部海域,这里也是南极绕极流斜压性较强的海域。涡旋统计特性揭示了涡动动能的空间分布及其年际变化主要归因于涡旋振幅与旋转速度,而并非涡旋个数或者涡旋半径。这些结果进一步确认了对应于南半球环状模正位相的绕极西风异常改变了南大洋的涡旋特性,从而表现出涡旋活跃性增强。  相似文献   
The mangrove crab Aratus pisonii was considered to have an amphi‐American distribution; however, a recent study revealed that the Eastern Tropical Pacific populations were genetically distinct, thus representing a new species: Aratus pacificus. These species separated by the Isthmus of Panama have diverged under different environmental conditions that may have influenced their reproductive biology. As the available information about this genus concerns almost exclusively the Caribbean species, the aim of the present study was to analyse and compare reproductive aspects of Apacificus and A. pisonii obtained from both the Pacific and Caribbean coasts of Costa Rica. Females were collected from April 2011 to April 2012, and reproductive features such as breeding season, size distribution of ovigerous females, fecundity, reproductive output, embryo volume and embryo water content were assessed. Both species produced embryos during the entire sampled period. Most females of A. pacificus carrying embryos close to hatching were found during the rainy season. Ovigerous females of A. pisonii were substantially larger and reached sexual maturity at a larger size than females of A. pacificus. Embryo production started in A. pacificus at a smaller female size than in A. pisonii. As fecundity increased with female size, the average fecundity was lower in A. pacificus. Females of A. pisonii produced larger embryos, which might be related to lower food availability: higher energy content in the embryo enhances the chances of larval survival. These data regarding reproductive features of the Pacific and Caribbean species support the conclusion to separate A. pacificus from A. pisonii.  相似文献   
The wave groups are studied by both conventional wave analysis methods and by the non-stationary Hilbert Huang Transform (HHT) method. Full-scale wave records containing abnormal waves are used. Instantaneous quantities, such as envelope, phase and frequency, are adopted to study the wave grouping. A refined definition of wave group is proposed considering that the wave process is simultaneously amplitude and frequency modulated. The validation of the proposed definition is conducted by analysis of numerical simulation data. Group parameters are proposed based on the time-frequency distribution of energy. An attempt is made to find the relationship between the characteristics of abnormal waves and the group characteristics.  相似文献   
"能源岛"技术是国际上近几年发展起来的一种新的能源供应概念和方式,它将高品值的电力与低品值的热、冷3种能量需求有效地统一起来,从而大幅提高能源利用效率,减少碳化物及有害气体的排放,是未来新能源发展的趋势。在充分调查崇明岛自然环境、投资环境、可再生能源储量的基础上,对崇明建设以可再生能源为基础的"绿色能源岛"建设进行综合评价,并提出"能源岛"建设的初步建议,为上海沿海可再生能源开发利用提供了一定的参考。  相似文献   
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