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出口加工区是一种从事加工贸易特定封闭区域。随着对外开放的不断深入,我国出口加工区已进入到一个快速发展时期。文章分析了我国已有和在建的出口加工区的发展情况和成长动因,并结合不同的建设条件和运作特点,划分出了若干类型,探讨了今后一个时期的战略方向。  相似文献   
The studies on environmental effects of foreign trade and its spatial variations are helpful to design and implement environmental protection countermeasures.In order to eliminate the adverse effects of insufficient observation values on the accuracy of regression results and dynamic information quantity of fitting equation during empirical study,panel data of the mid-eastern provinces and cities of China from 1985 to 2007 were selected based on the adjustment of classical regression model in this paper.Panel unit root test and panel cointegration analysis method were applied to investigating the environmental effects of foreign trade and its spatial variations in the mid-eastern provinces and cities of China and its three groups divided by foreign trade dependence.The results show that all scale effects are positive,while all technical effects are negative and unable to counteract positive scale effects.Foreign trade development is regarded as an important cause for outstanding eco-environmental problems in the mid-eastern provinces and cities of China.Total effects and structural effects are significantly different among different groups because of spatial variations in environmental policies,export destinations,source of FDI,etc.Following the principle of′coordinating generality and considering differences comprehensively′,it is essential to issue a series of policies and countermeasures corresponding to differences in regional environmental effect of foreign trade,in order to coordinate the relationship between foreign trade development and eco-environment in each region.  相似文献   
Whitefish wars: Pangasius, politics and consumer confusion in Europe   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Rapid growth in production of the farmed Vietnamese whitefish pangasius and its trade with the European Union has provoked criticism of the fish's environmental, social and safety credentials by actors including WWF and Members of the European Parliament and associated negative media coverage. This paper reviews the range of claims communicated about pangasius (identified as a form of mass mediated risk governance), in light of scientific evidence and analysis of data from the EU's Rapid Alert System for Food and Feeds food safety notification system for imported seafood. This analysis shows pangasius to be generally safe, environmentally benign and beneficial for actors along the international value chains that characterise the trade. The case is made that increasingly politicised debates in Europe around risk and uncertainty are potentially counterproductive for EU seafood security and European aquaculture industry, and that the trade in pangasius can contribute to sustainable seafood consumption in a number of ways. Transparent evidence-based assessment and systems for communicating complex issues of risk for products such as pangasius are required in order to support continuance of fair and mutually beneficial trade.  相似文献   
The live reef food fish trade (LRFFT) has caused severe depletion of the Humphead wrasse (Cheilinus undulatus) populations globally, a species considered endangered by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature. In 2010, signatories to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora recognized that illegal, unregulated, and unreported (IUU) activities in the LRFFT were undermining the efforts to protect this species. Management recommendations have yet to be effectively implemented at national and local levels where the fish is harvested. This paper analyzes the threats to, and socio-economic impacts of, Humphead wrasse recovery in Sabah, Malaysia, and offers both short- and longer-term recommendations for the local recovery of the species. Key issues addressed centre around understanding the threats to recovery, specifically the role of IUU and the context-specific considerations, including the socio-economic aspects of the IUU trade in Sabah. The analysis confirms that deliberate management planning and action at multiple levels are required to prevent local-scale extinction. Lessons for other species and countries involved in the LRFFT suggest that to be effective, broad management frameworks must be tailored to local situations and must focus on gaining support and participation of fish harvesters if the recovery and long-term sustainability of both the Humphead wrasse and the LRFFT are to be achieved.  相似文献   
地区间贸易流量的产业—空间模型构建与应用   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
通过深入剖析区域间经济联系的经济地理学理论基础,考虑到同业影响因子,重新构建引力模型,并引入空间滞后因子,利用地理加权回归方法建立了估算区域间贸易流量的产业—空间统计模型,并在中国30 个省区投入产出表的基础上,以省区间农业、化工、通信电子3 个产业贸易流量的估算为例对上述方法进行了说明。结果表明:① 空间统计模型的应用可以显著提高区域间贸易流量的估算可靠性;② 随着空间权函数中带宽的缩小,贸易流量显得更加集中。因此,带宽在一定程度上反映了地理活动的空间集聚程度,不同行业应选取不同带宽;③ 不同行业有不同的同业影响机制和贸易特征,农业输出地以中部地区为主,目的地以沿海地区为主,具有一定的同业竞争关系,而化工、通信行业的产业流动主要发生在东部地区内部,具有很强的同业合作关系。  相似文献   
中非农产品贸易国别变化时空分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
杨文倩  杨军  王晓兵 《地理研究》2013,32(7):1316-1312
近年来,中非农产品贸易快速增长,虽然国内对中非农产品贸易变化已经展开很多研究,但是针对中非农产品贸易的国别分布和时空变化特征的研究还很匮乏。本文采用统计分析和空间集中度指标等方法,分析了1992-2010 年间中非农产品进出口在空间分布上的特征和变化趋势。研究发现:中非农产品贸易的国别聚集度很高,中国从非洲进口农产品的国别集中度有较显著的分散趋势,但是对非洲农产品出口的国别集中度却没有明显变化,中国与非洲国家间农产品贸易不平衡特征非常明显。  相似文献   
天津滨海新区自由贸易区建立与评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
孟广文  刘铭 《地理学报》2011,66(2):223-234
在经济全球化背景下,特别是中国加入世贸组织之后,中国的保税区面临着向自由贸易区 转型的压力与趋势。自1990 年起天津滨海新区分别建立起了天津港保税区、空港经济区和东疆 港保税区。目前3 个保税区已发展成为中国发展最成功的保税区之一和天津滨海新区的重要组 成部分。尽管存在着功能和空间整合以及政策约束等问题,但无论是现有基础、政策支持和发 展趋势上看,天津滨海新区具有发展成一流自由贸易区的潜力。本文依据自由贸易理论和国外 自由港和自由贸易区发展经验,结合中国保税区发展现状、优势以及与典型自由贸易区存在的 差距,利用模糊综合评价法、层次分析法(AHP) 及问卷调查方法,初步建立起自由贸易区综合发 展水平评价模型和3 级指标体系。以香港自由港为参照,从目标效用度、开放自由度,功能开发 度及环境完善度4 个方面对天津滨海新区3 个保税区发展水平进行总体综合评价。根据评价结 果提出扩大开放自由政策、促进产业发展、完善环境和目标效用等方面的建议,并最终提出天津 滨海新区分阶段分别建设3 个保税区、3 个各自独立自由贸易区和统一的综合型自由贸易区的 “三阶段”方案设想。  相似文献   
中美两国均为温室气体排放大国,且双边贸易额巨大。由于两国在基础设施、技术、装备水平、能源综合效率和资源禀赋上存在差异,使得通过中美商品贸易,美国将大量的碳排放转移到了中国。本文采用投入产出分析方法,结合经济、能源与贸易3个系统,建立了基于国际商品贸易的碳排放转移模型,并分别测算了1997与2002年中美商品贸易中各相应部门的碳排放转移量。研究表明:(1)1997与2002年,基于中美商品贸易的中国产业部门通过出口转移到美国的载碳量分别达到4010.13×104 与5056.21×104 t C,分别占中国相应产业部门载碳总量的6.61%与8.33%;而美国产业部门出口到中国商品的载碳量仅为290.65×104与335.61×104 t C,相应的仅占美国产业部门载碳总量的 0.53%与 0.66%;(2)1997 与 2002 年,中美商品贸易的碳转移总量分别达 3719.75×104与4719.60×104 t C,其中化学工业、金属冶炼及其压延加工业是主要的碳转移部门。(3)1997与2002年,通过国际商品贸易,美国分别有相当于其相应部门碳排放总量的6.77%与9.32%的碳被泄露到了中国,中国为美国的碳减排做出了很大的潜在贡献,因此,美国等发达国家应该为中国等发展中国家提供切实有效的气候与环境友好型技术援助。  相似文献   
With intense urbanization and sustained population growth, securing food production with limited land sources has increasingly become a pressing issue. Based on an analysis of international cereal (i.e., barley, buckwheat, maize, oats, rice, rye, sorghum, soybean, and wheat) trade and differences in yields of the cereal between export and import countries over the period of 2007 to 2011, we explore the great potential of land saving through the international cereal trade. By ‘land saving’, we refer to the reduced global total of lands required to produce a necessary amount of cereal when cereal is exported from a country with relatively large yield of the cereal to a country with relatively small yield of the cereal. Our scenario analysis suggests that international cereal trade would help mitigate the shortage of domestic arable land for many island countries (e.g., Japan) and countries in the arid Middle East and North Africa (e.g., Syria and Morocco). Furthermore, international cereal trade has the potential to generate ‘land saving’ of 50,092,284 ha of land per year, which is roughly the size of Spain. Drawing upon the definition of a similar concept — virtual water (Hoekstra and Hung 2002), we define virtual land as the area of land resources used for the production of goods. Through introducing the concept of virtual land, we believe land resources that are traditionally considered as stationary resources can flow with anthropogenic socioeconomic activities. The largest virtual-land flows (> 3,000,000 ha/year) exist between the United States (US) to China, Brazil to China, the US to Japan, the US to Mexico, and Argentina to China. However, not all virtual-land flows necessarily result in land saving. Thus, more endeavors are needed to plan the virtual-land flows for a larger land saving at the global scale.  相似文献   
在全球第四次产业转移的背景下,重庆迅速调整产业结构并取得突破,对外贸易的地理格局发生较大变化。本文搜集整理2008~2012年海关统计数据,采用地理信息系统软件(Ar-cGIS9.3)对重庆市对外贸易伙伴的空间分布格局、商品构成状况进行研究。研究表明:①2008年以来重庆进出口商品总量增长迅速,出口集中度逐年提高,而进口集中度逐年降低;②进口贸易伙伴集中分布于亚洲、欧洲和北美洲。贸易伙伴的分布重心向东南亚倾斜。进口商品集中于电子信息产品及机械设备;③出口贸易伙伴分布更加集中于北美洲与欧洲。出口商品以计算机与通信产品、机械设备为主。其中,计算机类电子信息产品已经超过传统汽车、摩托车等产品而位居首位。最后对重庆市对外贸易发展的趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   
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