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During the past decade, several observational and theoretical works have provided evidence of the binary nature of η Carinae. Nevertheless, there is still no direct determination of the orbital parameters, and the different current models give contradictory results. The orbit is, in general, assumed to coincide with the Homunculus equator although the observations are not conclusive. Among all systems, η Car has the advantage that it is possible to observe both the direct emission of line transitions in the central source and its reflection by the Homunculus, which is dependent on the orbital inclination. In this work, we studied the orbital phase-dependent hydrogen Paschen spectra reflected by the south-east lobe of the Homunculus to constrain the orbital parameters of η Car and determine its inclination with respect to the Homunculus axis. Assuming that the emission excess originates in the wind–wind shock region, we were able to model the latitude dependence of the spectral line profiles. For the first time, we were able to estimate the orbital inclination of η Car with respect to the observer and to the Homunculus axis. The best fit occurs for an orbital inclination to the line of sight of   i ∼ 60°± 10°  , and   i *∼ 35°± 10°  with respect to the Homunculus axis, indicating that the angular momenta of the central object and the orbit are not aligned. We were also able to fix the phase angle of conjunction as  ∼−40°  , showing that periastron passage occurs shortly after conjunction.  相似文献   
The main features of upper atmosphere dynamics as an important part of upper atmosphere climatology are presented. The dynamics of the mesosphere and lower thermosphere (MLT) are of special interest. The results are based on the long series of investigations in East Siberia and data from a world-wide network of observatories. We present the regional climatic norms for the prevailing wind and semi-diurnal tide and the main features of the quasi-periodic structure of the wind field. The non-zonality of MLT dynamics is demonstrated as well as regional differences in the response of the wind field to stratospheric disturbances, solar activity variations and geomagnetic storms.  相似文献   
QuikSCAT卫星散射计矢量风检验及南海月平均风场特征分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
采用中国科学院南海海洋研究所2008年建设的,西沙海洋观测研究站上的自动气象站实测数据,对亚太数据研究中心提供的近实时QuikSCAT卫星遥感风场资料(2008年4月6日—12月31日)进行了检验和统计特征分析,得出:这两者风速的相关系数为0.86,平均偏差为-1.50 m/s,均方根误差为1.71 m/s,表明QuikSCAT卫星遥感风场资料在南海具有很高的适用性。在此基础上,利用QuikSCAT卫星遥感的月平均风场资料分析了南海月平均风场特征。结果表明:(1)南海季风10月到次年3月盛行东北风,6—8月盛行西南风,4、5、9月为季风转换季节;(2)存在两个平均风速大值中心,一个位于南海南部(10°N,108°E)附近,另一个位于台湾海峡附近,其位置和强度会随着季节变化而变动。  相似文献   
The increasing trend of the Southern Annular Mode (SAM) in recent decades has influenced climate change in the Southem Hemisphere (SH).How the SAM will respond increased greenhouse gas concentrations in the future remains uncertain.Understanding the variability of the SAM in the past under a colder climate such as during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) might provide some understanding of the response of the SAM under a future warmer climate.We analyzed the changes in the SAM during the LGM in comparison to pre-industrial (PI) simulations using five coupled ocean-atmosphere models (CCSM,FGOALS,IPSL,MIROC,HadCM) from the second phase of the Paleoclimate Modelling Intercomparison Project (PMIP2).In CCSM,MIROC,IPSL,and FGOALS,the variability of the simulated SAM appears to be reduced in the LGM compared to the PI simulations,with a decrease in the standard deviation of the SAM index.Overall,four out of the five models suggest a weaker SAM amplitude in the LGM consistent with a weaker SH polar vortex and westerly winds found in some proxy records and model analyses.The weakening of the SAM in the LGM was associated with an increase in the vertical propagation of Rossby waves in southern high latitudes.  相似文献   
夏季长江淮河流域异常降水事件环流差异及机理研究   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:5  
张庆云  郭恒 《大气科学》2014,38(4):656-669
长江、淮河同处东亚中纬度,天气过程的大尺度环流背景相似,大量相关研究基本是把江淮流域天气气候事件作为一个整体研究,然而对长江、淮河流域夏季降水的时空变化进行分析发现,长江、淮河流域夏季异常降水事件有各自不同的年际、年代际变化特征,但环流差异及成因并不十分清楚。本文根据中国台站降水资料及NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,利用物理量诊断和现代统计学等方法,重点分析长江、淮河流域梅雨期降水异常事件发生时南北半球大气环流内部动力过程的差异及成因。研究指出:长江(淮河)流域梅雨期降水异常偏多年500 hPa位势高度场亚洲中高纬度环流呈现为南北向(东西向)的波列与东亚中高纬鄂霍茨克海阻塞频次增多(减少)以及200 hPa高度场上东亚副热带高空西风急流强度加强(减弱)、稳定(移动)有关;长江(淮河)流域梅雨期降水异常偏多年主要水汽来源与南半球澳大利亚高压、马斯克林高压位置偏东(西)造成西太平洋150°E~180°(阿拉伯海50°E~60°E)地区越赤道气流加强有关。长江(淮河)流域梅雨期异常降水事件大气环流内部动力过程最显著的差异表现为:东亚副热带高空西风急流加强(减弱)以及南半球澳大利亚高压、马斯克林高压位置偏东(西)。  相似文献   
This work investigates the distribution of high winds above Beaufort scale 6 in the offshore zones of China using high-resolution satellite measurements.A numerical experiment is carried out in order to find out the effects of Taiwan Island on the formation of strong winds.The analysis indicates that the distribution of high wind occurrence is similar to that of the average wind velocity in winter.High winds tend to be anchored in special topographical regions,such as the Taiwan Strait,the Bashi Channel and the southeast coast of Vietnam.High winds occur much more frequently over the warmer than the colder flank of Kuroshio front as it meanders from Taiwan to Japan.The frequency of high winds decreases drastically in spring.The Taiwan Strait maintains the largest high wind occurrence.Besides,high winds remain frequent in the Bashi Channel,the southeast tip of Taiwan Island and the warmer flank of Kuroshio front.In summer,high winds generally occur infrequently except over a broad region off the southeast coast of Vietnam near 10°N and the frequency there decreases from southwest to northeast.High winds around Taiwan Island present near axisymmetric distribution with larger frequency along southeast-northwest direction and smaller frequency along southwest-northeast direction.The dominant direction of high winds exhibits a counterclockwise circulation surrounding the island.The frequency of high winds increases rapidly in autumn and almost repeats the distribution that appears in winter.The simulation results suggest that the effects of Taiwan Island topography on high winds vary with seasons.In winter,topography is the major cause of high winds in the surrounding oceanic zones.High winds in both Taiwan Strait and the southeast corner of the island disappear and the frequency decreases gradually from south to north when the terrain is removed.However,in summer,high wind frequency derived from two simulations with and without terrain is almost identical.We attribute this phenomenon to the factors which are responsible for the formation of high winds.  相似文献   
当均匀的纬圈风应力作用于赤道海洋时,在东、西边界附近由于平衡的物理过程不同,其响应特征也不同。当盛吹一个方向的风时,例如东风,东边界的温跃层会变浅(冷水),而西边界的温跃层变深。当东风吹了t0时间而改吹西风时,无论东边界的温跃层还是西边界的温跃层都要持续到2t0时间后,才改变其发展方向。这表明边界上的物理场带有长的“惯性”或长的“记忆”。但西边界信号向东传播的速度比东边界向西传播的速度要快,且振幅也大,从这个意义上讲,ElNino事件先兆从西边界附近出现后,能迅速影响到西、中太平洋,也即西边界附近更易成为ElNino事件的源地,特别是强的ElNino事件。  相似文献   
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