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Anisotropic wave propagation is studied in a fluid-saturated porous medium, using two different approaches. One is the dynamic approach of Biot’s theories. The other approach known as homogenisation theory, is based on the averaging process to derive macroscopic equations from the microscopic equations of motion. The medium considered is a general anisotropic poroelastic (APE) solid with a viscous fluid saturating its pores of anisotropic permeability. The wave propagation phenomenon in a saturated porous medium is explained through two relations. One defines modified Christoffel equations for the propagation of plane harmonic waves in the medium. The other defines a matrix to relate the relative displacement of fluid particles to the displacement of solid particles. The modified Christoffel equations are solved further to get a quartic equation whose roots represent complex velocities of the four attenuating quasi-waves in the medium. These complex velocities define the phase velocities of propagation and quality factors for attenuation of all the quasi-waves propagating along a given phase direction in three-dimensional space. The derivations in the mathematical models from different theories are compared in order to work out the equivalence between them. The variations of phase velocities and attenuation factors with the direction of phase propagation are computed, for a realistic numerical model. Differences between the velocities and attenuations of quasi-waves from the two approaches are exhibited numerically.  相似文献   
If convection in the Earth's liquid outer core is disrupted, degrades to turbulence and begins to behave in a chaotic manner, it will destabilize the Earth's magnetic field and provide the seeds for kimberlite melts via turbulent jets of silicate rich core material which invade the lower mantle. These (proto-) melts may then be captured by extreme amplitude solitary nonlinear waves generated through interaction of the outer core surface with the base of the mantle. A pressure differential behind the wave front then provides a mechanism for the captured melt to ascend to the upper mantle and crust so quickly that emplacement may indirectly promote a type of impact fracture cone within the relatively brittle crust. These waves are very rare but of finite probability. The assumption of turbulence transmission between layers is justified using a simple three-layer liquid model. The core derived melts eventually become frozen in place as localised topographic highs in the Mohorovicic discontinuity (Moho), or as deep rooted intrusive events. The intrusion's final composition is a function of melt contamination by two separate sources: the core contaminated mantle base and subducted Archean crust. The mega-wave hypothesis offers a plausible vehicle for early stage emplacement of kimberlite pipes and explains the age association of diamondiferous kimberlites with magnetic reversals and tectonic plate rearrangements.  相似文献   
利用库尔勒多普勒天气雷达资料,对2008年5月发生在新疆巴州焉耆盆地的一次局地暴雨过程的回波特征进行分析。降水过程中,在库尔勒到焉耆盆地一带先后有两次飑线发展东移,是造成局地暴雨的中小尺度系统。径向速度所反映的在库尔勒到焉耆盆地一带低空存在明显的垂直风切变,雷达西南方向长时间维持西南气流,为暴雨提供了水汽辐合及垂直向上输送的动力条件。  相似文献   
一种推广的缓坡方程   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
从流体力学基本方程出发,假定水流的涡量和垂向流速分量小量,推导出考虑非均匀水流的推广的缓坡方程,该方程中包含了△h^2h项和(△hh)^2项。在方程中引入底摩擦项、风能输入项和非线性项,其中风能输入项的推导考虑了风浪与涌浪的区别,风流情况依据青岛海洋大学的风浪成长经验关系,涌浪情况依据Snyder等人的观测结果。经过上述推广后,得到综合考虑折射、绕射、反射、非均匀水流、底摩擦损耗、风能输入及波浪非线性的推广的缓坡方程。  相似文献   
根据中、日合作黑潮调查研究期间(1987-1993年)在九州西侧海域获得的水文资料,计算了129°E断面的地转流速和流量。着重提出129°E断面北侧存在一支较稳定的西向流;分析这支西向流的去向,指出它是向对马暖流输送黑潮水的重要途径;给出了这支西向流及黑潮通过该断面的流速、流轴、流幅及流量的变化特征。  相似文献   
With the launch of altimeter,much effort has been made to develop algorithms on the wind speed and the wave period.By using a large data set of collocated altimeter and buoy measurements,the typical wind speed and wave period algorithms are validated.Based on theoretical argument and the concept of wave age,a semi-empirical algorithm for the wave period is also proposed,which has the wave-period dimension,and explicitly demonstrates the relationships between the wave period and the other variables.It is found that Ku and C band data should be applied simultaneously in order to improve either wind speed or wave period algorithms.The dual-band algorithms proposed by Chen et al.(2002) for the wind speed and Quilfen et al.(2004) for the wave period perform best in terms of a root mean square error in the practical applications.  相似文献   
黄林宏  宋丽莉  李刚  王丙兰  张永山 《气象》2016,42(12):1522-1530
国际电工委员会编制的《风力发电机组设计要求》(IEC 61400-1)推荐了针对风电机组安全等级评估的极端风速和湍流强度特征值估算方法,因其简单便捷,在风电领域被广泛采用。利用全国风能资源专业观测网的193座测风塔观测数据,对IEC推荐的极端风速计算方法与我国规范推荐的基于极值I型概率分布方法进行比较,发现两种方法计算的193座塔70 m高度层50年一遇10 min平均最大风速,仅有7座测风塔较为一致,差异在±1%;IEC推荐方法的计算结果多数偏小,其中偏小10%以上的测风塔有121座,偏小30%以上的有44座测风塔,而偏大10%以上的只有9座测风塔;IEC方法计算的极值风速大幅度偏小的测风塔主要分布在台风影响的东南沿海地区,偏差较小的测风塔主要分布在西北和华北地形平缓区域,但同时偏大10%以上的测风塔也多分布在这一地区。以目前行业领域普遍采用的以15 m·s~(-1)风速的平均湍流强度作为风电机组选型指标,与严格按照规范,以15 m·s~(-1)风速段所有样本湍流强度的90%分位数处的值作为指标进行风电机组等级确定作对比,发现193座塔中有46座塔的选型是不安全的,甚至相差两个等级。  相似文献   
The evolution of the inland lakes in arid and semi-arid zones is accorded with the climatic fluctuation. The humid climate is in harmony with the higher water level and greater lake water quantity budget while arid climate is in correspondence with the lower water level and little water budget. Based on the analysis of the lake fluctuation and lake budget change, with the aid of the data of geom'orphology, palynology, sedimentology and chronology, It is found that the climate experienced a warm and humid period during 7000-3500 yr. B. P. and showed a drying and warming trend in the last century in the Central Asia.  相似文献   
近140年中国、北半球和全球气温的标度律   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
江田汉  邓莲堂 《高原气象》2005,24(3):410-414
运用非趋势波动分析方法,有效地消除数据中噪声和非平稳性质的影响,研究全球、北半球和中国近140年气温变化的长程幂律相关性。结果表明:全球气温、北半球气温和中国气温都有由交叉点划分的两个标度不变区域,可能对应两个不同的物理机制。其一,都可以表现出正长程相关的性质,而且全球气温的持续性最强,北半球次之,中国气温最弱;其二,全球气温和北半球气温还可以有几乎是1/f噪声性质的变化,中国气温则可表现出介于1/f和布朗噪声之间的行为。  相似文献   
TST技术在岩溶地区隧道超前预报中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
肖启航  谢朝娟 《岩土力学》2012,33(5):1416-1420
顶效隧道位于岩溶发育地区,地质构造复杂,岩体破碎,对超前预报技术的要求高,风险较大。目前国内外应用的隧道超前预报技术多数都存在着技术缺陷,不能区分不同方向的地震回波,不能准确地确定掌子面前方围岩的波速,不能正确地进行纵横波分离等问题,影响到预报的可靠性和准确性。为了确保施工安全,减少和避免地质灾害发生,顶效隧道超前预报中采用了TST技术。应用结果表明,TST技术采用空间阵列系统和速度扫描技术有效地解决了掌子面前方围岩速度分布问题,提高了构造定位精度;应用二维方向滤波技术有效地消除了上下、左右的侧向回波和面波干扰,成功提取了前方回波用于超前预报,避免了虚报误报,解决了复杂地质条件下的超前预报问题。  相似文献   
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