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井冈山森林火灾与气象条件的相关分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
根据江西井冈山森林火灾资料,利用一元回归和逐步回归分析方法,对井冈山1991—2000年森林火灾发生期间的连旱日数、降水量、相对湿度、气温、风速5个主要气象指标进行分析,将各指标分别与火灾发生次数、森林受害面积进行回归计算,建立了利用连旱日数和降水量预测森林火灾受灾面积及发生次数的数学模型。模式运算结果表明,当火灾发生前15 d连旱日数增加时,火灾次数增加;当火灾发生前15 d连旱日数增加、降水量减少时,火灾面积增加。  相似文献   
Wildfires raise concerns over the risk of accelerated erosion as a result of increased overland flow and decreased protection of the soil by litter and ground vegetation cover. We investigated these issues following the 1994 fires that burnt large areas of native Eucalyptus forest surrounding Sydney, Australia. A review of previous studies identifies the fire and rainfall conditions that are likely to lead to increased runoff and accelerated erosion. We then compare runoff and erosion between burnt and unburnt sites for 10 months after the 1994 fires. At the scale of hillslope plots, the 1994 fire increased runoff by enhancing soil hydrophobicity, and greatly increased sediment transport, mainly through the reduced ground cover, which lowered substantially the threshold for initial sediment movement. However, both runoff and sediment transport were very localized, resulting in little runoff or sediment yield after the fire at the hillslope catchment scale. We identify that after moderately intense fires, rainfall events of greater than one year recurrence interval are required to generate substantial runoff and sediment yield. Such events did not occur during the monitoring period. Past work shows that mild burns have little effect on erosion, and it is only after the most extreme fires that erosion is produced from small, frequent storms. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
多源遥感技术在汝箕沟煤田火区动态监测中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以高空间分辨率的Quickbird卫星图像和高光谱分辨率的OMIS Ⅰ航空高光谱图像数据为信息源,结合细分光谱仪、红外测温计等地面遥感技术,对宁夏汝箕沟煤田的煤火现状进行了定量调查分析及动态监测,查明了煤田煤火的范围、强度,分析了不同时期煤田火区的变化规律,评价了火区治理效果并对后续灭火工作提出建议,为火区治理提供了决策依据.  相似文献   
Microorganic pollutants such as polycylic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), organochlorine pesticides (OCPs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPHs) are known to be present in urban ambient air. These organic compounds are prone to atmospheric transport and deposition over long distances, thus enabling them to accumulate even in regions remote from their sources. Deposition from the atmosphere can be via direct deposition and exchange with crops that may be directly or indirectly ingested by humans. It can also take place via wet and dry deposition and air-water exchange. Following their deposition, these microorganic pollutants tend to accumulate in soils, sediments and in human and ecological food chains. There are many reports in the literature on the atmospheric concentrations of microorganic pollutants, but there are few reports and data in Asia. This study was performed in Singapore to determine the relative amounts of persistent organic pollutants and TPHs in ambient aerosols. One of the important sources of these organic compounds in Southeast Asia is thought to be biomass burning (vegetation fires). Hence, air sampling was conducted during both smoke haze and non-haze periods. The data obtained from this study will be presented and discussed.  相似文献   
FY-3D/MERSI-II全球火点监测产品及其应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郑伟  陈洁  闫华  刘诚  唐世浩 《遥感学报》2020,24(5):521-530
FY-3D/MERSI-II全球火点监测产品主要包括全球范围内的火点位置、亚像元火点面积和火点强度等信息,可用于实时监测全球范围的森林草原火灾、秸秆焚烧等生物质燃烧状况。火点判识算法主要根据中红外通道对高温热源的敏感特性,即含有火点的中红外通道像元辐亮度和亮温较远红外通道的辐亮度和亮温偏高,同时较周边非火点的中红外像元偏高,建立合适的阈值可探测含有火点的像元。亚像元火点面积估算主要使用中红外单通道估算,根据亚像元火点面积估算结果对火点强度进行分级,不同的级别表示不同程度的火点辐射强度。基于全球火点自动判识结果,每日生成0.01°分辨率的卫星遥感日全球火点产品,每月生产0.25°×0.25°格点的全球月火点密度图。在利用FY-3D/MERSI-II火点产品开展的全球火点监测应用中,对多起全球重大野火事件进行了监测,为防灾减灾、全球气候变化研究、生态环境保护等方面提供卫星遥感信息支持。  相似文献   
为准确地了解河北省秸秆焚烧火点的空间分布,为秸秆焚烧监测的实现、禁烧工作的开展、环境质量改善提供支持.基于MODIS L1B数据、MODIS标准火点产品MOD14、全国秸秆焚烧火点日报数据为基础,采用改进型MODIS火灾探测算法,并通过IDL语言实现,得到秸秆焚烧火点空间分布信息,并进行空间与定量精度分析.研究表明:火点大部分位于河北省南部的一些地区,其中尤以邢台、石家庄、邯郸火点数量最为突出;该算法运算速度快,获取的秸秆焚烧火点数据具有一定检测精度和可靠性,对秸秆焚烧的监测具有一定的实用价值.  相似文献   
software reviews are in this article MACATLAS . Number Cruncher Statistical System (NCSS) TRANSPRO FIRE-ROUTER  相似文献   
甘肃省森林、草原火灾定量判识方法研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
梁芸 《干旱气象》2004,22(4):60-63
利用EOS/MODIS资料分析了2002年12月到2003年5月发生在甘肃省的6次草原、森林火灾的火区、火灾影响区及环境的亮温关系,结果表明:火区、火灾影响区及正常环境区在20通道与31通道的亮温存在近似的临界值,即(T20-T31)/T20<0.08的区域为正常环境区;0.08<(T20-T31)/T20<0.093的区域为火灾影响区;(T20-T31)/T20>0.093的区域为火区。同时此方法对"4.15"迭部森林火灾进行定量分析表明:此方法对火灾不同区域的判识及火灾面积的估算有很好的效果,为火灾监测及火灾面积的估算提供了一定的参考依据。  相似文献   
结合位置服务技术与通信技术,针对林区移动信号覆盖不全的特点,以GPS车载定位终端、GPS手机、GPS无线对讲机、北斗定位终端为定位与通信介质,建立基于多终端定位与通信的森林防火应急调度系统,解决林区因信号覆盖不全而引起通信与信息传输受阻的问题,为森林防火应急指挥调度提供解决方案。  相似文献   
Coal fires occur in underground natural coal seams, in exposed surface seams, and in coal storage or waste piles. The fires ignite through spontaneous combustion or natural or anthropogenic causes. They are reported from China, India, USA, South Africa, Australia, and Russia, as well as many other countries. Coal fires lead to loss of a valuable resource (coal), the emission of greenhouse-relevant and toxic gases, and vegetation deterioration. A dangerous aspect of the fires is the threat to local mines, industries, and settlements through the volume loss underground. Surface collapse in coal fire areas is common. Thus, coal fires are significantly affecting the evolution of the landscape. Based on more than a decade of experience with in situ mapping of coal fire areas worldwide, a general classification system for coal fires is presented. Furthermore, coal seam fire geomorphology is explained in detail. The major landforms associated with, and induced by, these fires are presented. The landforms include manifestations resulting from bedrock surface fracturing, such as fissures, cracks, funnels, vents, and sponges. Further manifestations resulting from surface bedrock subsidence include sinkholes, trenches, depressions, partial surface subsidence, large surface subsidence, and slides. Additional geomorphologic coal fire manifestations include exposed ash layers, pyrometamorphic rocks, and fumarolic minerals. The origin, evolution, and possible future development of these features are explained, and examples from in situ surveys, as well as from high-resolution satellite data analyses, are presented. The geomorphology of coal fires has not been presented in a systematic manner. Knowledge of coal fire geomorphology enables the detection of underground coal fires based on distinct surface manifestations. Furthermore, it allows judgments about the safety of coal fire-affected terrain. Additionally, geomorphologic features are indicators of the burning stage of fires. Finally, coal fire geomorphology helps to explain landscape features whose occurrence would otherwise not be understood. Although coal fire-induced thermal anomalies and gas release are also indications of coal fire activity, as addressed by many investigators, no assessment is complete without sound geomorphologic mapping of the fire-induced geomorphologic features.  相似文献   
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