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福建初夏(7月)旱涝特征的对比分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
以全省25个代表站1960~2000年7月的降水资料和北半球500hPa高度资料、北太平洋海温的月平均资料为素材,首先标定典型旱涝年例,其次揭示降水的演变规律,最后对比分析典型旱涝年例的500hPa环流背景和海温特征,得出以下几点初步结论:1)福建初夏发生干旱年例和洪涝年例各约“十年二遇”;2)2a、5~7a、19a和9a的周期振动较为明显;3)北半球极涡偏弱(强),乌拉尔山附近的阻塞形势较为明显(不够明显),冷空气路径比较偏东(西),西太平洋副高偏强(弱)偏南(北),东亚中纬度高度场偏低(高),太平洋中部槽加深(槽较浅),东亚地区高、中、低纬的距平为“ - ”(“— —”)分布特征,在这环流形势的配置下,为福建初夏发生干旱(洪涝)提供有利的环流背景;4)黑潮区海温偏高(偏低),而太平洋中东部赤道附近海域海温儡低(偏高)时,福建初夏易于发生干旱(洪涝)。  相似文献   
基于情景模拟的上海中心城区建筑暴雨内涝暴露性评价   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
由于城市的快速发展和土地利用覆被变化,由暴雨或台风引起的内涝已成为全球研究的热点。潜在的内涝风险危及建筑及室内财产安全。文章应用简化内涝模型模拟上海市中心城区不同情境下的积水情况,并根据每幢建筑室内进水深度对其进行暴露性分级。然后分析、评价了上海市中心城区建筑不同情境下的暴雨内涝灾害暴露性。研究结果发现:仓储和旧式住宅是最易暴露在内涝灾害中的建筑类型;总体上,杨浦、普陀和徐汇区是政府最需要采取安全措施的区域,长宁和虹口区处于中等暴露性水平;同时,内涝对黄浦、静安、卢湾和闸北区影响很小。研究结果可为地方政府改善内涝风险管理提供参考依据。  相似文献   
介绍广西局地性洪涝、流域性洪涝监测预警指标研究、广西洪涝监测系统及洪涝监测业务服务开展情况,并对GIS技术在广西洪涝监测预报评估中的应用前景进行了分析。  相似文献   
通过田间调查,对2004-2006年棉花不同阶段雨涝情况对棉花生育及产量构成的影响进行了比较分析,并提出了相应的抗灾减灾对策。  相似文献   
太湖流域洪涝灾害评估模型   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
在地理信息系统支持下建立了太湖流域DEM模型,并建立了全流域12类共24种土地利用类型、2194个圩区、1012个乡镇和94个报汛站点的空间数据库及属性数据库。在此基础上,根据实时报汛资料,通过插值得到各乡汛期圩外水位和降雨量。圩区采用排涝计算圩内内涝水量再与DEM叠加,非圩区用乡最高水位与DEM叠加,可获得全流域淹没水深栅格数据。统计不同乡镇、不同土地类型、不同淹没水深的淹没面积,并根据当年的社会经济数据,建立了太湖流域洪涝灾害损失评估模型。对1999年太湖流域洪涝灾害评估结果表明,模型具有一定的精度,可为流域防洪减灾决策提供依据。  相似文献   

建立可监测、可预报的雨涝危险性指数与暴雨洪涝受灾人口的关系模型,对暴雨洪涝灾前、灾中、灾后人口受灾情况快速评估具有重要意义。以湖北省为例,利用小时降水、日最大降水量、累积降水量与暴雨持续天数等气象资料以及水系、高程等孕灾环境资料,构建了雨涝危险性指数。结合历史洪涝受灾人口资料,建立基于雨涝危险性指数的暴雨洪涝受灾人口灾损曲线。按照重现期划分雨涝危险性等级,并通过计算不同重现期雨涝危险性指数的致灾阈值,建立危险性等级与受灾人口的定量关系模型。结果显示:(1)湖北省暴雨高危险区主要位于江汉平原以东,其次是鄂西南南部、江汉平原南部。(2)通过历史暴雨过程受灾情况比较,包含小时雨量和孕灾环境的雨涝危险性指数更能呈现暴雨过程的受灾程度。(3)湖北省暴雨洪涝受灾人口与雨涝危险性指数呈幂函数关系,年及暴雨过程实际受灾人口与拟合受灾人口的相关系数分别达0.800和0.891。(4)利用5 a、10 a和20 a三个重现期将雨涝危险性指数划分为三个等级,当雨涝危险性指数超20 a一遇时,预计受灾人口将达12万人以上。

城市内涝监测技术的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据城市内涝监测预警的需求,提出在城市河流的关键点,将高精度压力水位器与区域自动气象站组成内涝监测系统,并从系统架构、测量原理、参数设置、误差补偿等方面阐述设计方法.系统每分钟采集一组数据,水位测量精度达到0.1%.通过与国家标准水文站对比分析,该站水位与天文潮位涨落趋势一致,相位落后1h,观测误差平均为0.06 m.通过分析,得到结论,当茅洲河流域日平均面雨量大于40 mm,测站水位达到1.5m,并维持4h以上时,极易发生城市内涝.将水位监测与面雨量实况结合,对提高城市内涝预警预报能力有较大的帮助.  相似文献   
Finite element modelling of the saturated–unsaturated surface–subsurface flow mechanisms operative in a small salinized catchment in south‐western Australia was used to help define the flow system and explain the causes of waterlogging and salinization there. Data available at the site from a previous study were used to obtain a first approximation to the flow system. Altering the properties of some of the strata gave a closer calibration. It was found that the modelled saturated hydraulic conductivity of the B horizon in the duplex soil zone needed to be at least an order of magnitude lower than that measured in order to reproduce the perching conditions observed in the field. Also, the model indicated the influence of a doleritic dyke, whose presence was confirmed by field measurement. Our analysis showed that there were two main flow systems operating in the hillslope. The first, and most dominant, was the recharge occurring through the upslope gradational soil zone and percolating down to both the deeply weathered regolith and the basal aquifer. The second flow system is an unsaturated flow system operating in the high permeability A horizon in the downslope duplex soil zone. The first system is primarily responsible for the saline seepage zone in the valley bottom. The second contributes to the waterlogging and perching occurring upslope of the seepage zone. Vertical flow through the higher permeability B horizon in the gradational soil zone in the upper slopes is a major contributor of recharge. Recharge by flow through macropores occurs where, but only where, perched aquifers develop and allow the macropores to be activated. Areas with perched aquifers occurred in downslope locations and near a doleritic dyke located upslope. Thus, the area where macropore recharge occurred was not large. The recharge rate required to maintain the piezometric levels at present values is only about 30 mm/yr (about 5% of the annual rainfall). The piezometric levels under the upper part of the catchment varied greatly with only small changes in recharge rate. A 50% reduction in recharge rate had the effect of reducing the length of the seepage zone at the end of winter by 40%. Changes in recharge rate had little effect on the extent of the perched aquifer at the end of winter. Deep‐rooted perennial forages, shrubs or trees on the gradational soil zone in the upper part of the catchment and on the zones upslope of geological barriers to flow would be required to reduce the recharge and to allow for rehabilitation of the saline valley floor. Waterlogging associated with the perched water table in the bottom part of the catchment would be best addressed by tree plantations located just upslope of the salinized zone in the valley floor. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
通过对运城市秋季雨涝过程分析,找出影响运城市秋季雨涝的环流因子及影响系统,并对雨涝期间的数值预报产品进行检验,以提高秋季雨涝天气过程的预报准确率。  相似文献   
韩长春 《气象》1996,22(7):46-48
作者以淮阴市历年的雨涝,干旱实况为依据,参考农业,水利部门统计的受灾面积,防洪排涝能力,农作物不同生育期的需水量等因素,按季节分析雨涝,干旱灾害与雨量关系,确定年季不同级别的旱涝指标,其分析结论是40多年来旱涝灾年发生的频数超过正常年,且涝灾多于旱灾,重于旱灾,但秋旱多于秋涝。  相似文献   
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