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为分析冷云中冰晶的分布特征,揭示冰晶增长演变机制,根据冰晶形状和尺度特征分为8类并进行标注,同时标注1类隔断栏进行数据质量控制,将9类标签图像整合并建立图像集,利用迁移学习VGGNet16方法进行识别训练,经训练模型分类准确率达98%。将模型应用到秋季冷云冰晶特征研究中,选取3次积层混合云和3次层状云降水过程,分析冰晶形状在不同温度区间的占比及冰晶谱变化特征,结果表明,温度通过影响冰晶基面与棱面的比值来决定冰晶初始形状分布,相同温度区间积层混合云内球状冰晶和线型冰晶占比高于层状云,低于-12℃后各类冰晶占比相对固定;积层混合云内线型冰晶直径集中在300~800 μm,冰晶谱呈多峰分布,聚合体直径大于600 μm,冰晶谱首尾两端浓度相当,球状冰晶直径集中在120~300 μm,冰晶谱呈单调下降趋势。  相似文献   
When neglecting calibration issues, the accuracy of GPS-based time and frequency transfer using a combined analysis of code and carrier phase measurements highly depends on the noise of the GPS codes. In particular, the pseudorange noise is responsible for day-boundary discontinuities which can reach more than 1 ns in the time transfer results obtained from geodetic analysis. These discontinuities are caused by the fact that the data are analyzed in daily data batches where the absolute clock offset is determined by the mean code value during the daily data batch. This pseudorange noise is not a white noise, in particular due to multipath and variations of instrumental delays. In this paper, the pseudorange noise behavior is characterized in order to improve the understanding of the origin of the large day-boundary discontinuities in the geodetic time transfer results. In a first step, the effect of short-term noise and multipath is estimated, and shown to be responsible for only a maximum of 150 ps (picoseconds) of the day-boundary jumps, with only one exception at NRC1 where the correction provides a jump reduction of 300 ps. In a second step, a combination of time transfer results obtained with pseudoranges only and geodetic time transfer results is used to characterize the long-term evolution of pseudorange errors. It demonstrates that the day-boundary jumps, especially those of large amplitude, can be explained by an instrumental effect imposing a common behavior on all the satellite pseudoranges. Using known influences as temperature variations at ALGO or cable damages at HOB2, it is shown that the approach developed in this study can be used to look for the origin of the day-boundary discontinuities in other stations.  相似文献   
Optimizing nitrogen (N) fertilization in crop production by in-season measurements of crop N status may improve fertilizer N use efficiency. Hyperspectral measurements may be used to assess crop N status by estimating leaf chlorophyll content. This study evaluated the ability of the PROSAIL canopy-level reflectance model to predict leaf chlorophyll content. Trials were conducted with two potato cultivars under different N fertility rates (0–300 kg N ha−1). Canopy reflectance, leaf area index (LAI) and leaf chlorophyll and N contents were measured. The PROSAIL model was able to predict leaf chlorophyll content with reasonable accuracy later in the growing season. The low estimation accuracy earlier in the growing season could be due to model sensitivity to non-homogenous canopy architecture and soil background interference before full canopy closure. Canopy chlorophyll content (leaf chlorophyll content × LAI) was predicted less accurately than leaf chlrophyll content due to the low estimation accuracy of LAI for values higher than 4.5.  相似文献   
长江中游退田还湖地区农业劳动力转移特征与途径   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
宋金平  张同升 《地理研究》2003,22(1):123-130
本文在对洞庭湖退田还湖地区实地调查的基础上,分析了退田还湖地区农业剩余劳动力的转移特征与制约因素。结果发现,该地区总体劳动力转移的比重很低,以青壮年为主,受教育程度普遍较低,不能满足城市劳务市场的需要,另外,农民外出打工就业信息不畅、成本较高也是重要的制约因素。最后针对该地区农村经济发展与劳动力的就业状况,结合国内外相关研究资料,认为农业劳动力转移途径有:调整农业内部结构与布局,挖掘农业内部就业潜力,加强农业产业化发展,对乡镇企业进行战略性调整,与小城镇建设相结合,促进农村城镇化进程,发展湿地生态旅游业,采取积极的措施,促进农业劳动力的异地转移  相似文献   
人类世可持续发展背景下的远程耦合框架及其应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
在全球一体化进程不断加深的背景下,国家与地区之间的联系日益紧密,产生了一系列跨国家、跨地区、多尺度的社会—经济—环境影响,远程耦合(Telecoupling,社会、经济、环境的远距离相互作用)科学概念和综合框架的提出为解决上述问题提供了新方法和新途径。为更好促进远程耦合综合框架的正确使用和规范推广,本文系统解析了远程耦合综合框架,厘清各组成部分的定义和功能,梳理了框架的应用现状;通过对3个中国典型案例的阐释,展示了远程耦合综合框架的使用方法、结果分析及由此得出的科学意义和政策价值;最后描述了远程耦合综合框架使用中需要重点关注的问题,并对其应用前景进行了展望。远程耦合综合框架的推广应用有助于以跨国家、跨地区、多尺度的视角,重新审视多个人类与自然耦合系统的相互作用,揭示隐藏的远距离地理空间作用的科学价值,服务于有关政策的制定和实施,促进全球社会、经济、环境的可持续发展。  相似文献   
The acquisition of spatial-temporal information of frozen soil is fundamental for the study of frozen soil dynamics and its feedback to climate change in cold regions. With advancement of remote sensing and better understanding of frozen soil dynamics, discrimination of freeze and thaw status of surface soil based on passive microwave remote sensing and numerical simulation of frozen soil processes under water and heat transfer principles provides valuable means for regional and global frozen soil dynamic monitoring and systematic spatial-temporal responses to global change. However, as an important data source of frozen soil processes, remotely sensed information has not yet been fully utilized in the numerical simulation of frozen soil processes. Although great progress has been made in remote sensing and frozen soil physics, yet few frozen soil research has been done on the application of remotely sensed information in association with the numerical model for frozen soil process studies. In the present study, a distributed numerical model for frozen soil dynamic studies based on coupled water-heat transferring theory in association with remotely sensed frozen soil datasets was developed. In order to reduce the uncertainty of the simulation, the remotely sensed frozen soil information was used to monitor and modify relevant parameters in the process of model simulation. The remotely sensed information and numerically simulated spatial-temporal frozen soil processes were validated by in-situ field observations in cold regions near the town of Naqu on the East-Central Tibetan Plateau. The results suggest that the overall accuracy of the algorithm for discriminating freeze and thaw status of surface soil based on passive microwave remote sensing was more than 95%. These results provided an accurate initial freeze and thaw status of surface soil for coupling and calibrating the numerical model of this study. The numerically simulated frozen soil processes demonstrated good performance of the distributed numerical model based on the coupled water-heat transferring theory. The relatively larger uncertainties of the numerical model were found in alternating periods between freezing and thawing of surface soil. The average accuracy increased by about 5% after integrating remotely sensed information on the surface soil. The simulation accuracy was significantly improved, especially in transition periods between freezing and thawing of the surface soil.  相似文献   
电商快递包装箱的碳足迹空间分解和隐含碳转移研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
伴随电子商务等新兴消费业态的迅猛发展,其碳排放量已不容忽视。本研究从空间分解和隐含碳转移的角度,基于对电商快递包装箱全生命周期的碳足迹研究,识别其在原料、生产、利用各环节与电商行为的地理空间耦合,分析各阶段及总排放的省域尺度格局特征,以及伴随快递流的隐含碳转移网络格局。研究发现:原料阶段的碳排放多在木材原料商区位,生产阶段的碳排放和快递发货区位高度耦合,利用阶段的碳排放和快递收货区位相耦合。全国电商快递包装箱各阶段的碳排放在空间上高度集聚,原料阶段集中在广西,生产和利用阶段集中在广东、浙江、江苏,整体呈现出“东多西少、南多北少”的空间特征。碳排放总量较高的省区多由生产驱动,碳排放总量越少的省区则利用驱动越明显。隐含碳转移网络呈现出“少数省区净流出、多数省区净流入”的“轴辐式”结构特征,浙江、广东两省承担了80%左右的净流出,是绝大多数省区隐含碳流入的最大来源地,北京是净流入最大的省区。基于隐含碳转移进行碳排放责任辨析,是相关决策需要考虑的重要因素;绿色包装的减排贡献较大,亟待寻求技术突破;新兴消费业态的碳排放值得长期关注。  相似文献   
Based on 1961-2000 NCEP/NCAR monthly mean reanalysis datasets, vapor transfer and hydrological budget over the Tibetan Plateau are investigated. The Plateau is a vapor sink all the year round. In summer, vapor is convergent in lower levels (from surface to 500 hPa) and divergent in upper levels (from 400 to 300 hPa), with 450 hPa referred to as level of non-divergence. Two levels have different hydrologic budget signatures: the budget is negative at the upper levels from February to November, i.e., vapor transfers from the upper levels over the plateau; as to the lower, the negative (positive) budget occurs during the winter (summer) half year. Evidence also indicates that Tibetan Plateau is a "vapor transition belt", vapor from the south and the west is transferred from lower to upper levels there in summer, which will affect surrounding regions, including eastern China, especially, the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze. Vapor transfer exerts significant influence on precipitation in summertime months. Vapor transferred from the upper layers helps humidify eastern China, with coefficient -0.3 of the upper budget to the precipitation over the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze (MLRY); also, vapor transferred from east side (27.5°-32.5°N) of the upper level has remarkable relationship with precipitation, the coefficient being 0.41. The convergence of the lower level vapor has great effects on the local precipitation over the plateau, with coefficient reaching 0.44, and the vapor passage affects the advance and retreat of the rainbelt. In general, atmospheric hydrologic budget and vapor transfer over the plateau have noticeable effects on precipitation of the target region as well as the ambient areas.  相似文献   
Based on 1961-2000 NCEP/NCAR monthly mean reanalysis datasets, vapor transfer and hydrological budget over the Tibetan Plateau are investigated. The Plateau is a vapor sink all the year round. In summer, vapor is convergent in lower levels (from surface to 500 hPa) and divergent in upper levels (from 400 to 300 hPa), with 450 hPa referred to as level of non-divergence. Two levels have different hydrologic budget signatures: the budget is negative at the upper levels from February to November, i.e., vapor transfers from the upper levels over the plateau; as to the lower, the negative (positive) budget occurs during the winter (summer) half year. Evidence also indicates that Tibetan Plateau is a "vapor transition belt", vapor from the south and the west is transferred from lower to upper levels there in summer, which will affect surrounding regions, including eastern China, especially, the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze. Vapor transfer exerts significant influence on precipitation in summertime months. Vapor transferred from the upper layers helps humidify eastern China, with coefficient -0.3 of the upper budget to the precipitation over the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze (MLRY); also, vapor transferred from east side (27.5o-32.5oN) of the upper level has remarkable relationship with precipitation, the coefficient being 0.41. The convergence of the lower level vapor has great effects on the local precipitation over the plateau, with coefficient reaching 0.44, and the vapor passage affects the advance and retreat of the rainbelt. In general, atmospheric hydrologic budget and vapor transfer over the plateau have noticeable effects on precipitation of the target region as well as the ambient areas.  相似文献   
选用美国国家海洋和大气局(NOAA)系列卫星观测的1982-2006年历年夏季每半月合成的归一化差值植被指数(NDVI)数据资料和针对我国西北干旱区不同下垫面的Ch-INDV参数化关系式,计算了我国110°E以西/35°N以北区域内84个气象站历年夏季各月的地表热力输送系数Ch值和地面感热通量序列,并将其与ERA-40再分析感热资料进行了比较分析。随后,通过数理统计和经验正交函数(EOF)分析方法,研究其时空分布的基本特征和异常变化的演变规律及其东、西部地面感热年际变化的差异。主要结论为:(1)我国西北干旱区夏季地面感热通量实际计算值与ERA-40再分析感热资料相比,两者在值的大小、分布形势和年际变化趋势上均较一致,但感热实际计算值的空间分布更加明显地突出了各气象站所在区域的局地特征。(2)对西北干旱区夏季地面感热EOF分析表明,第一模态反映了全场一致的空间变化,第二和第三模态在干旱区东部和西部区具有不同的南北反向或东西反向的空间变化。第一和第二主分量有较明显的年代际或更长时间尺度的周期变化,第三主分量的年际变化较明显。(3)西北干旱区东部和西部夏季地面感热输送具有相反的年际变化趋势,干旱区东部呈逐年增加的趋...  相似文献   
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