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Karen Bakker 《The Geographical journal》2003,169(4):328-341
This paper examines the interrelationship between urbanization and water supply privatization in cities in the global South. The purpose of the paper is not to evaluate the impacts of privatization; rather, the paper analyses the differences in pathways and modes of water supply privatization, focusing on urban and contrasting with rural areas. A distinction is drawn between privatization (organizational change) and commercialization (institutional change) of water supply. Emphasis is placed upon the interrelationship between regulatory change (a shift from public to private management of water supply systems), human use of and access to water, and urban waterscapes. In contrast to metaphors of 'networks' so often applied in analyses of water management, the 'archipelago' is posited as a metaphor which better captures the complex overlapping strategies of water supply provision in urban areas in the South. Building on this metaphor, and in response to the 'public–private' dualism often invoked in studies of privatization, the paper outlines an alternative typology of water management in urban areas in the South. This typology foregrounds the concepts of the territorialization of corporate power as a means of understanding the articulation between privatization and urbanization processes in the South. 相似文献
最近十年来中国地理科学的进展 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
最近十年来中国地理科学的最重要进展有:自然地理学与人文地理学的平衡发展,人口、资源、环境的研究,遥感的应用与地理信息系统的建立,自然地理定位观测,青藏高原隆起对自然环境的影响,城市与城市规划,中国历史地理研究等。最近,并已开始研究气候变化与海平面上升对中国的影响,使我国地理科学研究紧紧跟上世界发展的步伐。 相似文献
对系统间偏差的成分和影响因素进行分析,发现各项改正后残余误差对系统间偏差估值的影响可归结为与卫星编号和广播星历更新相关。提出一种新的顾及参与解算卫星构成的系统间偏差估计方案,新方案能够在仅有4颗多模GNSS卫星可见时提供可靠的位置服务。 相似文献
通过对归一化差异水体指数NDWI中的绿波段修正,提出了不依赖于中红外波段的伪归一化差异水体指数FNDWI(False NDWI)。使用NDWI和FNDWI分别在背景地物为城市、城郊、乡镇、村落和山区的遥感影像上进行河流水体提取,实验表明,FNDWI影像中城镇建筑用地与河流水体的可分离性较NDWI有所提升,提升率为116%~335%不等;相关性分析表明,河流宽度与可分离性提升率具有明显的负相关关系,相关系数为-0.82;分类结果显示,在城市和城郊区域,NDWI提取的水体中混杂有较多城镇建筑用地信息,而FNDWI提取的水体中基本未见混杂。总体上,FNDWI提高了2种地物的可分离性,剔除了NDWI影像混入的城镇建筑用地信息,较好地解决了NDWI城镇建筑用地与河流水体的混淆问题,尤其适用于城镇周边的细小河流。 相似文献
The reproductive biology of Acanthopagrus butcheri has been studied in the permanently open Swan River and intermittently open Moore River estuaries on the lower west coast of Australia (31--32 °S) and in the permanently open Nornalup Walpole and normally closed Wellstead estuaries on the southern coast of Western Australia (34--35 °S). Trends exhibited by gonadosomatic indices, gonadal maturity stages and the sizes and developmental stages of the oocytes demonstrate that A. butcher typically spawns in spring and early summer. However, spawning occurred in salinities ranging from as low as 3.5-8 g L–1 in the Moore River Estuary to as high as 41-45 g L–1 in the Wellstead Estuary. Furthermore, water temperatures during spawning were greater in the two northern estuaries (19.7--28.5 °C) than in the two southern and cooler estuaries (17.5--23.4 °C). Histological studies strongly indicate that A. butcheri spawn more than once in a breeding season and demonstrate that the development of its oocytes exhibits group synchrony sensu de Vlaming (1983). The ages and total lengths at which, on average, female and male A. butcheri both first attain maturity in the Swan River Estuary were ca 2 years and ca 215 mm. However, the age at which individual fish in that system reach maturity was influenced by body size. This suggests that the attainment of first maturity at an older age but smaller length in the Moore River and Nornalup Walpole estuaries than is the case in the Swan River Estuary is a consequence of the slower growth rates of A. butcheri in those estuaries. The combination of the young age (ca 2 years) but small length (ca 145 mm) at which maturity is first attained in the Wellstead Estuary could have resulted from selection pressures brought about by high mortality rates and/or heavy fishing pressure in this estuary. The mean fecundity of A. butcheri, based on the combined number of yolk vesicle and yolk granule oocytes found in ovaries just prior to the onset of spawning, was 1580 × 103. The significance of the sizes at first maturity, minimum legal length for capture, mesh selectivity data and closure of certain regions of estuaries to fishing for the management of the recreational and commercial fishery for A. butcheri is discussed. 相似文献
基于USLE和GIS的水土流失敏感性空间分析——以河北太行山区为例 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
以USLE方程为理论指导,遥感影像为主要数据源,基于ArcGIS 进行水土流失敏感性空间分析。选择降雨侵蚀力、土地利用类型、坡度、植被覆盖度等影响因子构建水土流失敏感性评价指标体系,在考虑不同因子影响作用大小的情况下,运用空间分析的方法按标准将水土流失敏感性分为五级;并以河北太行山区为例进行研究,利用危险性指数表征研究区水土流失敏感性大小,分析研究区在不同地理背景下的水土流失敏感区的空间分布特征。研究表明:河北太行山区的水土流失敏感性危险性指数为3.97;空间上水土流失敏感性分等级呈现明显的条带状分布;中度敏感区所占面积比例最大,为39.2%;整体水土流失敏感性中度偏重。 相似文献
民勤绿洲水资源利用与生态系统退化分析 总被引:8,自引:12,他引:8
石羊河流域生态平衡失调,生态系统退化在我国干旱、半干旱地区内陆河流域中具有典型的代表性。通过对石羊河流域近代地表水资源开发及其绿洲变迁,近年来流域用水量分配,降水特征及其对植被的影响,流域下游民勤绿洲地下水位、水质的变化等因素多年来观测研究,认为:降水量对天然植被的生长没有大的作用;由于人口的增加,流域地表水资源分配不均,水资源开发过度,地下水位急剧下降,造成流域生态系统退化。流域经济因素促进社会因素的变化,社会因素的变化导致自然环境的变迁,社会、经济、自然诸因素相互作用,通过水资源的变化驱动石羊河流域生态系统的变化。 相似文献
根据竞争力协同发展理论,在把握地区制造业竞争力的内涵与特征,分析影响地区制造业竞争力主要因素的基础上,遵从科学性、系统性、动态性、可操作性原则,针对我国区域经济和制造业特点,运用综合评价法,构建一个符合我国实际的地区制造业竞争力基本理论框架。认为中国地区制造业竞争力评价指标体系由3个层次8个模块构成,并从规模、市场、效率、成长、结构和创新6个方面选取11个指标,试图构建我国地区制造业竞争力评价指标体系。 相似文献
上海中心城就业中心体系测度————基于手机信令数据的研究 总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15
利用手机信令数据识别上海市域内手机用户的工作地和居住地,获取就业者的通勤数据,测度上海中心城的就业中心体系.首先用就业者工作地数据生成就业密度分布图,基于中心城的就业密度识别就业中心.随后,用就业者工作地和居住地数据分别从就业密度和通勤联系两方面测度各中心的能级,分析各中心的腹地和势力范围.研究发现:① 上海中心城的就业中心呈主中心强大的弱多中心体系;② 就业密度越高的中心与其他地区的通勤联系一般也越强,但通勤联系在各中心间的差异更显著;③ 能级越高的中心腹地面积越大,但势力范围不一定越大;④ 相比于能级,职住功能混合度对职住平衡的影响更大;⑤缺少就业中心的地区势力范围呈交替状.本研究一定程度上能有助于解决既往就业中心体系研究因空间单元较大,缺少通勤数据在中心识别,通勤联系测度等方面受到的局限,希望能为构建上海中心城就业多中心体系提供帮助. 相似文献