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为了对发生于2008年07月04日北京的一次强对流天气有更多的认识,利用三维对流云模式对其进行数值模拟研究。结果表明:模式可以较好地模拟出强对流天气各主要宏观发展阶段的特征,以及云中水成物粒子转化的微观特征;模式能够很好地模拟出此次强对流天气过程的风场特征,对流系统中存在有利的环境条件,风暴是由气流的辐合上升引起的。在发展初期,对流云低层为辐合上升气流,在对流云发展的成熟阶段,近地面层以辐散气流为主,中上层以辐合气流为主,且辐合达到最大,之后随着云体的消散,低层辐散下沉气流加强。气流在顶端转变方向,形成辐散出流。  相似文献   
基于Android移动开发平台,设计一款公交辅助导航软件系统。基于Android操作系统,结合SQLite数据库和百度地图应用程序编程接口,通过全球定位系统实时定位用户当前位置,完成公交线路查询、公交站点查询、出行线路规划等功能。同时,包括离线查询和在线查询,能满足用户在不同情况下完成公交信息查询和路线规划。创新性地提出了效率较高的"基于线路与站点的直达车搜索算法"、"基于直达车线路和站点的换乘车搜索算法"。实验结果表明,系统能运行于基于Android系统的移动设备,为用户出行带来方便。  相似文献   
通过对美国地下空间开发利用的考察,认为有如下特点,第一,结合城市建设,构筑地下铁道,第二立足于战略,建立水下通路,第三,地下空间的开发利用平战结合.这些方法对我国的地下空间开发利用值得借鉴.  相似文献   
塔里木盆地孔雀河地区复合含油气系统与有利勘探方向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用叠合盆地复合含油气系统的描述方法和评价思路,分析了塔里木盆地孔雀河地区含油气系统复合特征,再现从源岩到圈闭的油气地质演化过程。孔雀河地区含油气系统以断裂复合贯通为主,同时存在不整合面复合贯通,构成寒武系C—(!)—下奥陶统O1(!)—石炭系C(*)—三叠系T(*)—侏罗系J(*)+寒武系—C(!)—下奥陶统O1(*)—志留系S(*)—泥盆系D(*)—侏罗系J(*)改造型复合含油气系统(*)。含油气系统的复合经历3个关键时刻:泥盆纪末是构造格局与古油藏形成期,侏罗纪末和白垩纪末是油气转化、重新分配与油藏调整期。研究区可分为破坏散失区、改造调整区、深埋保存区,其中改造调整区、深埋保存区为有利油气聚集区,处在改造调整区的龙口背斜和维马克—开屏背斜的上古生界和中生界的断背斜圈闭以及下古生界残留古断背斜圈闭是最佳勘探目标。  相似文献   
At high latitudes and in mountainous areas, evaluation and validation of water and energy flux simu-lations are greatly affected by systematic precipitation errors. These errors mainly come from topographic effects and undercatch of precipitation gauges. In this study, the Land Dynamics (LAD) land surface model is used to investigate impacts of systematic precipitation bias from topography and wind-blowing on water and energy flux simulation in Northwest America. The results show that topographic and wind adjustment reduced bias of streamflow simulations when compared with observed streamflow at 14 basins. These systematic biases resulted in a -50%-100% bias for runoff simulations, a -20%-20% bias for evapotranspiration, and a -40%-40% bias for sensible heat flux, subject to different locations and adjustments, when compared with the control run. Uncertain gauge adjustment leads to a 25% uncertainty for precipitation, a 20% 100% uncertainty for runoff simulation, a less-than-10% uncertainty for evapotranspiration, and a less-than-20% uncertainty for sensible heat flux.  相似文献   
伴随模式同化系统在修正模式地形中的应用   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
任何模式都只是实际大气的一种近似模拟,存在误差。鉴于传统的四维资料伴随模式同化系统都是假设模式完全正确仅对初始场进行修正。将伴随模式同化系统应用于修正模式地形误差,通过对不同初始地形的修正试验表明,MM5伴随模式同化系统能很好地对地形误差进行修正,能够反演出与初始气象要素场分辨率相匹配、与模式更协调的地形场,为伴随模式同化系统的广泛应用提供了一种新的思路。  相似文献   
青藏公路沿线通信光缆埋设地段冻土工程地质条件及评价   总被引:1,自引:5,他引:1  
王家澄  吴紫汪 《冰川冻土》1997,19(3):240-244
青藏公路沿线季节冻土和多年冻土的总长度为760km,根据气温冻结指数和融化指数可估算最大季节冻结深度和最大季节融化深度。根据含水量划分出5种冻土类型和5个冻胀敏感性等级。提出了光缆埋设若干选线和施工建议。  相似文献   
伍岳  林玉飞 《铀矿地质》1996,12(1):41-47
本文从X射线的性质,以及X射线与物质作用的机理出发,对井液效应进行了研究,并对其影响过程进行模拟。在理想井液模型上,推导出X射线活度与钻孔参数的数理关系。在此基础上,进一步研究得到了能适应野外多变情况的井液效应校正公式(CBWE)和方法。  相似文献   
温度对土壤水分运动影响的研究进展   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
综述了温度对土壤水分运动的影响,温度影响的机理和考虑温度影响的土壤水分运动的数学模型,以及目前所用的实验研究方法,同时提出了本领域中存在的主要问题及研究展望.  相似文献   
For many basins, identifying changes to water quality over time and understanding current hydrologic processes are hindered by fragmented and discontinuous water‐quality and hydrology data. In the coal mined region of the New River basin and Indian Fork sub‐basin, muted and pronounced changes, respectively, to concentration–discharge (C–Q) relationships were identified using linear regression on log‐transformed historical (1970s–1980s) and recent (2000s) water‐quality and streamflow data. Changes to C–Q relationships were related to coal mining histories and shifts in land use. Hysteresis plots of individual storms from 2007 (New River) and the fall of 2009 (Indian Fork) were used to understand current hydrologic processes in the basins. In the New River, storm magnitude was found to be closely related to the reversal of loop rotation in hysteresis plots; a peak‐flow threshold of 25 cubic meters per second (m3/s) segregates hysteresis patterns into clockwise and counterclockwise rotational groups. Small storms with peak flow less than 25 m3/s often resulted in dilution of constituent concentrations in headwater tributaries like Indian Fork and concentration of constituents downstream in the mainstem of the New River. Conceptual two or three component mixing models for the basins were used to infer the influence of water derived from spoil material on water quality. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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