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陂塘景观研究进展与评述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
快速城市化背景下,陂塘等小型半自然、人工水体正在大量消失。在综述国内外研究基础上,阐述了陂塘的相关定义、陂塘景观特征及其测度,指出陂塘景观是人们在农耕过程、土地开发过程中充分利用本地的水土资源,应对外部水环境的变化所形成的"水适应性景观"。陂塘景观具有雨洪滞蓄、旱涝调节、水质净化及生物多样性保护等重要的生态功能。在不同发展阶段下,陂塘景观应对的问题不同,景观特征有所差异,演变的总体趋势是从农业时代的水利乡土景观到工业化和城市化带来的破坏,再走向生态自觉下的多功能生态景观;变化趋势也说明了陂塘景观在上述多种生态功能方面的重要潜力。陂塘景观的保护与利用应当建立在对陂塘景观的综合评价的基础之上。最后,对将来可能的研究方向如陂塘景观的特征与功能、历史文化与社会价值、综合评价与应用研究等进行了展望。  相似文献   
各向异性组合滤波法反演陆地水储量变化   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
超能芳  王正涛  孙健 《测绘学报》2015,44(2):174-182
地球时变重力场模型反演陆地水储量变化已为全球气候变化研究作出巨大贡献,考虑到时变重力场模型球谐系数中存在相关性,其高阶次项具有较大的误差,需采用最优的滤波方法进行空间平滑。本文提出一种新的各向异性组合滤波方法,其基本思想是将改进的高斯滤波法与均方根(root mean square,RMS)滤波法组合,即对球谐系数的低阶次采用改进的高斯滤波法,而高阶次采用RMS滤波法。首先分析了最新的GRACE RL05系列时变重力场模型系数误差特性,基于全球水储量变化反演结果,分析比较了高斯滤波、改进的高斯滤波、RMS滤波和DDK滤波与本文提出的组合滤波法的有效性及精度,并利用模型结果进行了验证,计算结果表明,组合滤波法的中误差最小。研究结果表明,本文提出的组合法相比于先前的滤波方法,可有效地过滤高阶次的噪声,消除南北条带误差,同时减少信号泄漏,提高信噪比,保留更多有效的地球物理信号,进而提高反演精度。  相似文献   
Time-frequency peak filtering (TFPF) is an effective method for seismic random noise attenuation. The linearity of the signal has a significant influence on the accuracy of the TFPF method. The higher the linearity of the signal to be filtered is, the better the denoising result is. With this in mind, and taking the lateral coherence of reflected events into account, we do TFPF along the reflected events to improve the degree of linearity and enhance the continuity of these events. The key factor to realize this idea is to find the traces of the reflected events. However, the traces of the events are too hard to obtain in the complicated field seismic data. In this paper, we propose a Multiple Directional TFPF (MD–TFPF), in which the filtering is performed in certain direction components of the seismic data. These components are obtained by a directional filter bank. In each direction component, we do TFPF along these decomposed reflected events (the local direction of the events) instead of the channel direction. The final result is achieved by adding up the filtering results of all decomposition directions of seismic data. In this way, filtering along the reflected events is implemented without accurately finding the directions. The effectiveness of the proposed method is tested on synthetic and field seismic data. The experimental results demonstrate that MD–TFPF can more effectively eliminate random noise and enhance the continuity of the reflected events with better preservation than the conventional TFPF, curvelet denoising method and F–X deconvolution method.  相似文献   
核电厂冷却塔设计气象条件中,湿球温度是重要的设计气象参数之一。近年来,由于实行自动观测,相对湿度值由仪器自动测定,因此不少气象站已经停止了湿球温度的观测,这给电厂气象参数的分析计算造成了一定困难。为此,根据气压分布型特点和分段函数,提出利用干球温度和相对湿度来计算湿球温度的新方法,经河南省郑州、南阳和商丘3站的应用,效果良好。  相似文献   
澜沧江-湄公河(澜湄)流域南北跨越了25个纬度,流域上下游气候差异明显。同时遭遇干旱或湿润通常不利于上下游水资源合作,而水文气象条件正常或上下游间的干湿条件不一样时有利于缓解流域内的竞争性用水状况。为探究气候变化对澜湄流域上下游水资源合作潜力的影响,基于普林斯顿降水数据集与全球气候模型预估数据,利用标准化降水指数(SPI)和Copula函数计算了历史时期(1985—2016年)与未来时期(2021—2090年)澜湄流域上下游同时面临干旱、湿润以及干湿存在差异的发生概率。基于典型浓度路径RCP4.5和RCP8.5情景的预估结果显示与历史时期相比,未来时期澜湄流域在RCP4.5与RCP8.5情景下具有相似的变化趋势,即:遭遇同期湿润的概率在逐渐增大(最大达到199.5%),遭遇同期干旱的概率则在逐渐减少(最小达到-35.9%),而遭遇干湿差异时期的概率在所有时段均大幅减少(-53.1%~-42.5%)。未来澜湄流域上下游同期湿润概率的增加和遭遇干湿差异概率的减少预计将加大上下游面临水资源竞争的可能性,从而对澜湄流域各国家之间的水资源合作产生不利影响。这一研究可以为澜湄流域水资源合作策略的制定提供科学参考和依据。  相似文献   
Extending an earlier study, the best track minimum sea level pressure (MSLP) data are assimilated for landfalling Hurricane Ike (2008) using an ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF), in addition to data from two coastal ground-based Doppler radars, at a 4-km grid spacing. Treated as a sea level pressure observation, the MSLP assimilation by the EnKF enhances the hurricane warm core structure and results in a stronger and deeper analyzed vortex than that in the GFS (Global Forecast System) analysis; it also improves the subsequent 18-h hurricane intensity and track forecasts. With a 2-h total assimilation window length, the assimilation of MSLP data interpolated to 10-min intervals results in more balanced analyses with smaller subsequent forecast error growth and better intensity and track forecasts than when the data are assimilated every 60 minutes. Radar data are always assimilated at 10-min intervals. For both intensity and track forecasts, assimilating MSLP only outperforms assimilating radar reflectivity (Z) only. For intensity forecast, assimilating MSLP at 10-min intervals outperforms radar radial wind (Vr) data (assimilated at 10-min intervals), but assimilating MSLP at 60-min intervals fails to beat Vr data. For track forecast, MSLP assimilation has a slightly (noticeably) larger positive impact than Vr(Z) data. When Vr or Z is combined with MSLP, both intensity and track forecasts are improved more than the assimilation of individual observation type. When the total assimilation window length is reduced to 1h or less, the assimilation of MSLP alone even at 10-min intervals produces poorer 18-h intensity forecasts than assimilating Vr only, indicating that many assimilation cycles are needed to establish balanced analyses when MSLP data alone are assimilated; this is due to the very limited pieces of information that MSLP data provide.  相似文献   
Using the Met Office Global and Regional Ensemble Prediction System (MOGREPS) implemented at the Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA), the effect of doubling the ensemble size on the performance of ensemble prediction in the warm season was evaluated. Because a finite ensemble size causes sampling error in the full forecast probability distribution function (PDF), ensemble size is closely related to the efficiency of the ensemble prediction system. Prediction capability according to doubling the ensemble size was evaluated by increasing the number of ensembles from 24 to 48 in MOGREPS implemented at the KMA. The initial analysis perturbations generated by the Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter (ETKF) were integrated for 10 days from 22 May to 23 June 2009. Several statistical verification scores were used to measure the accuracy, reliability, and resolution of ensemble probabilistic forecasts for 24 and 48 ensemble member forecasts. Even though the results were not significant, the accuracy of ensemble prediction improved slightly as ensemble size increased, especially for longer forecast times in the Northern Hemisphere. While increasing the number of ensemble members resulted in a slight improvement in resolution as forecast time increased, inconsistent results were obtained for the scores assessing the reliability of ensemble prediction. The overall performance of ensemble prediction in terms of accuracy, resolution, and reliability increased slightly with ensemble size, especially for longer forecast times.  相似文献   
A conceptual coupled ocean-atmosphere model was used to study coupled ensemble data assimilation schemes with a focus on the role of ocean-atmosphere interaction in the assimilation. The optimal scheme was the fully coupled data assimilation scheme that employs the coupled covariance matrix and assimilates observations in both the atmosphere and ocean. The assimilation of synoptic atmospheric variability that captures the temporal fluctuation of the weather noise was found to be critical for the estimation of not only the atmospheric, but also oceanic states. The synoptic atmosphere observation was especially important in the mid-latitude system, where oceanic variability is driven by weather noise. The assimilation of synoptic atmospheric variability in the coupled model improved the atmospheric variability in the analysis and the subsequent forecasts, reducing error in the surface forcing and, in turn, in the ocean state. Atmospheric observation was able to further improve the oceanic state estimation directly through the coupled covariance between the atmosphere and ocean states. Relative to the mid-latitude system, the tropical system was influenced more by ocean-atmosphere interaction and, thus, the assimilation of oceanic observation becomes more important for the estimation of the ocean and atmosphere.  相似文献   
从宽带脉冲泵浦光的光谱及滤光片的滤光特性参数出发,分析了自发参量下转换(SPDC)产生纠缠光源的系统中各类滤光片对剩余脉冲泵浦光的滤除效率。分析结果表明,适当组合不同类型的滤光片可以有效地滤除剩余脉冲泵浦光,并从实验上验证了分析结果的正确性。该研究为脉冲泵浦光条件下SPDC过程产生的纠缠光源的有效测量提供了理论指导和实验验证。  相似文献   
校准数字化矿图的一种实用算法——网格限制法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
满足数字化矿图的精度要求是实现数字矿山的重要保证。结合煤矿地测微机制图和相关矿图的特点,本文提出了利用曲面样条函数及公里网特征点数据校准数字化矿图的实用数学方法。  相似文献   
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