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双热带气旋相互作用的研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
田永祥  寿绍文 《气象学报》1998,56(5):584-593
采用无基本气流的无辐散正压模式模拟了双热带气旋的运动。应用非对称理论研究了双热带气旋的相互作用。双热带气旋中的每个热带气旋主要由通过其中心的非对称气流(即通风气流)作用而移动。这股非对称气流是由其自身的线性和非线性效应产生的非对称涡旋与其配对热带气旋形成的非对称涡旋相叠加而引起的。  相似文献   
为探究华北暴雨的维持及中尺度系统演变机制,利用NCEP/NCAR的GFS资料、地面自动站观测资料等,借助数值模拟、涡度收支分析和尺度分离等方法,对2016年7月19日前后一次华北暴雨过程进行了观测分析和模拟研究。(1)本次极端降水过程与东移低槽切断形成的深厚低涡密切相关。低涡与副高脊线形成"东高西低"形势且雨区始终处于高层辐散低层辐合的动力配置下,有利于对流维持。涡旋与低空急流的配合使来自西南侧和东侧的水汽在华北辐合,并使雨区处于能量锋区,对流层中低层形成深厚逆温层,为暴雨维持提供水汽和能量保障。(2)低涡系统总体呈增强趋势,中心涡度最高达55×10-5 s-1以上。成熟阶段呈现贯穿对流层的直立正涡度柱,但涡度变化集中在500 hPa以下,中心维持在850 hPa附近。涡度增长主要受正涡度区与辐合中心重合产生的拉伸效应以及干侵入等因素的促进作用。(3)低层辐合中心由三种不同尺度系统叠加而成,其中中尺度系统对中心的强度和位置影响最大,而大中尺度风场间的辐合也使辐合区更大、强度更强。低层涡旋增长与风场辐合加强之间形成正反馈调节,有利于低涡和降水的维持。  相似文献   
山东半岛属于中国干热岩潜力靶区之一。基于研究区地质、地球物理和地热地质等资料,经大地电磁和可控源勘探,确定了干热岩钻孔位置。通过钻探、测井、取芯及岩矿分析测试,全面得到深部文登花岗岩体规模、裂隙储层空间分布、深部地温及地温梯度、花岗岩热物性参数和岩石力学参数等,建立干热岩三维地质模型,通过数值模拟分析了其发电能力。研究区侵入岩、构造断裂发育,大地热流值为48~85mW/m2,地热异常区地温梯度为5. 3~18. 59℃/100m,表明研究区具有非常好的深部地热能赋存条件。数值模拟揭示,对研究区4000m储层进行人工激励后,以30kg/s的注入速率,17℃的注入水,运行20年后,产出水温度从168℃降低到149℃,降低了11. 3%;流动阻抗在上升至0. 076MPa/(kg/s);年发电量3. 7~3. 4MW,高于法国Soultz的发电量。  相似文献   
华北一次西南涡暴雨过程的诊断分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用一日4次1°×1°的NCEP再分析资料和常规观测资料,分析了2010年7月19日发生在华北地区的西南涡暴雨过程。结果表明:此次暴雨过程是不同尺度系统共同影响的结果,低空急流将水汽源源不断地向暴雨区输送,云水含量大值区与强上升运动和强降水时段有较好的对应关系,高、低空急流的耦合作用促进了上升运动,暴雨期间对流层低层有自南向北发展的高能舌维持,存在对流性不稳定层结,上升运动自低层向上发展,将低层的暖湿空气向上输送,使得大量的不稳定能量释放,为暴雨区提供了持续的能量。  相似文献   
以江苏宝应生态渔业光伏发电"领跑者"示范基地为研究对象,定量分析了不同辐射指标对渔光互补光伏发电效益的影响机制.结果表明:太阳辐射对渔光互补光伏电站发电效益有着显著影响,且存在季节性波动,在夏秋季日并网峰值及发电量较大,稳定性较高,而冬春季发电效益和稳定性较差;太阳辐射指标与日并网功率最大值相关性较高,且呈明显对数关系,而日发电量与太阳辐射指标呈明显线性关系;不同月份并网功率最大值和发电量与平均辐照度、最大辐照度和累计辐照量均呈正相关关系,影响月并网功率峰值最为明显的是最大辐照度,而影响月发电量最为明显的指标是有效利用小时数.通过研究发现,在该地区开展光伏发电功率预测和前期太阳能资源开发利用评估时,可采用平均辐照度、最大辐照度、日累计辐照量3个指标作为参考指标.  相似文献   
Samples of argillaceous source rocks from three sub-members of the Shahejie Formation (Es) in the Dongying Depression, China, were collected to investigate the differences in hydrocarbon generation among the sub-members, which developed in fresh (Es32, Es33) and saline (Es41) water environments. Pyrolysis, XRD and thermo-XRD analyses were used to compare the characteristics of organic matter (OM), clay minerals and OM occurrences. Total organic carbon and hydrocarbon potential proxies suggest that the samples from Es33 were much better than the other two intervals, which agrees with previous studies. The characteristics of clay minerals suggest that the samples from Es41 have the most abundant illite, with a maximum illite percentage in mixed-layer illite-smectite (ISm), and the best crystallinity of ISm with a main stacking mode of R1.5. However, the stacking modes of ISm in Es32 and Es33 were primarily R0 and R1, respectively, and the crystallinity was relatively poor. Thus, the smectite illitization process was faster in Es41 than in the other two intervals, and a saline environment was a primary cause for the acceleration of the process. Moreover, OM occurrence indicates that the samples from Es41 had the lowest amount of interlayer OM, whereas Es33 had the largest amount. Therefore, the rapid illitization in Es41 caused abundant interlayer OM to be desorbed and discharged, which in turn caused the amount of residual interlayer OM in Es41 to be less than that in the other two intervals. Thus, the source rocks of Es41 made a more significant contribution to hydrocarbon generation than those of the other two units. In conclusion, the inconsistent illitization among these intervals was a major cause of the differences in hydrocarbon generation.  相似文献   
生物气的生成期对其成藏有至关重要的制约作用,但目前国内外尚缺少可信、有效方法来对此进行评价。针对这一难题,考虑到无论生物气的生成机理如何,转化前的有机质和转化后的残余有机质及产物的13C、12C的总量应该守恒,本文探索并建立了评价生物气生成量的碳同位素平衡法,并利用松辽盆地的实际分析数据,对这一评价方法(模型)进行了标定和应用。结果表明:Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ型有机质累计产生物成因甲烷气的量分别约为193.94 ml/g、175.64 ml/g、161.71 ml/g。区内源岩生物气的生成量约为385.4×1012 m3;生物气的主要生成期在嫩江组沉积末期之前;区内生物气的可能资源量介于11.40×1011~24.8×1011 m3之间。  相似文献   
Shielded vortices consist of a core of potential vorticity (PV) of a given sign surrounded (or shielded) by a layer of opposite-signed PV. Such vortices have specific properties and have been the focus of numerous studies, first in two dimensional geometries (where PV is just the vertical component of the vorticity vector) and in geophysical applications (mostly in layered models). The present paper focuses on three-dimensional, spheroidal shielded vortices. In particular, we focus on vortical structures whose overall volume-integrated PV is zero. We restrict attention to vortices of piecewise uniform PV in the present research. We first revisit the problem within the quasi-geostrophic model, then we extend the results to the non-hydrostatic regime. We show that the stability of the structure depends on the ratio of PV between the inner core and the outer shield. In particular it depends on the polarity of the core and of the wavenumber of the azimuthal mode perturbed.  相似文献   
一次江淮暴雨中中尺度低涡的数值模拟及分析   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
利用MM5模式对2003年7月4—5日一次江淮梅雨暴雨过程进行了数值模拟。分析表明:暴雨与江淮地区对流层中低层中尺度低涡的发生发展有密切关系。中尺度低涡与中尺度雨团相伴移动,低涡强度与雨强的演变近于一致;低涡中心的强上升运动及低层辐合、高层辐散的配置有利于中尺度对流系统的发生发展;低涡低层有不稳定能量的积聚。应用螺旋度理论分析指出,较大的螺旋度是对流层中低层低涡发生和发展的一种有利机制。  相似文献   
By using the linearized barotropic vorticity equation in polar coordinates the stability of perturbations on a large scale circular basic flow is transformed into a generalized eigenvalue problem,yielding the relationship between the growth rate of the amplitude of perturbations and the azimuthal wave number. Then, numerical experiments whose integration time is 60 model hours are performed in terms of a quasi-geostrophic barotropic model in Cartesian coordinates using the perturbation stream function field of unstable mode superimposed on a strong and weak circular basic flows as the initial fields. The experimental results reveal that the amplitudes of the initial perturbations in the model atmosphere grow with time. The amplitude of the perturbations superimposedon the strong circular basic flow grows quicker and forms a spiral-band-like structure.  相似文献   
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