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本文从分析天气形势、物理量场特征、自动站逐时资料变化特征等人手,对2012年7月8日一9日临汾市局部暴雨天气过程进行了分析。结果表明:(1)此次降水过程是在西风槽东移,副高西进北抬有利的环流背景下产生的。700hPa中尺度低压和低层辐合线以及东路冷空气是本过程的主要触发系统。(2)降水过程中边界层出现了明显的中尺度辐合线和切变线以及低涡环流,短时强降水与小尺度的低涡环流相对应。(3)物理量场上,降雨前期暴雨区有强的上升运动、较高的能量积累和层结不稳定,但低层辐合很弱,中低层湿度只在某层次上达到饱和。  相似文献   
大气对流边界层中的涡漩结构   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
桑建国 《气象学报》1997,55(3):285-296
大气边界层中存在尺度从几百米到几十公里的大涡漩运动.它们在边界层中动量、热量、水汽等垂直输送中起重要作用.作者从边界层中对流和上部稳定层中波动相互作用的观点,发展得出大涡结构的对流波动理论.根据此理论,大涡的波谱构成主要由上、下层大气中风向、风速、层结以及两层之间的温度跃变等因素决定.本文根据卫星云图和天气资料分析了一次冷空气爆发流经暖洋面上形成云街、对流单体以及它们之间的相互演化的过程,并用对流波动理论,依据各阶段的大气条件计算出它们的波数构成,并得出了垂直速度、辐合带、界面扰动的分布,解释了云街、对流单体的形成、结构及相互转化的原因.  相似文献   
1980~1994年台湾海峡两岸的地热涡与降水季度预报初探   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用1980~1994年大陆3.2m深度和台湾3.0m深度的地温资料,分析了15a来的逐季地气图,统计了台湾海峡两岸的地热涡活动,发现平均每季有1个地热涡活动,其水平尺度比大陆内部的地热涡要小,生命史也要短,进入台湾地区的地热涡绝大多数是从西方和北方进入,其移动速度比大陆内部的要快得多。90%以上的地热涡在同期有多雨区与其对应,热涡中心与多雨中心相距在100km以内者占68%。最后给出了一个季度降水的定性预测方案,其步骤为:预报地热涡的中心位置、强度和水平尺度;推算降水正距平区的水平尺度、中心位置和强度;根据本区发生的地震等情况进行预报订正。  相似文献   
The computational formulae are given for single-contour constant-value vortex motion influenced by the Coriolis force in the framework of contour dynamics,by which four numerical computations are performed,the result exhibiting their validity.  相似文献   
一次暴雨过程的螺旋度分布特征分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
In this study, the relationship between scale and vertical velocity in a low-pressure system is explored using the wave characteristics of atmospheric disturbances and the structural characteristics of low-pressure systems. The ω differential equation, as determined by the transient geopotential height field Φ, is solved to obtain an analytical solution composed only of wavelength, horizontal speed, and atmospheric stability, i.e., the ω diagnostic equation of a low-pressure system. This equation also shows that vertical velocity in the low-pressure system is very sensitive to the horizontal scale, i.e., a smaller horizontal scale means a larger vertical velocity.  相似文献   
人造热带气旋垂直结构问题初探   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
龚龑  陆维松 《气象科学》2005,25(5):459-464
在人造热带气旋中引入了倾斜垂直结构,并将其用于西折后9806号热带气旋登陆路径的数值模拟。结果表明:应用该方案所得到的模拟结果优于应用正压结构的人造热带气旋方案的模拟结果要准确。因此,此类热带气旋的预报中,其初始涡旋可采用倾斜垂直结构,从而提出改进热带气旋初始涡旋的一种新思路。若对其作进一步研究、推广,则具有广阔的业务应用前景。  相似文献   
In this study,the effect of vertical wind shear(VWS)on the intensification of tropical cyclone(TC)is investigated via the numerical simulations.Results indicate that weak shear tends to facilitate the development of TC while strong shear appears to inhibit the intensification of TC.As the VWS is imposed on the TC,the vortex of the cyclone tends to tilt vertically and significantly in the upper troposphere.Consequently,the upward motion is considerably enhanced in the downshear side of the storm center and correspondingly,the low-to mid-level potential temperature decreases under the effect of adiabatic cooling,which leads to the increase of the low-to mid-level static instability and relative humidity and then facilitates the burst of convection.In the case of weak shear,the vertical tilting of the vortex is weak and the increase of ascent,static instability and relative humidity occur in the area close to the TC center.Therefore,active convection happens in the TC center region and facilitates the enhancement of vorticity in the inner core region and then the intensification of TC.In contrast,due to strong VWS,the increase of the ascent,static instability and relative humidity induced by the vertical tilting mainly appear in the outer region of TC in the case with stronger shear,and the convection in the inner-core area of TC is rather weak and convective activity mainly happens in the outer-region of the TC.Therefore,the development of a warm core is inhibited and then the intensification of TC is delayed.Different from previous numerical results obtained by imposing VWS suddenly to a strong TC,the simulation performed in this work shows that,even when the VWS is as strong as 12 m s-1,the tropical storm can still experience rapid intensification and finally develop into a strong tropical cyclone after a relatively long period of adjustment.It is found that the convection plays an important role in the adjusting period.On one hand,the convection leads to the horizontal convergence of the low-level vorticity flux and therefore leads to the enhancement of the low-level vorticity in the inner-core area of the cyclone.On the other hand,the active ascent accompanying the convection tends to transport the low-level vorticity to the middle levels.The enhanced vorticity in the lower to middle troposphere strengths the interaction between the low-and mid-level cyclonical circulation and the upper-level circulation deviated from the storm center under the effect of VWS.As a result,the vertical tilting of the vortex is considerably decreased,and then the cyclone starts to develop rapidly.  相似文献   
西南低涡研究综述   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
何光碧 《气象》2012,38(2):155-163
西南低涡是影响我国降水的重要天气系统之一。最初对于西南低涡的研究可以追溯到20世纪40年代前后。文章主要回顾近半个世纪以来有关西南低涡活动及结构特征,西南低涡形成维持机制,西南低涡发展东移机制等方面的研究成果。在此基础上,指出研究存在的不足,如对西南低涡的云系特征和雷达回波特征的认识,不同尺度系统之间的相互作用对西南低涡发生发展的影响,大气边界层过程如何影响西南低涡发生发展,西南低涡活动异常机理的研究等,以便进一步深入开展西南低涡的研究,提高对此类天气影响系统的认识。  相似文献   
2011年初夏我国长江中下游降水的气候特征及成因   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
文章主要分析了2011年初夏长江中下游降水的气候特征及其成因。结果表明:2011年5月长江中下游降水异常偏少,6月转为异常偏多,出现了明显的旱涝转换。长江中下游地区的旱涝转换主要受南海季风、东亚季风强度以及西太平洋副热带高压(副高)的异常快速北跳的影响。研究还发现,6月亚洲中高纬长期维持两槽一脊的环流形势,东北冷涡活动频繁,多次引导冷空气南下。同时,副高异常偏北、偏西,并出现多次西伸过程。由于冷涡的加强南压与西伸的副高相互作用,促使长江以南地区西南气流明显增强,使得冷暖空气在长江中下游地区交汇,最终导致该地降水偏多。  相似文献   
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