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杨和福 《极地研究》1992,4(3):46-51
本文报道南极海洋冷水环境中的低分子挥发性脂肪酸的一种测定方法 ,阐述高压液相色谱法对海洋环境中 C1- C5年低分子挥发性脂肪酸的含量测定具有较好的适用性 ,说明该方法具有正确、灵敏、操作简单、快速及需要样品量少等特点。本方法的最低检测限在 0 .1 μg/ml以下 ,个别酸如丙烯酸可达 0 .0 0 1μg/ml以下。南极戴维斯站附近沿海 ,1 989年 1月 3日 6 0 m水柱体样品测定结果丙烯酸为 0 .0 0 4 - 0 .0 4 2 μg/ml,其他酸是 0 .1 - 1 .0 μg/ml,说明了该方法完全可满足实际海水样品的分析。  相似文献   
冯丽  李诚  张彦  张喜友 《岩矿测试》2012,31(6):1037-1042
在测定地下水中有机污染物时,捕集阱的填料对分析结果有很大的影响.本文采用吹扫捕集/气相色谱-质谱联用技术,建立了适用于地下水中卤代烃、氯代苯、苯系物等30种挥发性有机污染物的分析方法.对11#捕集阱( VOCARB3000)和10#捕集阱(Tenax/硅胶/碳分子筛)进行比较实验和捕集阱的填料进行选择优化,结果表明,以氮气为吹扫气,11#捕集阱的检出限比10#捕集阱的检出限低,富集效率和响应值更高,更适合分析低含量的地下水样品;Rtx - 502.2毛细柱(60 m×0.32 mm×1.8 μm)对目标组分有更好的分离效果,且柱流失小、色谱峰响应高;利用选择离子扫描方式对目标物进行扫描,采用内标法定量,提高了方法灵敏度,消除了组分的干扰以及整个分析过程中存在的系统误差.方法检出限为0.031 ~0.059 μg/L,精密度(RSD)为1.02% ~5.19%(n=7),回收率为87.7% ~118.0%(n=7),各组分相关系数均在0.9991以上.方法操作简便,对环境污染小,可满足大批量地下水中痕量挥发性有机物的分析要求.  相似文献   
挥发性有机物(VOCs)作为重要的化工原料、中间体和有机溶剂,随着人类工农业的发展,其对环境及人类健康的影响日益凸显。下辽河平原作为人口较密集、工业化程度较高的平原地区,地下水的污染随着人类活动不断加剧,对人体健康产生了潜在风险。为了研究下辽河平原地下水中VOCs的污染特征及对人体产生的健康风险,本文利用吹扫捕集-气相色谱-质谱法检测下辽河平原地下水样品中60种VOCs的含量及污染特征并分析其污染来源。通过经口饮用、洗浴呼吸吸入、洗浴皮肤接触三种VOCs的暴露途径计算污染物长期摄入量,采用CSOIL模型评价健康风险。结果表明:采集的24组地下水样品中有20个采样点检出VOCs,样品VOCs检出率为83.3%,在个别采样点萘、苯、1,2-二氯丙烷含量超过《地下水质量标准》(GB 14848—2017)Ⅲ类水的限值(100、10.0、5.0μg/L),工业源VOCs的排放是研究区地下水VOCs超标的主要来源。地下水样品中VOCs的总致癌风险指数在0~4.0×10-5之间,总非致癌风险指数在0~0.93之间,均低于US EPA推荐的健康风险评价标准;企业用地周边地下水中的健康风险指数高于农业用地地下水。本研究表明下辽河平原地下水中VOCs检出率相对较高,健康风险处于可接受水平,该结果可为地区地下水工业源VOCs污染监管和治理提供参考。  相似文献   
建立了DB-624和DB-FFAP双柱定性,吹扫捕集-气相色谱-质谱联用法测定地下水中卤代烃、苯系物、氯代苯等27种挥发性有机物的分析方法。考虑到环境介质的复杂性及干扰的不确定性,选择DB-624柱和极性较强的DB-FFAP柱优化了分离条件;采用分流进样模式,确定了目标组分灵敏度较高时的分流比10∶1;选择离子监测(SIM)方式扫描,提高了各扫描周期内组分的灵敏度;DB-624和DB-FFAP双柱定性,确保了结果的准确性,在DB-FFAP柱上可实现间二甲苯和对二甲苯异构体的完全分离。方法检出限为0.02~0.10μg/L,基体加标回收率为93.3%~109.5%,精密度(RSD,n=7)为0.9%~8.5%。对外部监控样品和实际水样进行测定表明,方法准确,灵敏可靠,可以满足地下水中痕量挥发性有机物的分析要求,适合于批量样品分析。  相似文献   
Air sparging is an emerging method used to remediate saturated soils and groundwater that have been contaminated with volatile organic compounds (VOCs). During air sparging, air is injected into the subsurface below the lowest known depth of contamination. Due to buoyancy, the injected air will rise through the zone of contamination. Through a variety of mechanisms, including volatilization and biodegradation, the air will serve to remove or help degrade the contaminants. The contaminant-laden air will continue to rise towards the ground surface, eventually reaching the vadose zone, where the vapours are collected and treated using a soil vapour extraction (SVE) system.Air sparging performance and ultimately contaminant removal efficiency is highly dependent on the pattern and type of subsurface air flow. This paper presents the results of a laboratory experimental study which investigated the injected air flow pattern development within an aquifer simulation apparatus. The test apparatus consisted of a tank measuring 61 cm long by 25.4 cm wide by 38.1 cm high. The apparatus was equipped with one air injection well and two vapour extracton wells. Three different soils were used to simulate different aquifer conditions, including a sand, a fine gravel and a medium gravel. Experiments were performed with different injected air pressures combined with different vacuum and groundwater flow conditions. Experiments were also conducted by injecting air into simulated shallow aquifers with different thicknesses. The air flow patterns observed were found to depend significantly on the soil type, groundwater flow conditions and system controls, including injected air pressure, flow rate and applied vacuum. © Rapid Science Ltd. 1998  相似文献   
某石油化工场地土层挥发性有机物的污染特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
在调查华北平原一个污染年限超过35年的石油化工场地时,采用便携式仪器土层测气方法,快速、准确地测定了场地内40多个钻孔不同深度土层中挥发性有机物(VOCs)的浓度。基于对场地地质水文地质条件的认识,以及通过对大量数据的分析对比和应用空间变异分析方法,得出了对场地土层介质中VOCs污染特征的如下认识:(1)土层VOCs浓度的垂向变化可概括为污染源淋滤型、包气带扩散污染型、地下水波动带污染型和混合污染型四种污染类型;(2)在包气带砂土层和粉土层中,VOCs的扩散规律可近似用指数模型描述;(3)包气带土层中VOCs优先积聚在渗透性强的砂性土层中,砂土层中VOCs浓度是粉土层中VOCs浓度的1.5~12倍,平均3.76倍;(4)土层VOCs浓度的水平变异性表现为包气带土层的变异性要比地下水波动带土层大,且水平变异性能在25m尺度内得到充分显示;而土层VOCs浓度的垂向变异性随地而异,变化复杂,很难用统一的一个量化尺度来表征。本文对这一典型污染场地的剖析,有助于从事污染场地调查人员认识我国华北平原石油化工类场地的污染特征,并为调查与治理类似污染场地提供技术依据。  相似文献   
应用吹扫捕集-气相色谱-质谱法测定岩溶地区垃圾渗透液中36种挥发性有机物(VOCs)的含量。获取样品溶液5 mL于吹扫瓶中,利用TELEDYNE TEKMAR型吹扫捕集直接进样,经DB-VRX毛细管色谱柱分离、电子轰击电离(EI)全扫描检测,选择特征离子,再用外标法进行定量测定。结果表明:36种挥发性有机物的质量浓度在1~100 μg·L-1 范围内,与其峰面积呈线性关系,方法检出限在0.03~0.27 μg·L-1 之间,加标回收率在88%~110%之间,相对标准偏差(n=7)在2.32%~6.51%之间。   相似文献   
The frequency of occurrence of minerals in 1876 samples of Sanbagawa pelitic schist in central Shikoku is summarized on the basis of microscopic observation accompanied, in part, by use of an electron microprobe. All samples contain quartz, plagioclase, phengite, chlorite and graphite. More than 90% of samples contain clinozoisite, titanite and apatite. Garnet is present in 95% of samples from the garnet zone, and biotite is present in 64% of samples from the albite‐biotite zone. Calcite is found in about 40% of samples of the pelitic schist collected from outcrop, but occurs in 95% of the pelitic schist from drill cores. Calcite was apparently ubiquitous in the pelitic schist during the Sanbagawa metamorphism, but must have been dissolved recently by the action of surface or ground water. The mineral assemblages of the Sanbagawa pelitic schist have to be analyzed in the system with excess calcite, quartz, albite (or oligoclase), clinozoisite, graphite and fluid that is composed mainly of H2O, CO2 and CH4. In the presence of calcite, reactions that produce garnet, rutile, oligoclase, biotite and hornblende, some of which define isograds of the metamorphic belt, should be written as mixed volatile equilibria that tend to take place at lower temperature than the dehydration reactions that have been proposed. The presence of calcite in pelitic schist suggests that fluid composition is a variable as important in determining mineral assemblages as pressure and temperature. Thus Ca‐bearing phases must be taken into account to analyze the phase relations of calcite‐bearing pelitic schist, even if CaO content of Sanbagawa pelitic schist is low. As calcite is a common phase, the mineral assemblages of the biotite zone pelitic schist may contravene the mineralogical phase rule and warrant further study.  相似文献   
The Jurassic Angren coal–kaolin deposit, Uzbekistan, is one of the largest producers of coal and kaolin suitable for refractories and industrial ceramics in central Asia. The Major coal seam, attaining a thickness between 4 and 24 m, is encased by kaolin-bearing bedsets which have been derived from supergene pre- and hypogene post coal kaolinization. Joint clay-mineralogical and coal petrographic analyses formed the basis of the environment analysis of this coal–kaolin series and constrained the physico-chemical conditions existing during the Triassic through Jurassic period of time. Massive kaolin I underneath the coal seam is a typical residual kaolin or underclay with arsenic Fe-disulfides and siderite indicative of a reducing swampy depositional environment developing under moderately hot climatic conditions. Towards the top, kaolin I became reworked fluvial by processes. The Major coal seam developed in swamps interfingering with a fluvial drainage system of suspended to mixed-load deposits. The maximum temperature for the post-depositional alteration of the carbonaceous material is 70 °C. Post-coal kaolinization (kaolin II) affecting trachyandesites and trachytes is of low-temperature origin and low-sulphidation-type. The temperature of formation was well below 200 °C, deduced from the absence of dickite in the clay mineral assemblage. Basaltic dykes intersected the coal–kaolin series and account for contact metamorphic reactions in the proximal parts of the aluminum-bearing wall rocks reaching sanidinite-facies conditions with temperatures around 1000 °C.  相似文献   
土壤中可挥发污染物抽气清除法的数值模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
抽气清除法(SVE)是最常用的清除土壤非饱和区中可挥发污染物的方法之一。介绍和分析了该法的基本原理和工艺过程,建立了描述该法中气体渗流场、污染物相间交换以及污染物随气流场运移3个主要过程的物理模型。分别采用Galerkin法和Laplace变换Galerkin法推导了模拟气体渗流场和污染物随气流运移过程的有限元数值模型,编制了三维有限元程序,给出了1个典型的三维计算实例。  相似文献   
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