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以30个省会城市为研究对象,从宏观尺度揭示中国城市的网络团购市场供给规模与需求潜力的协调性特征。结果表明:团购市场供给规模较大的城市主要集中在中国东部和西部地区;东部地区城市的供给规模和需求潜力的协调发展程度整体较好,供需失调现象明显的城市主要集中在西北地区;团购市场供给规模及其与需求潜力的协调性均遵循以经济发展水平为标尺的等级式扩张路径。餐饮、娱乐和旅游酒店3类团购市场供给规模相对需求潜力表现出了较明显的过剩现象。城市经济发展水平是团购市场供需协调发展的根本动力,团购市场供给规模和需求潜力水平是团购市场协调发展的直接动力。  相似文献   
China is home to nearly half of the world’s 50,000 large dams, which provide irrigation, flood protection, and hydroelectricity. Most of these projects involve substantial population displacement, which can disrupt social capital, the webs of interdependence and support that community members maintain with one another through relationships of trust and reciprocity. We use new empirical evidence to examine the association between dam-induced displacement and social capital in China and interpret our findings in the context of social–ecological resilience theory. Our focus is on agricultural households on the Upper Mekong River, where four large hydropower dams have been constructed over the past twenty years.Our broad finding is that resettlement is associated with diminished social capital, as measured by two key indicators: inter-household exchange of financial resources, and inter-household exchange of agricultural labor. These effects differ across the four dam sites in the study based on local economic conditions and changes in resettlement policy. We find that population resettlement is associated with markedly lower levels of agricultural labor exchange. In an economically under-developed setting, this reduces the depth and breadth of social support that agricultural households rely on to produce crops for subsistence and income. This in turn diminishes social–ecological resilience because social capital is a key factor that helps agricultural or resource-dependent communities manage risk and adapt to changes and stressors.We consider the policy implications of our findings in the context of scientific and industry efforts to minimize social harm, promote economic vitality, and improve the sustainability of hydropower as a form of renewable energy.  相似文献   
San Francisco is now widely considered to be the most important city in the world for the location of new technology start-up firms, especially high valuation “unicorns,” and is increasingly seen as both a locational and metaphorical extension of Silicon Valley. In this paper, I trace some of the political strategies and tensions that have accompanied the city’s prominence in this area, and in particular the distinctive role of technology and venture capital in the political economy of urban development. The paper has four empirical sections. It describes (1) the political machinations surrounding the 2011 and 2015 municipal elections, which saw the election of Ed Lee as Mayor with significant support from individual technology investors such as Ron Conway and Marc Benioff, and accompanied by various “tech-friendly” policy shifts; (2) the foundation of the “tech chamber of commerce” sf.citi as a means of enhancing the policy influence of the tech industry in San Francisco; (3) the introduction of a low taxation regime in the city’s Central Market area that has attracted technology companies such as Twitter as tenants; and (4) the urban policy tensions associated with the evolution of new “sharing economy” firms such as Uber and Airbnb, which have aggressively challenged municipal regulations in the taxi and property rental fields. Throughout these machinations, we can see a reshaping of capital fractions, with venture and angel capital increasingly involved in reengineering the labor, housing, and public transport markets of the city in order to circumvent the accumulation problems that tech investors had suffered in the earlier dot.com failures.  相似文献   
人口与土地是城镇化的重要组成部分,分析二者之间状态演化对促进城市健康发展具有重要意义。在界定人口城镇化与土地城镇化二者概念基础上,基于人口构成、人口素质、人口生活、城镇规模、城镇投入、城镇产出等构建评价指标体系,并通过耦合协调模型对省会型城市南昌市2002~2011年两者之间的协调关系进行测度和分析,结果表明:人口城镇化指数与土地城镇化指数呈波动变化并持续上涨,城镇发展由土地滞后型向人口滞后型转变;人口城镇化与土地城镇化的协调状态由失调衰退区向过渡协调区演进,发展类型则由高度不协调状态向勉强协调状态过渡。在此基础上分析了南昌市人口城镇化速度滞后于土地城镇化速度的原因,指出两者关系主要受到城市发展外在制度与内在基础的共同作用,并认为构建人口与土地城镇化双重优化路径是协调人口城镇化与土地城镇化同步发展的有效途径。  相似文献   
Multiple ecosystem services (ES) can respond similarly to social and ecological factors to form bundles. Identifying key social-ecological variables and understanding how they co-vary to produce these consistent sets of ES may ultimately allow the prediction and modelling of ES bundles, and thus, help us understand critical synergies and trade-offs across landscapes. Such an understanding is essential for informing better management of multi-functional landscapes and minimising costly trade-offs. However, the relative importance of different social and biophysical drivers of ES bundles in different types of social-ecological systems remains unclear. As such, a bottom-up understanding of the determinants of ES bundles is a critical research gap in ES and sustainability science.Here, we evaluate the current methods used in ES bundle science and synthesize these into four steps that capture the plurality of methods used to examine predictors of ES bundles. We then apply these four steps to a cross-study comparison (North and South French Alps) of relationships between social-ecological variables and ES bundles, as it is widely advocated that cross-study comparisons are necessary for achieving a general understanding of predictors of ES associations. We use the results of this case study to assess the strengths and limitations of current approaches for understanding distributions of ES bundles. We conclude that inconsistency of spatial scale remains the primary barrier for understanding and predicting ES bundles. We suggest a hypothesis-driven approach is required to predict relationships between ES, and we outline the research required for such an understanding to emerge.  相似文献   
针对甘南黄河水源补给区实施的退牧还草工程, 基于"可持续生计框架", 建立生计资本指标, 利用农户调查资料, 测算生态补偿前后农户的生计资本, 采用均值比较分析和协方差分析评估生态补偿对农户生计资本的影响, 最后提出应建立多样化、差别化的补偿方式, 来提高不同地区农户的生计资本. 结果表明: 与退牧前相比, 农户的生计总资本显著增加, 由退牧前的0.216增至目前的0.277, 其中人力资本、物质资本、金融资本、社会资本分别增加了0.094、0.075、0.115、0.040, 自然资本显著下降, 降低了0.023. 生态补偿对农户生计资本结构的影响具有区域差异性, 生计资本总指数增幅最大的是半农半牧区, 依次是农区、纯牧区; 生态补偿对农户各生计资本关系的影响具有区域差异性, 实施生态补偿后纯牧区农户各生计资本之间的相关程度增强, 而半农半牧区和农区农户各生计资本之间的相关程度减弱.  相似文献   
姜杉钰  王峰  樊笑英 《地质论评》2022,68(6):2022112003-2022112003
通过对当前地质工作转型升级时期的资金投入分析,梳理了财政投入和社会资金的现状特征和问题,进而提出了对策建议。研究结果显示,中国的地质工作正处于转型升级期,在资金投入上主要表现出资金投下滑总体趋势放缓、矿产勘查资金供需矛盾突出、新旧动能转换引领投资分化、科技和信息化投入仍需提升、投入空间格局正发生转变五大特征。研究认为,为进一步优化资金投入以适应新的发展形势,应该以中长期战略引领投资布局,强化两级财政的协同配合,多措并举吸引社会资本注入,完善财政投入评估调整机制。  相似文献   
What does it mean to reflect upon space in connection to telecommunications? If we start with a conception of urban space as being fully integrated, including on an equal footing both information and communication technologies (ICT) and mobility techniques, as well as the founding notion of copresence that we find at the heart of all urban organization, we might then be able to examine the notion of the ‘digital divide’ in a new light. This clearly experimental approach is conducted by a research group called ‘Urbatic’, which is composed of geographers who, for the last three years, have been conducting theoretical research whose objective is to take into account two fields of social science: the theory of urbanity and the theory of telecommunication. Surveys conducted in this perspective focus on the analysis of the choices people make between the different means they can use to cope with distances (copresence, mobility and telecommunication) with a view to constructing their own space. The analysis of these choices leads us to propose a new theorized interpretation of the ‘digital divide’.  相似文献   
经历时间长、影响范围广的东亚金融危机是由多方面的原因造成的。它的基础是广泛存在的泡沫经济。金融业的全球一体化,离岸金融中心和金融衍生工具的出现,国际炒家的掀风作浪,加剧了危机的深度。中国由于实质经济比较稳固,对金融业开放持谨慎态度等原因,受到的冲击相对较小。危机给中国敲响了警钟,要求中国尽快进行金融体制的改革。  相似文献   
石志奇 《热带地理》2001,21(4):311-314
通过对技术转移与人力资本理论的分析,探讨了经济欠发达地区人力资本短缺形成机制,提出采取加大对教育的投入,稳定和充实科技队伍,改革户口制度,发展小城镇规模等措施来提高当地劳动者的素质,开发当地人力资源,形成人力资积积累,顺利实现技术转移,发展当地经济。  相似文献   
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