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以京东七大物流中心及其覆盖范围划分省市群。将抓取得到的京东商城2015年手机交易记录与中国统计年鉴相关数据相结合,研究影响信息流和资金流(简称“双流”)强度的可能因素,重点分析省域层面“双流”强度的空间差异,研究结果表明:信息基础设施、经济发展水平等已取代地理距离,成为影响“双流”强度的主要因素;广东、北京、上海、江苏、浙江等省市为“双流”核心区;网络资金流量分层现象明显,呈“金字塔”形分布;各省市群之间的空间联系存在差异,北京、上海、广东所在省市群的空间联系明显高于其它省市群;各省市群内部成员发展不平衡,中心省市对“双流”贡献力最大。  相似文献   
宁波老工业区创意空间孕育机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王腾飞  马仁锋 《地理科学进展》2018,37(11):1567-1580
城市老工业区创意集群成长机理是产业集群研究新近热点领域。以宁波市为例,基于扎根理论和结构方程模型,借助问卷调查和半结构式访谈数据,构建并验证城市老工业区创意空间孕育机制理论模型。研究发现:①宁波老工业区创意空间孕育机制包括地方空间、资本空间和关系空间3个主维度,以及经济区位、制度因素、社会关系网络、文化氛围和办公环境5个内核,最终形成“地方空间的感性认可→资本空间和关系空间的理性约束→地方空间、资本空间和关系空间协同→关系空间的反馈”闭合空间生产链;②研究所开发的城市老工业区创意空间孕育机制量表包含5个维度13个问项,结构良好,且具有很好稳定性和鉴别度,并利用结构方程模型和地方性量化指标在宁波3个案例中检验了理论模型的准确性;③国有资本控制的老厂房改造式创意园(创意1956产业园)和国有资本控制的高端写字楼群主导的创意园(和丰创意广场)的创意空间均发育良好,而纯民营资本控制的老厂房改造式创意园(启运86微电影产业园)的创意空间发育较差,有关差异的影响因素及其作用被模型甄别。  相似文献   
本文阐述了“京津冀协同发展规划纲要”对首都北京的定位具有重大意义。在我国,只有首都北京才能建设成为全球性“流”的最大节点之一,全球经济影响与支配中心之一。首都北京的国家最高级的金融商贸中心地位,也是国家经济和安全的重要支柱。首都北京的定位和实现其定位是国家的千年大计,是其他任何大城市所不能替代的。对其高端金融商贸区需要科学规划,本文对此提出了若干建议。天津滨海新区由于功能定位不妥和过大规模的开发,导致了严重的浪费,教训值得认真总结。  相似文献   
Socioeconomic inequality is on the rise in major European cities, as are concerns over it, since it is seen as a threat to social cohesion and stability. Surprisingly, relatively little is known about the spatial dimensions of rising socioeconomic inequality. This paper builds on a study of socioeconomic segregation in 12 European cities: Amsterdam, Athens, Budapest, London, Madrid, Oslo, Prague, Riga, Stockholm, Tallinn, Vienna, and Vilnius. Data used derive from national censuses and registers for 2001 and 2011. The main conclusion is that socioeconomic segregation has increased. This paper develops a rigorous multifactor approach to understand segregation and links it to four underlying, partially overlapping, structural factors: social inequalities, globalization and economic restructuring, welfare regimes, and housing systems. Taking into account contextual factors resulted in a better understanding of actual segregation levels, while introducing time lags between structural factors and segregation outcomes will likely further improve the theoretical model.  相似文献   
This paper undertakes a risk assessment of coastal counties in the Gulf of Mexico impacted by the 2010 Deep Water Horizon oil spill. The study evaluates hazard risk from the perspective of community resilience, social capital, and access to resources. The proposed hazard risk location model re‐specifies risk as a function of hazard, exposure, and coping ability. The model employs an autoregressive function and a threshold analysis to develop a place‐based risk assessment. The results indicate that spatial variation in risk levels coincides with locational differences in social capital across the study area. Geographical proximity to the spill, population density, and unemployment rate are also key factors in determining overall risk. Furthermore, temporal variation in risk levels is determined by exposure to previous hazard events and changes in the business cycle.  相似文献   
"一带一路"战略是新时期国家主导的、全面深化改革开放与发展的国家战略。基于马克思主义地理学视角的不平衡地理发展理论,分析"一带一路"战略的资本流动及其对空间格局的影响。研究发现:"一带一路"是构建资本转移与流动的地域组织,为资本再地域化提供了社会活动平台。从国内来看,"一带一路"建设使资本加速向国内的边疆地区和内陆地区流动,使得我国原本较为落后的东北、西北、西南和广大内陆地区"嵌入"资本循环网络,实现资本生产与再生产;从国际来看,"一带一路"战略是应对资本积累危机的解决途径,通过尺度重组和地域重构,构建起了国际性资本转移与流动的社会活动平台,促进资本在更大范围内流动和修复资本积累体系,推动了全球化发展的继  相似文献   
The objective of this paper is to better understand the various individual and household factors that influence resilience, that is, people⬢s ability to respond adequately to shocks and stressors. One of our hypotheses is that resilience does not simply reflect the expected effects of quantifiable factors such as level of assets, or even less quantifiable social processes such as people⬢s experience, but is also determined by more subjective dimensions related to people⬢s perceptions of their ability to cope, adapt or transform in the face of adverse events. Data collected over two years in Fiji, Ghana, Sri Lanka and Vietnam confirms the importance of wealth in the recovery process of households affected by shocks and stressors. However our results challenge the idea that within communities, assets are a systematic differentiator in people⬢s response to adverse events. The findings regarding social capital are mixed and call for more research: social capital had a strong positive influence on resilience at the community level, yet our analysis failed to demonstrate any tangible positive correlation at the household level. Finally, the data confirm that, like vulnerability, resilience is at least in part socially constructed, endogenous to individual and groups, and hence contingent on knowledge, attitudes to risk, culture and subjectivity.  相似文献   
借助社会网络分析,对中国城市群旅游网络化社会资本分异特征进行探讨。结果显示:①在关系上,各城市群的规模、发展程度、地理地形以及资源环境的不同,导致各城市群旅游关系最强值差别明显。②在网络结构上,整体中心势偏高的地区为西部与北部;全国城市群的整体网密度普遍不高,有较大的提升空间;核心-边缘空间结构模式广泛存在于中国城市群内。③在制度上,无论从正式制度方面还是从非正式制度方面,长江中游、长江三角洲及中原城市群表现均较为突出,旅游网络化发展态势良好。强化政府协调功能、加强异质旅游资源开发、重视边缘区旅游产业建设以及完善城市群旅游网络化发展机制等是优化与积累社会资本及促进中国城市群旅游网络化发展的重要途径。  相似文献   
近年来,以各国首都为代表的非洲城市呈现高速扩张态势,由此催生了新城开发的浪潮。本文梳理了非洲新城开发的理论和实践,总结了其背景和驱动力、关键性角色及面临的挑战。以刚果共和国首都布拉柴维尔市东部新城开发实践为例,通过实地调研获取资料,总结其驱动因素,概述了所在国政府、企业、金融机构等的作用,以及其存在的政治经济形式不稳定、土地交易市场不成熟、地质灾害风险等现实挑战。以新城概念规划方案为蓝本,提出设计弹性城市规划方案、建立完善土地管理制度、政企协同开发、多渠道筹备资金、工程设计保障地质安全、建设通达的道路交通系统、各类需求或文化背景人群分片开发住宅区、建造经济便捷的住宅产品、配建符合各方需求的公共服务设施、设立与当地经济发展相适应的产业园区开发策略。  相似文献   
姜杉钰  王峰  樊笑英 《地质论评》2023,69(3):69031105-69031110
通过对当前地质工作转型升级时期的资金投入分析,梳理了财政投入和社会资金的现状特征和问题,进而提出了对策建议。研究结果显示,中国的地质工作正处于转型升级期,在资金投入上主要表现出资金投下滑总体趋势放缓、矿产勘查资金供需矛盾突出、新旧动能转换引领投资分化、科技和信息化投入仍需提升、投入空间格局正发生转变五大特征。研究认为,为进一步优化资金投入以适应新的发展形势,应该以中长期战略引领投资布局,强化两级财政的协同配合,多措并举吸引社会资本注入,完善财政投入评估调整机制。  相似文献   
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