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Sediment yields from and sediment transfer within catchments of very low relief and gradient, which make up about 50% of Earth’s surface, are poorly documented and their internal sediment dynamics are poorly known. Sediment sources, their proportionate contributions to valley floors and sediment yield, and storage are estimated using fallout radionuclides 210Pb(ex) and 137Cs in the catchments that drain into Darwin Harbour, northern Australia, an example of this understudied catchment type that appears to be globally at the extreme end of this category of catchments. Unchannelled grassy valley floors (dambos, or seasonal wetlands) trap ~90% of the sediment delivered from hillslopes by sheet and rill erosion. Further down valley, small channels transport ~10% of the sediment that escapes from the dambos, and the remaining sediment comes from erosion of the channels. In this case, the fractional sediment storage is very high as a result of the existence of dambos, a landform that depends for its existence on low gradients.  相似文献   
Assuming that the pile variable cross section interacts with the surrounding soil in the same way as the pile toe does with the bearing stratus, the interaction of pile variable cross section with the surrounding soil is represented by a Voigt model, which consists of a spring and a damper connected in parallel, and the spring constant and damper coefficient are derived. Thus, a more rigid pile–soil interaction model is proposed. The surrounding soil layers are modeled as axisymmetric continuum in which its vertical displacements are taken into account and the pile is assumed to be a Rayleigh–Love rod with material damping. Allowing for soil properties and pile defects, the pile–soil system is divided into several layers. By means of Laplace transform, the governing equations of soil layers are solved in frequency domain, and a new relationship linking the impedance functions at the variable‐section interface between the adjacent pile segments is derived using a Heaviside step function, which is called amended impedance function transfer method. On this basis, the impedance function at pile top is derived by amended impedance function transfer method proposed in this paper. Then, the velocity response at pile top can be obtained by means of inverse Fourier transform and convolution theorem. The effects of pile–soil system parameters are studied, and some conclusions are proposed. Then, an engineering example is given to confirm the rationality of the solution proposed in this paper. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Deepwater pipelines are designed to transport mixtures of oil and gas, and their associated impurities at wellhead temperatures that can be in excess of 149 °C (∼300 °F or 422 K) while the external temperature maybe in the range of 5 °C (∼41 °F or 278 K). Depending on the circumstances these pipelines may be buried for physical protection or for additional thermal insulation using robotic trenching equipment. This results in a complex cut and backfill geometry in the seafloor in addition to altering the thermal properties of the backfill. A two-dimensional boundary element model was developed specifically to address to investigate the local steady-state thermal field in the near field of the pipeline. The model allows one to account for the complex geometries in the near field associated with this burial technique, site-specific multi-layered soil conditions and the seawater adjacent to the seafloor. A parametric study was preformed to evaluate effects of the thermal power loss, burial depth, pipe diameter and soil thermal conductivity on the thermal field in the near field of a buried pipeline. The numerical examples illustrate the influence of the backfill thermal property on the temperature at the pipe wall, that the pipe diameter controls the required output thermal power needed to maintain the desired pipe wall temperature, and the importance of pipeline burial depth on seabed temperature distribution above the pipeline.  相似文献   
Daniel Caissie 《水文研究》2016,30(12):1872-1883
Stream temperature plays an important role in many biotic and abiotic processes, as it influences many physical, chemical and biological properties in rivers. As such, a good understanding of the thermal regime of rivers is essential for effective fisheries management and the protection aquatic habitats. Moreover, a thorough understanding of underlying physical processes and river heat fluxes is essential in the development of better and more adaptive water temperature models. Very few studies have measured river evaporation and condensation and subsequently calculated corresponding heat fluxes in small tributary streams, mainly because microclimate data (data collected within the stream environment) are essential and rarely available. As such, the present study will address these issues by measuring river evaporation and condensation in tributary 1 (Trib 1, a small tributary within Catamaran Brook) using floating minipans. The latent heat flux and other important fluxes were calculated. Results showed that evaporation was low within the small Trib 1 of Catamaran Brook, less than 0.07 mm day?1. Results showed that condensation played an important role in the latent heat flux. In fact, condensation was present during 34 of 92 days (37%) during the summer, which occurred when air temperature was greater than water temperature by 4–6 °C. Heat fluxes within this small stream showed that solar radiation dominated the heat gains and long‐wave radiation dominated the heat losses. © 2015 Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada. Hydrological Processes. © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
本文从颜色信息角度出发,提出了一种基于颜色迁移的单极化SAR图像彩色增强方法。该方法通过伪彩色编码将SAR图像变为过渡彩色图像,运用保持细节的颜色迁移方法在颜色迁移的过程中保留SAR图像的细节信息,用改变各通道系数的方式进行色调调整使得SAR图像与光学图像有着相同的颜色信息,并通过实验证明该方法的有效性。  相似文献   
无人机低空遥感是近年来新兴的一种快速获取灾情信息的手段,如何利用无人机高分影像构建滑坡灾害解译模型是实现快速自动解译滑坡的关键。针对该问题,对比了多种影像特征提取方法,将迁移学习(TL)特征和支持向量机(SVM)引入到构建滑坡灾害自动解译模型中,提出了一种TL支持下的高分影像滑坡灾害解译模型。选取5·12汶川地震及4·20芦山地震系列无人机影像构建了滑坡灾害样本库并进行了实验,TL特征方法整体分类准确度ACC为95%,ROC达到0.98,识别准确率达到97%。结果表明,所提方法可用于高分影像滑坡自动解译,同时可用于大面积高分影像中快速山地滑坡灾害定位及检测。  相似文献   
林李月  朱宇 《地理学报》2016,71(10):1696-1709
基于2012年全国流动人口动态监测调查数据和相关统计年鉴数据,对中国地级以上城市流动人口的户籍迁移意愿、空间格局及影响因素进行了系统分析。研究发现,中国城市流动人口户籍迁移意愿的整体水平并不高;等级高、规模大的城市流动人口的户籍迁移意愿高,而等级低、规模小的城市流动人口的户籍迁移意愿低;沿海城市群流动人口的户籍迁移意愿高,其他城市流动人口的户籍迁移意愿低,但内陆部分省会城市和交通区位与资源禀赋较好的中小城市也已经形成了一批流动人口的户籍迁移意愿高值区。中国城市流动人口户籍迁移意愿的空间分布特征受到流入城市和流动人口自身双重力量的影响,流入城市因素的正向影响作用大于流动人口自身因素。其中,流入城市的社会、经济发展水平和流动人口在流入城市的社会融合程度是核心要素,对城市流动人口户籍迁移意愿的提升具有正向的促进作用,而流动人口过于集中在次级劳动力市场的就业特征和较高的家庭财富与收入对户籍迁移意愿的提升却具有显著的抑制作用。最后,提出了相关政策启示。  相似文献   
The Lower Triassic Buntsandstein in Central Germany comprises one of the major clastic, lithified hydrocarbon reservoirs, it is a major groundwater aquifer and it is considered as a potential underground gas storage lithology. Thus, sandstones of the Buntsandstein from Thuringia and NE Hesse were used to analyse their geochemical composition combined with mineralogical data in order to investigate the origin of several bleaching phenomena in primary red beds, since these give a hint for mineral alteration, mineral formation and mineral reactivity in the course of fluid-rock-interactions. This is relevant for e.g. recent Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) efforts. The origin of the observed bleaching phenomena is diverse and it is linked to certain stages of diagenesis and different episodes of fluid flow: (1) eodiagenetic bleaching coupled with palaeosoil formation and iron mobilisation, (2) mesodiagenetic bleaching as a result of hydrocarbon migration, (3) Tertiary bleaching due to CO2 degassing from Miocene volcanism, (4) Tertiary telodiagenetic bleaching due to weathering under humid climate conditions, and (5) weathering processes related to recent telodiagenesis/pedogenesis. This study emphasizes the multiple nature of fluids, which can induce iron mobilisation and bleaching of red beds.  相似文献   
在165℃、175℃、185℃和195℃的温度条件下,对水热处理前和处理后的粗晶三水铝石样品分别进行了XRD分析和SEM表征,研究了粗晶三水铝石在水蒸气和热水中转变成勃姆石的相变过程。结果表明,水热条件下粗晶三水铝石转化成勃姆石的过程受控于溶解-再沉淀机制,而并非是通常认为的固体状态下的转变;相对于在热水中,水蒸气环境可以加速三水铝石向勃姆石的转化;所形成的勃姆石的粒径(4~7 μm)明显比前驱体三水铝石的粒径(120~200 μm)要小得多,表明可以利用粗晶三水铝石生产微晶勃姆石。在转化过程中,勃姆石微晶首先生长在三水铝石的晶体表面上,通过控制反应温度和反应时间,可形成壳层为勃姆石、壳下为三水铝石的具有双层结构的铝的氢氧化物颗粒,也有可能形成具有中空结构的勃姆石集合体颗粒。  相似文献   
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