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城市湖泊时空演变的遥感分析——以武汉市为例   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4  
曾忠平  卢新海 《湖泊科学》2008,20(5):648-654
在GIS技术支持下,以多时相Landsat TM/ETM 遥感影像为数据源,利用NDWI指数提取武汉市1991年、1995年、2000年、2002年的湖泊水域面积信息,引入湖泊萎缩强度等测度指标,从时空两方面对主城区湖泊水域变化和26个主要湖泊的发展演化特征进行了系统地分析.结果表明,从1991年到2002年,武汉市主城区湖泊水域面积急剧减少,达38.67km2;主要湖泊水域的面积变化具有时空分异特征,湖泊萎缩变化与湖泊所处地区的城市建设水平、道路交通规划、政策导向等因素密切相关.分析认为,城市湖泊转变为公园后,萎缩现象得到明显遏制,通过立法加强湖泊保护力度并尽早制定城市湖泊的规划管理措施,是保护武汉幸存湖泊的有力手段.  相似文献   
Using the model system MM5.V3 and multi-layer grid nesting technique, we have done a multi-scale numerical simulation over the area of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei Province to analyze the temperature and wind field there and study its local circulations. The results show a coupling effect of Urban Heat Island Circulation (UHIC), Mountain Valley Breeze (MVB) and Sea Land Breeze (SLB) occurs in this area when the synoptic system is weak. The SLB can penetrate deep into the mainland for about 200 km when it is blooming. MVB can extend to south and cover almost the whole plain area in Beijing. Both MVB and SLB are diurnal periodical; meanwhile the phase of MVB drops behind that of SLB for about six hours. As a local circulation, the UHIC weakens the two circulations above, and it also has a diurnal period. As a result, the coupling effect of circulations reveals not only different features in spring-summer period and autumn-winter period in a year but also the difference between early morning to noonday and afternoon to night in a day. We noted the diffusion of contamination over the area around Beijing, and found the steady presence of a transport routine of contamination over North-China throughout the year caused by the Coupling Effect mentioned above. This find is important for studying the environment pollution in this area. Supported by Central Public Welfare Special Fund Program for the Institute and Higher Education (Grant No. IUMKY200701), Public Welfare Special Fund Program (Meteorology) of China Scientific and Technological Ministry (Grant Nos. CYHY20080620, CYHY200706004), Spread New Technology Program of China Meteorological Administration (Grant No. CMATG2007M15) and Urban Meteorology Scientific Research Fund Program of the Institute of Beijing Urban Meteorology, China Meteorological Administration (Grant No. UMRF200702)  相似文献   
根据镇江地震地质情况及防震减灾工作实际,通过需求分析及系统整体设计,建立基于WebGIS的地震信息数据库管理系统。系统采用Oracle数据库、JavaScript语言、Tomcat网站服务器,开发了具有地方特色的地震应急处置快速反应系统,系统可实现震后快速评估、辅助决策、震后趋势分析、震后应急资料产出等功能。实际应用表明,该系统达到了低成本、高效率的预期目标。  相似文献   
天然源面波勘探技术具有无需震源、勘探深度大、抗干扰能力强等特点。目前天然源面波法的应用研究主要以空旷的远郊区为主,在城市勘察中的应用效果研究较少。本文分别以北京冬奥会综合管廊工程岩体接触带勘察、南水北调配套工程断层破碎带勘察、北京深部排蓄廊道工程覆盖层厚度勘察为例,分析天然源面波技术在城市工程勘察中的应用效果,说明天然源面波技术在中深部勘探中的应用潜力,在城市地球物理勘探中,尤其是地下空间勘探中更有着不可替代的重要作用。  相似文献   
本文详细介绍了笔者所建议的运用模糊图理论和方法进行城市输水管网的地震可靠性分析途径和计算程序。对于输水管网中每段管道的震害预测,建立了相应的专家系统。在此基础上,定义了管网系统的模糊可靠性,更好地反映了人们对于管道损坏状态估计的模糊性和对可靠性要求上的模糊性。以模糊矩阵来描述输水管网的状态是十分方便的。通过计算模糊矩阵的传递闭包,极易找出最短路、关键段等。由于地震作用和管道抗震能力都是随机的,因此整个管网系统的可靠性分析是藉助Monle Carlo法进行的。以Monle Carlo法对模糊图进行分析,从而得到管网的地震可靠性,这还是首次。用PASCAL和PROLOG编制了在微机上实用的计算机程序,特别是以智能语言PROLOG编制的程序,更有许多特色。由于采用了一些技巧,使在微机上可以分析相当大的系统,为城市抗震防灾工作提供了一个有力的工具。  相似文献   
综合考虑人口、建筑、绿地、道路、疏散场所和重大危险源等各类影响因素,提出了街区疏散能力综合评价指数CEIEC,用层次分析法(AHP)通过各因素权重,对街区避震疏散能力进行了量化表达,能够给出各研究单元的避震疏散能力的相对水平,从而对城市社区避震疏散能力进行综合评价。本方法有利于揭示城市内避震疏散的薄弱环节,对城市规划等部门的工作,尤其对城市防灾规划的编制具有明显的指导性意义。  相似文献   
Current land-use classifications used to assess urbanization effects on stream water quality date back to the 1980s when limited information was available to characterize watershed attributes that mediate non-point source pollution. With high resolution remote sensing and widely used GIS tools, there has been a vast increase in the availability and precision of geospatial data of built environments. In this study, we leverage geospatial data to expand the characterization of developed landscapes and create a typology that allows us to better understand the impact of complex developed landscapes across the rural to urban gradient. We assess the ability of the developed landscape typology to reveal patterns in stream water chemistry previously undetected by traditional land-cover based classification. We examine the distribution of land-cover, infrastructure, topography and geology across 3876 National Hydrography Dataset Plus catchments in the Piedmont region of North Carolina, USA. From this dataset, we generate metrics to evaluate the abundance, density and position of landscape features relative to streams, catchment outlets and topographic wetness metrics. While impervious surfaces are a key distinguishing feature of the urban landscape, sanitary infrastructure, population density and geology are better predictors of baseflow stream water chemistry. Unsupervised clustering was used to generate a distinct developed landscape typology based on the expanded, high-resolution landscape feature information. Using stream chemistry data from 37 developed headwater catchments, we compared the baseflow water chemistry grouped by traditional land-cover based classes of urbanization (rural, low, medium and high density) to our composition and structure-based classification (a nine-class typology). The typology based on 22 metrics of developed landscape composition and structure explained over 50% of the variation in NO3-N, TDN, DOC, Cl, and Br concentration, while the ISC-based classification only significantly explained 23% of the variation in TDN. These results demonstrate the importance of infrastructure, population and geology in defining developed landscapes and improving discrete classes for water management.  相似文献   
计及城市房屋建筑装修破坏的地震经济损失评估方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对比、分析我国目前地震经济损失评估中存在的一些问题,提出了城市房屋计及装修费用的地震损失评估方法.通过汶川地震现场调查、收集造价资料和问卷调查的形式给出了几个关键参数的合理取值,如:装修破坏损失比、中高档装修重置单价、中高档装修房屋在不同发达水平城市中所占比例及修正系数等.利用本文方法对内蒙古包头西6.4级地震、汶川8.0级地震及深圳经济特区的房屋建筑地震损失进行了评估和预测,并与实际统计结果进行了对比分析,结果表明考虑装修费用损失后的损失评估结果增加了10%~30%.  相似文献   
The influences of human activities on regional climate and weather are tremendous. The re-gional temperature and the distributing of wind field are influenced, whereas the precipitation in-tensity and the spatial and temporal distribution of the precipita…  相似文献   
美国城市搜索与救援体系是世界上最完善的体系之一,多年来在城市救灾和应对突发事件中发挥了重要作用,减轻了生命和财产的损失。文章概述了美国城市搜索与救援体系的组成、任务、运作原则和管理机构及支援机构。  相似文献   
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