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城市湖泊普遍面临富营养化问题,许多湖泊甚至处于超富营养状态。鉴于其在供水、气候调节、景观提升等方面的重要作用,以水质提升为目标的生态修复对于恢复湖泊生态功能、提升城市景观等具有重要意义。文章以超富营养城市湖泊——武汉南湖为例,尝试通过围隔构建、鱼类清除、水生植被重建等生态措施改善示范区水质,探究超富营养湖泊生态修复技术。于2019年8月至12月在示范区进行实验。结果表明:(1)示范区修复措施实施后,挺水植物植株高度显著增加(P<0.01),芦苇平均株高由0.7 m增加至1.2 m,香蒲的新生叶片在种植后50 d高达1.4 m,二者在种植后90 d,覆盖率均由种植时的10%上升至70%;(2)示范区内透明度由修复前的0.26 m上升至0.77 m,显著高于外湖区(0.26 m)(P<0.01);(3)示范区内浮游藻类叶绿素a(chl a)由修复前38.90 μg/L降低至3.41 μg/L,显著低于外湖区(101.91μg/L)(P<0.01);(4)示范区总氮(TN)由4.78 mg/L降低至2.60 mg/L,总磷(TP)由0.76 mg/L降低至0.08 mg/L,二者均略低于外湖区,但均不显著(P>0.05)。总体来看,经过一系列修复措施后,示范区内水生植被得到很好的恢复,水质条件得到一定的改善:透明度提升较多,chl a下降明显。氮、磷等营养水平虽然也有所降低,但与外湖区差异不大,可能是沉积物内源营养释放导致。研究表明,围隔构建、鱼类清除、水生植被重建等生态修复措施虽然可在一定程度上改善富营养湖泊水质状况,但未能有效控制内源负荷,仍需采取底质改良措施以达到降低水体营养含量的目的。相关研究结果可为城市超富营养湖泊生态修复及水质提升提供一定的借鉴。  相似文献   
企业间的联系是城市联系的重要组成部分,加强对基于企业间联系的城市功能网络分析对丰富城市网络理论研究具有重要意义。采用2010—2020年上市公司与其前五大客户间的贸易关系数据构建了中国城市网络,基于企业间的贸易联系视角分析城市网络时空演变特征。研究表明:(1) 2010—2020年间城市网络规模呈现先升后降的特征,整体网络密度较低,位于0.014~0.018之间;网络重心呈现“S”形空间轨迹变化和整体向南移动的趋势,网络总体空间结构由沿海向“T”形结构转变;(2)网络流量集中于少数节点城市,资金进出量前20城市总额占资金总流量的71.9%,北京、上海是网络的绝对核心,杭州、武汉、深圳、广州等省会或副省级城市承担着区域中心的功能,佛山、齐齐哈尔、南通等制造业发达城市是重要节点;(3)五大城市群中珠江三角洲网络密度最高,位于0.324~0.334之间,长江三角洲贸易总流量最高,为783.5亿元,长江中游城市群和成渝城市群网络发育相对滞后;(4)新冠疫情对整体网络的贸易流量和网络结构产生了明显影响,网络社团进一步分化重组,广州—深圳社团明显增强,上海社团明显减弱。研究结果对推动国内大循环和统...  相似文献   
随着近年来GIS技术在城乡规划方面的应用日趋普及,GIS技术在空间数据采集、数据管理与分析等关键环节上的优势也逐渐显露。同时,县域城市城乡规划数据种类繁杂,数据量大,亟需先进的技术手段对其进行有效组织与管理。采用GIS技术对城乡规划数据进行动态管理和更新将给城乡规划带来极大的便利。本文以广东省增城市规划管理信息系统为案例,系统阐述GIS技术在城乡规划数据管理中的应用。  相似文献   
首先对济南城市防汛GIS系统进行了总体设计,给出了系统的数据库设计,并重点介绍积水模拟模型的输入输出设计,然后对组件技术、积水模拟模型等系统实现的关键技术进行了阐述,最后介绍了济南城市防汛GIS的特色功能模块。系统运行良好,为济南的城市防汛提供了科学决策的依据。  相似文献   
城市轨道交通土建施工第三方监测的实践   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
结合广州地铁五号线土建施工第三方监测的工程实践,介绍了第三方监测的工作内容及信息反馈方法,总结了监测的经验。  相似文献   
提出了一种适用于室内超宽带定位的降维Kalman滤波算法,结合LSE算法与降维Kalman滤波算法进行定位求解,以数值仿真试验及物理试验验证了其有效性。  相似文献   
This study assesses surface urban heat island (UHI) and its associated surface physical characteristics using remote sensing approaches. TERRA/MODIS images acquired in 2005 in three different seasons were selected to generate land surface tem-perature and surface characteristics for the Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan metropolitan area in China. The intensity of urban heat is-land effects and its seasonal variations were examined. The result showed that UHI effects were significant both in the summer and the spri...  相似文献   
The RUNOFF block of EPA's storm water management model (SWMM) was used to simulate the quantity and quality of urban storm water runoff from four relatively small sites (i.e. 5·97–23·56 ha) in South Florida, each with a specific predominant land use (i.e. low density residential, high density residential, highway and commercial). The objectives of the study were to test the applicability of this model in small subtropical urban catchments and provide modellers with a way to select appropriate input parameters to be used in planning studies. A total of 58 storm events, measured by the US Geological Survey (USGS), provided hyetographs, hydrographs and pollutant loadings for biological oxygen demand (BOD5), total suspended solids (TSS), total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) and lead (Pb), and were used for calibration of the model. Several other catchment characteristics, also measured or estimated by USGS, were used in model input preparation. Application of the model was done using the Green–Ampt equation for infiltration loss computation, a pollutant accumulation equation using a power build-up equation dependent on the number of dry days, and a power wash-off equation dependent on the predicted runoff rate. Calibrated quantity input parameters are presented and compared with suggested values in the literature. The impervious depression storage was generally found to be the most sensitive calibration parameter, followed by the Manning's roughness coefficients of conduit and overland flow, the Green–Ampt infiltration parameters and, finally, the pervious depression storage. Calibrated quality input parameters are presented in the form of regression equations, as a function of rainfall depth and the number of antecedent dry days. A total of 16 independent rainfall events were used for verification of the model, which showed a good comparison with observed data for both hydrographs and pollutant loadings. Average model predictions for the four constituent concentrations from the verification runs also showed good agreement with NURP published values in Florida and US sites. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
For efficient and targeted management, this study demonstrates a recently developed non-point source (NPS) pollution model for a year-long estimation in the Pingqiao River Basin (22.3 km2) in China. This simple but physically reasonable model estimates NPS export in terms of land use by reflecting spatial hydrological features and source runoff measurements under different land-use types. The NPS export was separately analysed by a distributed hydrological model, a spatial hydrograph-separation technique, and an empirical water quality sub-model. Simulation results suggest that 57 890 kg of total nitrogen (TN) and 1148 kg of total phosphorus (TP) were delivered. The results, validated with observed stream concentrations, show relative errors of 23.3% for TN and 47.4% for TP. Countermeasures for urban areas (5.3% of total area) were prioritized because of the high contribution rate to TN (14.1%) and TP (26.2%) which is caused by the high degree of runoff (8.5%) and pollution source.  相似文献   
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