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Based on analysis of the air pollution observational data at 8 observation sites in Beijing including outer suburbs during the period from September 2004 to March 2005, this paper reveals synchronal and in-phase characteristics in the spatial and temporal variation of air pollutants on a city-proper scale at deferent sites; describes seasonal differences of the pollutant emission influence between the heating and non-heating periods, also significantly local differences of the pollutant emission influence between the urban district and outer suburbs, i.e. the spatial and temporal distribution of air pollutant is closely related with that of the pollutant emission intensity. This study shows that due to complexity of the spatial and temporal distribution of pollution emission sources, the new generation Community Multi-scale Air Quality (CMAQ) model developed by the EPA of USA produced forecasts, as other models did, with a systematic error of significantly lower than observations, albeit the model has better capability than previous models had in predicting the spatial distribution and variation tendency of multi-sort pollutants. The reason might be that the CMAQ adopts average amount of pollutant emission inventory, so that the model is difficult to objectively and finely describe the distribution and variation of pollution emission sources intensity on different spatial and temporal scales in the areas, in which the pollution is to be forecast. In order to correct the systematic prediction error resulting from the average pollutant emission inventory in CMAQ, this study proposes a new way of combining dynamics and statistics and establishes a statistically correcting model CMAQ-MOS for forecasts of regional air quality by utilizing the relationship of CMAQ outputs with corresponding observations, and tests the forecast capability. The investigation of experiments presents that CMAQ-MOS reduces the systematic errors of CMAQ because of the uncertainty of pollution emission inventory and improves the forecast level of air quality. Also this work employed a way of combining point and area forecasting, i.e. taking the products of CMAQ for a center site to forecast air pollution for other sites in vicinity with the scheme of model products "reanalysis" and average over the "area".  相似文献   
20世纪60年代初期,Tóth基于定水头上边界条件推导出解析解,得出多级次地下水流系统,是水文地质学里程碑式的突破,成功地解决了一系列理论和实际问题。但Tóth解析解存在的缺陷也长期沿袭:单纯重视数学模拟而忽视物理机制;将地形控制地下水位看成是普适性规律;忽视给定水头上边界数学模拟的失真。这些缺陷,尤其是忽视物理机制探究,不仅妨碍Tóth理论自身发展,而且导致地下水流系统理论尚未被国际水文地质界普遍接受。参照河流动力学中应用的最小能耗率原理,类比提出地下水流最小能耗率的表达式。基于已有的通量上边界地下水流模式数值模拟结果,进一步探究物理机制,归纳得出地下水流系统遵循最小能耗率原理的结论。  相似文献   
光伏发电与气象要素密切相关,正确认识气象因子对于光伏发电量及其发电效率的影响是进行发电量预测和维持光伏电站稳定运行的重要基础。采用江苏省淮安市某小型光伏电站2018—2020年发电量数据、淮安市太阳辐射观测站数据及光伏电站附近气象站观测数据,分析气温、太阳总辐射等气象因子对光伏发电量的影响。相关性分析结果表明,光伏发电量与太阳总辐射呈极强的正相关,基本随太阳总辐射的变化而变化;与气温、降水分别呈弱的正相关和弱的负相关;与风速几乎无相关。然而,灰色关联度分析显示,光伏发电量还与气温呈现出较高的灰色关联度。进一步分析表明,光伏发电量随太阳总辐射的变化受到气温的明显调制,不同气温下光伏发电效率不同。门限回归分析显示,当气温达到一定阈值时光伏发电效率会出现下降,具体表现为:当气温达到12.1 ℃,光伏发电效率下降26.7%;当气温超过22.8 ℃,光伏发电效率下降43.7%。使用这两个温度阈值建立的TR(Threshold Regression)模型的准确率要比线性回归模型提高约10%。  相似文献   
国内外常用的空气质量模式介绍   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
人们对空气污染问题的关注促进了空气质量数值模式的发展。至今,空气质量模式已经发展了三代。目前,国内外常用的模式有ISC3,ADMS,AERMOD,Models-3,CAPPS等。应该根据实际问题的需求选择合适的模式。  相似文献   
北极河流径流量变化及影响因子分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用最新的北极径流资料(R-arcticNET V3.0和Arctic RIMS),对进入北冰洋的4条主要河流的季节及年代际变化进行诊断分析。结果表明:入海径流在4-6月的大幅增加主要是由气温达到融点后积雪融化造成的,降水的作用次之。总的来说,欧亚区域在过去的70年里入海径流量是增加的,而北美区域在近30年里入海径流量是减小的,但注入北冰洋的径流总量是增大的。值得注意的是入海径流的年代际变化在不同季节增减趋势显著不同,夏季和秋季径流量减小,而其他两个季节径流量增大。进一步分析了影响入海径流变化的一些气候因子,结果表明:北大西洋涛动(北太平洋指数)与欧亚(北美)区域的冬、春季径流量存在正相关。春季气温与春季径流量呈正相关,而与夏季径流量呈负相关。降水与径流量基本上为同步正相关。春季积雪覆盖面积与春季径流量为负相关,而与夏季径流量为正相关,夏季积雪覆盖面积与夏季的径流量为正相关。  相似文献   
The major elements, rare earth elements (REE) and trace elements of four basalt samples from central and western Pacific ferro- manganese crust provinces have been analyzed using chemical methods and ICP - MS, respectively. The results indicate that the samples have been extensively altered and that the contents of their major elements have changed significantly. However, the similarity of REE partition patterns and trace element contents of basalt samples to those of fresh oceanic island basalts (OIB) indicate that the basalt samples originated as OIB. Because of low-temperature alteration, the contents of A1203 , Fe203 , MnO, K20 and P205 increased, while MgO and FeO decreased. Active components, such as magnesium and iron, were leached from OIB resulting in the relative enrichment of SiO2. The leaching of active components can cause the relative enrichment of REE, while the precipitation of LREE-rich ferromanganese oxides in vesicles and fissures not only causes an increase of REE contents, but also induces "fractionation" of LREE and HREE. Based on the enrichment mechanism of REE contents, the theoretical quantities of precipitated ferromanganese oxides and the depleted quantities of active components are calculated : the depleted quantities of active components for the unit mass of fresh basalts vary in the range of 0.15 ~ 0. 657, and the precipitated quantities of ferromanganese oxides for the unit mass of fresh basahs vary in the range of 0. 006 ~ 0. 042. Of the major elements, the two most depleted are iron, and magnesium, with 18.28% ~ 70.95% of iron and 44.50% ~ 93.94% of magnesium in the fresh basalts was leached out. Theoretical calculation and geochemistry results both indicate that low-temperature alteration of basalts can supply abundant amount of metals to seawater, and may play an important role in ocean metal circulation.  相似文献   
Analysis of Argo float trajectories at 1 000 m and temperature at 950 m in the North Atlantic between November 2003 and January 2005 demonstrates the existence of two different circulation modes with fast transition between them. Each mode has a pair of cyclonic - anticyclonic gyres. The difference is the location of the cyclonic gyre. The cyclonic gyre stretches from southeast to northwest in the first mode and from the southwest to the northeast in the second mode. The observed modes strongly affect the heat and salt transport in the North Atlantic. In particular, the second mode slows down the westward transport of the warm and saline water from the Mediterranean Sea.  相似文献   
金沙江上游巴塘—中咱河段位于青藏高原东南缘,该河段两岸岸坡发育众多的大型古滑坡,且部分古滑坡曾堵塞金沙江形成了堰塞湖,特米大型古滑坡堰塞湖是其中之一。关于特米古滑坡堰塞湖的形成与演化过程目前尚未见有过详细的报道。本文在野外调查的基础上,结合遥感影像解译和年代学测试,对特米古滑坡堰塞湖的地貌和沉积特征进行了详细研究,并对其形成与演化过程进行了分析。研究结果表明,特米古滑坡堰塞湖很可能是由该地区的古地震活动触发大型滑坡并堵塞金沙江形成的,最大湖面面积约为1.42×107 m2,库容蓄水量约为1.46×109 m3。该古堰塞湖的形成时间约为1.8 ka BP,其溃决消亡的时间约为1.4 ka BP,溃决洪峰流量约为55 858 m3/s,该滑坡堰塞湖持续稳定了约400年的时间。  相似文献   
干旱灾害和我国西北干旱气候的研究进展及问题   总被引:72,自引:4,他引:72  
首先阐述了自然灾害中干旱灾害的严重性和复杂性;接着从西北干旱气候的时空分布特征、形成原因、干旱气候的比较以及监测和预测等方面回顾了近20年来我国西北干旱气候研究的进展;最后提出了西北干旱气候待研究的问题。  相似文献   
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