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Book Reviewed in this article: Geography and the Third World. International Seminar, 14–18 May 1980, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia . Ishmail Ahmad and Jamaluddin Md Jahi, eds. The Growth Dilemma: Residents' Views and Local Population Change in the United States . Mark Baldassare. Sport and Place: A Geography of Sport in England, Scotland & Wales . John Bale. The Deindustrialization of America: Plant Closings, Community Abandonment, and the Dismantling of Basic Industry . Barry Bluestone and Bennett Harrison. Selected Essays 1963–1975: Carl O. Sauer . Bob Callahen, ed. Housing and Planning in the Countryside . G. Clark. Conflict, Politics and the Urban Scene . Kevin R. Cox and R. J. Johnston, eds. Thematic Maps: Their Design and Production . David J. Cuff and Mark T. Mattson. Wine: A Geographic Appreciation . Harm Jan de Blij. USSR in Maps . J. C. Dewdney. Political Geography: A Contemporary Perspective . Ramesh D. Dikshit. Rethinking Human Adaptation . Rada Dyson-Hudson and Michael A. Little, eds. Sacred Sands: The Struggle for Community in the indiana Dunes . J. Ronald Engel. Geography of the Biosphere . A. Furley and Walter W. Newey. Disaster and Reconstruction . Robert Geipel. Glasgow: The Making of a City . Andrew Gibb. Design for Arid Regions . Giden S. Golany, ed. Urbanization and Cancer Mortality: The United States Experience, 1950–1975 . Michael R. Greenberg. Geology in the Nineteenth Century: Changing Views of a Changing World . Mott T. Greene. Colonización y Destrucción de Bosques en Panamá . Stanley Heckadon Moreno and Alberto McKay, eds. Urban Geography: A First Approach . David T. Herbert and Colin J. Thomas. The Visual and Spatial Structure of Landscapes . Tadahiko Higuchi. Climate from Tree Rings . M. K. Hughes, P. M. Kelly, J. R. Pilcher, and V. C. LaMarche, Jr., eds. The structure of Nineteenth Century Cities . James H. Johnson and Colin G. Pooley, eds. The American Planner: Biographies and Recollections . Donald A. Krueckeberg, ed. Urban Land Policy For the 1980s, the Message for State and Local Government . George Lefcoe, ed. Regional Planning: Evolution, Crisis and Prospects . Gill C. Lim, ed. Relevance and Ethics In Geography . Bruce Mitchell and Dianne Draper. China: The Geography of Development and Modernization . Clifton W. Pannell and Laurence J. C. MA. The Urban Retailing System . Robert B. Potter. Hants. Nonconventional Energy Resources . Philip R. Pryde. Caribbean Migrants: Environment and Human Survival on St. Kitts and Nevis . Bonham C. Richardson. Population and Resources . Harry Robinson. East Los Angeles: History of A Barrio . Ricardo Romo. Integrated Impact Assessment . Frederick A. Rossini and Alan L. Porter, eds. Environmental Aesthetics: Essays in Interpretation . Barry Sadler and Allen Carlson, eds. Earthwatch . Charles Sheffield. Field Techniques and Research Methods in Geography . Robert H. Stoddard. Haiti: Land of Poverty . Robert J. Tata. Weathering and Erosion: Sources and Methods in Geography . Stephen T. Trudgill. Once Beneath the Forest. Prehistoric Terracing in the Río Bec Region of the Maya Lowlands . B. L. Turner, II. The Historical Geography of Scotland since 1707 . David Turnock.  相似文献   
污染企业空间管治和优化是提高欠发达地区开发过程中抗风险能力的重要环节。基于空间正义视角,以内陆型欠发达地区黄土高原为例,依据理论指向和侧重点差异,构建了集维度、属性和空间于一体的“5+5+4”污染企业区位分析框架,探讨污染企业在欠发达地区内部形成的格局特征、区位规律及与空间正义的辩证关系。主要结论:① 综合“城乡+边界+权力+经济+环境”5个维度研究结果的共同指向,当前黄土高原污染企业区位整体呈现出典型的区域开发初期“低水平均衡+能矿资源依赖”的空间特征。② 城市网络发育相对成熟的城市群地区是污染企业的主要集聚区,但与发达地区类似的非均衡演化和去一级中心化趋势已初步显现。③ 在城乡空间和制度空间上,研究区未表现出明显的环境保护“城市中心主义”和“污染避难所”现象;在经济空间上,研究区整体处于EKC曲线的上升阶段,地方经济对污染企业存在至少不排斥的依赖关系;在环境空间上,空气质量与污染企业数量属于低水平的正向耦合,但未出现随污染企业集聚空气质量显著下降的演化特征。④ 相对发达的省会城市和区域副中心城市在污染企业布局中呈退出趋势,具有较好工业经济基础和能矿资源赋存的城市群二级节点城市应成为今后环境规制和产业准入等政策关注的重点地区。⑤ 欠发达地区开发过程中污染企业存续或承接的正义性判别是具有辩证性的复杂命题,地理学区域综合分析的学科优势能为该类研究提供科学支撑;本文立足中国区域发展实践构建了以空间正义为理论指向的污染企业区位分析框架,以期为后续研究提供空间视角下的测度工具。  相似文献   
随着单位制度的逐步瓦解,传统单位社区也随之转型,其居民属性也发生巨大改变,原单位社区居民的通勤也发生相应变化,欠发达地区由于城市化进程滞后,传统单位社区的改造相应滞后,与城市化进程快的地区有着较大差别。根据西宁城区7个典型传统单位社区的723位就业居民通勤问卷调查数据,对传统单位社区居民的通勤进行分析,结果表明:(1)欠发达地区传统单位社区居民通勤仍以短时间、短距离、低机动化为主;(2)不同类型传统单位社区居民通勤存在差异;(3)传统单位社区居民的通勤特征及居民属性能够反映传统单位社区转变进程。  相似文献   
欠发达山区的农村居民点整理潜力的测算受到多方面因素的影响,当前普遍使用的人均建设用地标准法存在计算简单、测算结果偏离实际等问题。本研究以福建省松溪县为例,综合考虑自然、社会、经济、生态以及土地资源现状5个方面的因素,构建农村居民点整理潜力综合修正指标体系,采用层次分析法、聚类分析法、ArcGIS空间分析,探讨松溪县农村居民点整理现实潜力及其空间分异情况。结果表明各个评价单元综合修正系数介于0.156 6~0.714 1之间,2020年松溪县农村居民点整理现实潜力为315.43 hm2,总理论潜力转化率为38.20%;以整理现实潜力为主要依据,将全县划分为4个潜力分区,并为各分区整理模式和时序提出建议。  相似文献   
In 2020, the decisive victory of building a moderately well-off society in all aspects means that absolute poverty in rural China has been completely eliminated. Consolidating and expanding the achievements of poverty alleviation and establishing a long-term mechanism to solve relative poverty have become key issues in high-quality development of underdeveloped areas. In this study, human-earth system is employed to analyze the element composition, structural organization and functional state of underdeveloped areas. The results show that poverty in underdeveloped areas stems from the lack of the coupling and coordinating mechanism among human, economic, resource and environmental elements, which is not conducive to transforming the ecological advantages into the advantages of regional development. In the antipoverty stage, underdeveloped areas innovate the human-earth coupling and coordinating mechanism through a series of targeted measures, promote the organic combination of poverty alleviation, ecological conservation and sustainable development, and boost the transformation of regional development and the increase of farmers’ incomes. Focusing on the 14 th Five-year Plan(2021–2025) and the long-term goal of 2035, governments in underdeveloped areas should make full use of the policy support to explore scientific methods of modern governance and sustainable development. In particular, it is necessary to practice the concept that "clear waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets" and take the road of the ecologicalization of industry and the industrialization of ecology by establishing a policy system of "green land", "green people", "green industry" and "green right", thus building an endogenous growth mechanism of sustainable poverty alleviation and green development in China’s underdeveloped areas.  相似文献   
从居民生活质量角度评价区域发展程度长期以来备受关注。本文以北京山区经济薄弱村为例,在抽样农户调查基础上,基于小康监测体系中的生活质量指标体系,采用因子分析法构建的主观评价体系,分别测算了村级客观、主观生活质量指数,运用聚类法与差异贡献率法,开展北京山区经济薄弱村居民主客观生活质量的对比评价及影响因素分析。研究表明:1客观指数上,99.29%的村庄低于北京农村的平均水平,村间差异显著,高指数村庄主要分布在地势平坦的近郊区;2主观指数上,具有一定地域趋同性,离城区越近主观满意度越低;3综合来看,深山区与近郊区的村庄自身存在较大的主—客观差异,18.95%的村庄综合生活质量较差,文化娱乐、信息教育、生态环保等生活品质是限制居民生活质量的主要因素;4差异扶贫、提升人口综合素质、扶持生活质量高维度相关产业发展以及开展扶贫动态监测与开发规划,是进一步改善居民生活质量、提升区域发展水平的主要驱动力。主客观生活质量评价能够深入反映区域发展与居民生活质量间的关系,可作为区域综合发展决策的重要辅助方法。  相似文献   
豫东平原欠发达地区新型工业化的循环经济模式   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
在党的十六大明确提出走新型工业化道路之后,全国各省区纷纷提出自己的新型工业化道路,并把信息化作为实现新型工业化的主要途径。在对豫东平原欠发达地区工业化进程进行综合判断的基础上,文章指出,应积极地发挥后发优势,引入循环经济的理念来推进豫东平原的新型工业化进程。  相似文献   
20世纪90年代中国县际经济差异的空间分析   总被引:194,自引:6,他引:194  
李小建  乔家君 《地理学报》2001,56(2):136-145
首次将县域经济发展数据与图形数据结合分析,结果表明1990-1998年中国县域经济发展相对差异明显较小,但沿海地区与内陆地区的差异则出现扩大;经济增长较快的县域自一些增长中心向外扩延,逐步形成沿海岸带,京广线和长江沿岸三大经济增长轴;但沿海发达区内存在十分不发达县域,经济不发达县域主要位于西部地区,与环境较差的山区,寒区,旱区以脑省际边界地区有关;全国县域经济基础和增长可分为基础好增长较快型,基础差增长较快型,基础差缓慢增长型,基础好缓慢增长型。  相似文献   
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