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深部咸水层二氧化碳地质储存场地选址储盖层评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
深部咸水层CO2地质储存属于环保型工程项目,开展地质评价来确定良好的储盖层是实现CO2地质储存长期、有效、安全封存的首要前提。储层地质评价内容主要包括储层的物理性质及其注入能力等;盖层地质评价内容主要包括盖层发育特征及封闭能力等。在规划选址到工程选址的不同阶段,储盖层评价的内容和对象应根据不同阶段的目的依次提高精度和量化程度。通过国内深部咸水层CO2地质储存工程场地选址阶段划分,结合储盖层地质评价的主要内容,初步建立了储盖层适宜性评价指标及其分级标准,对国内深部咸水层CO2地质储存工程场地选址中的储盖层地质评价及适宜性评价工作具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   
付湘  赵秋湘  孙昭华 《湖泊科学》2019,31(6):1713-1725
长江干流与洞庭湖存在复杂的并联型分汇关系,当三峡水库调度改变长江径流过程时,会引起洞庭湖年内槽蓄量的变化,对于洞庭湖地区防洪、水资源配置和水环境保护产生显著的影响.本文建立了枝城至螺山站的荆江-洞庭湖水流模型,利用2008-2017年的三峡水库实际调度日数据,分析有、无三峡水库调度两种情况下洞庭湖槽蓄量的变化过程,同时利用建库前和近期的水位流量关系反映河道过流能力,分析了河道调整的影响.结果表明:由河道调整引起的槽蓄量变化在汛前消落期、汛期、汛末蓄水期和枯水期分别为-3.06%、0.12%、-0.01%和-13.31%.有三峡水库影响情况下,汛前消落期由于荆江"三口"进入洞庭湖的多年平均总径流增加23.94%,洞庭湖出口处城陵矶多年平均水位升高0.53 m,阻碍了洞庭湖出流,洞庭湖多年平均槽蓄量增长13.30%;汛期由于荆江"三口"分流量减少3.54%,城陵矶水位降低0.02 m导致出湖流量增多,因此洞庭湖多年平均槽蓄量减少0.20%;在汛末蓄水期,荆江"三口"分入洞庭湖的多年平均总径流量减少37.18%,城陵矶多年平均水位降低1.33 m,导致出湖流量增多,因而洞庭湖多年平均槽蓄量减少27.74%;在枯水期,荆江"三口"多年平均总径流量增加5.61%,城陵矶多年平均水位上升0.07 m,最终洞庭湖多年平均枯期槽蓄量增加2.96%.  相似文献   
随着数字油田建设的逐步深入,油田数据日益增多,数据集成化管理与应用难度随之增加,建立油田级数据中心成为必然.结合中国石化信息化建设现状,按照统一规划、统一标准、统一投资、统一建设和统一管理的建设原则,提出油田数据中心总体框架,根据框架需求设计数据中心的数据采集体系、数据存储体系和数据服务平台.中国石化油田企业数据中心在胜利油田完成试点建设,并相继推广至其他油田,取得较好效果.  相似文献   
煤基碳排放构成了中国碳排放总量中最重要的部分,做好煤基碳减排和煤炭高效洁净低碳化利用是实现“碳中和”国家目标的重要途径,碳中和背景下的煤地质学发展值得关注。系统评述与碳中和相关的煤地质学研究领域,分析煤地质学在碳中和研究与工程实践中的作用和应用前景,探讨碳中和背景下煤地质学的重要发展方向。取得以下认识:推进清洁煤地质研究、服务煤的高效洁净化燃烧,勘探开发煤系天然气低碳燃料、优化一次能源结构和化石能源结构,开展煤化工资源勘查与开发地质保障研究、推动煤炭的低碳能源转化和新型煤化工产业发展,深化瓦斯地质研究、提高煤矿瓦斯(井下)抽采率、控制煤矿瓦斯的大气排放和泄漏,研究煤层甲烷天然逸散和煤层自燃排放、控制煤层露头的天然排放,发展煤层CO2地质封存与煤层气强化开发(CO2-ECBM)技术、推动碳捕获、利用与封存(CCUS)技术发展及其在火力电厂烟气碳减排中的商业化应用,研究煤炭勘查企业的碳足迹、实现企业净零排放,是与煤地质学紧密相关的碳减排技术路径;其中煤层甲烷与煤系气高效勘探开发、深部煤层CO2-ECBM、煤层露头气体逸散与自燃发火控制、洁净煤地质与煤炭精细勘查是碳中和背景下煤地质学优先发展的重要领域。  相似文献   
针对轨迹大数据的高效点-轨迹k近邻(point to trajectory k nearest neighbor, P2T_kNN)查询处理需求,提出了一种融合时空剖分和轨迹分段的轨迹组织方法,其核心思想是在对轨迹作时间剖分的基础上,利用离散全球网格系统(discrete global grid system, DGGS)在空间上进行再次剖分,从而利用两次剖分得到的时空单元编码来索引落入其中的轨迹片段。在此基础上利用分布式列式存储技术设计了面向轨迹大数据的P2T_kNN查询处理框架,提出了一种顾及轨迹数据空间分布的自适应空间单元搜索算法,即通过分析轨迹数据在给定时间约束下的空间分异特征,动态调整空间单元的搜索步长,从而提升了轨迹稀疏区域的处理效率。针对亿级轨迹的实验结果表明,该方法适用于轨迹大数据的P2T_kNN查询处理,在轨迹稠密与稀疏区域的平均查询响应时间均小于1 s。  相似文献   
近年来长江中下游来沙量持续减少,河道面临长距离、长历时的冲淤调整,河道蓄泄关系发生变化,对防洪造成影响。在长江中下游河道冲淤及其蓄泄能力变化预测成果的基础上,对比计算了现状和未来河道蓄泄能力条件下,遇1954年洪水,长江上游水库防洪调度和中下游地区超额洪量的变化情况。结果表明,未来随着长江中下游河道进一步冲刷,河道槽蓄容积增加,相同防洪控制水位下的河道安全泄量增大,三峡水库在进行防洪调度时可下泄流量增大,总拦蓄洪量减小,长江中下游地区总超额洪量减小,但超额洪量在地区分布上存在从上游向下游转移的情况。  相似文献   
当前各国原油储库主要分为地面储库、地下盐穴储库和地下水封洞窟3种类型.根据我国实际情况分析,这3种类型储库均难以在我国推广.通过分析中国东北地区现有废弃矿山情况,结合地下原油储库的工程技术条件,提出了利用废弃矿山改造地下空间,用以建设战略原油储库的构想.建议尽快开展东北地区废弃矿山地下空间综合调查工作,启动相关地下油气储库封闭实验等测试研究工作.  相似文献   
Since the Mid Pleistocene Revolution, which occurred about one million years ago, global temperatures have fluctuated with a quasi‐periodicity of ca. 100 ka. The pattern of past change in the extent of woodlands, and therefore by inference vegetation carbon storage, has been demonstrated to have a strong positive link with this global temperature change at high and mid latitudes. However, understanding of climate systems and ecosystem function indicates that the pattern of woodland change at low latitudes may follow a fundamentally different pattern. We present output from the intermediate complexity model GENIE‐1, comprising a single transient simulation over the last 800 ka and a 174‐member ensemble of 130 ka transient simulations over the last glacial cycle. These simulations suggest that while vegetation carbon storage in mid–high northern latitudes robustly follows the characteristic ca. 100 ka cycle, this signal is not a robust feature of tropical vegetation, which is subject to stronger direct forcing by the precessional (21 ka) orbital cycle (albeit with a highly uncertain response). We conclude that the correlation of palaeoenvironmental records from low latitudes with global temperature change must be done with caution. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Lirong Lin  Jiazhou Chen 《水文研究》2015,29(9):2079-2088
Rain‐induced erosion and short‐term drought are the two factors that limit the productivity of croplands in the red soil region of subtropical China. The objective of this study was to estimate the effects of conservation practices on hydraulic properties and root‐zone water dynamics of the soil. A 3‐year experiment was performed on a slope at Xianning. Four treatments were evaluated for their ability to reduce soil erosion and improve soil water conditions. Compared with no practices (CK) and living grass strips (GS), the application of polyacrylamide (PAM) significantly reduced soil crust formation during intense rainfall, whereas rice straw mulching (SM) completely abolished soil crust formation. The SM and PAM treatments improved soil water‐stable aggregates, with a redistribution of micro‐aggregates into macro‐aggregates. PAM and SM significantly increased the soil water‐holding capacity. These practices mitigated the degradation of the soil saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks) during intense rainfalls. These methods increased soil water storage but with limited effects during heavy rainfalls in the wet period. In contrast, during the dry period, SM had the highest soil water storage, followed by PAM and CK. Grass strips had the lowest soil water storage because of the water uptake during the vigorous grass growth. A slight decline in the soil moisture resulted in a significant decrease in the unsaturated hydraulic conductivity (Ku) of the topsoil. Therefore, the hydraulic conductivity in the field is governed by soil moisture, and the remaining soil moisture is more important than improving soil properties to resist short‐term droughts. As a result, SM is the most effective management practice when compared with PAM and GS, although they all protect the soil hydraulic properties during wet periods. These results suggest that mulching is the best strategy for water management in erosion‐threatened and drought‐threatened red soils. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
James M. Buttle 《水文研究》2016,30(24):4644-4653
The potential for dynamic storage to serve as a metric of basin behaviour was assessed using data from five drainage basins with headwaters on the thick sand and gravel deposits of the Oak Ridges Moraine in southern Ontario, Canada. Dynamic storage was directly correlated with the ratio of variability of δ2H in streamflow relative to that in precipitation. This ratio has previously been shown to be inversely related to basin mean transit time (MTT), suggesting an inverse relationship between dynamic storage and MTT for the study basins. Dynamic storage was also directly correlated with interannual variability in stream runoff, baseflow and baseflow:runoff ratio, implying that basins with smaller dynamic storage have less interannual variability in their streamflow regimes. These preliminary results suggest that dynamic storage may serve as a readily derived and useful metric of basin behaviour for inter‐basin comparisons. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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