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现有像元二分模型MODIS植被覆盖度模型因其形式简单、适用性较强的特点被广泛应用于区域植被覆盖度(FVC)的估算。然而,研究表明在沙漠和低植被覆盖的西部干旱区,从250 m的影像上很难精准地获取NDVIveg(全植被覆盖植被指数)和NDVIsoil(全裸土区植被指数)参数。利用常用的直方图累计法获取模型所需参数NDVIveg和NDVIsoil,估算结果存在普遍高估现象。为此,本文首先引入同期获取的GF-2号卫星数据,从GF-2号影像上提取植被覆盖像元;然后,利用Pixel Aggregate方法重采样至250 m分辨率,获取250 m空间分辨率下纯植被和纯裸土像元;最后,将纯植被和纯裸土像元各自空间位置相对应的MODIS NDVI数据最大值作为模型所需NDVIveg和NDVIsoil参数,实现研究区内植被覆盖度的估算。试验通过与线性回归法、多项式回归法和直方图累计像元二分模型法估算结果进行精度对比,结果表明:利用GF-2影像辅助的像元二分模型,精准地获取了低植被覆盖区NDVIveg和NDVIsoil模型参数,提高了干旱区植被覆盖度的估算精度,并有效地抑制了受稀疏植被影响NDVI在干旱区普遍偏高问题导致的FVC高估的现象。  相似文献   
Hydrogeochemical based mixing models have been successfully used to investigate the composition and source identification of streamflow. The applicability of these models is limited due to the high costs associated with data collection and the hydrogeochemical analysis of water samples. Fortunately, a variety of mixing models exist, requiting different amount of data as input, and in data scarce regions it is likely that preference will be given to models with the lowest requirement of input data. An unanswered question is if models with high or low input requirement are equally accurate. To this end, the performance of two mixing models with different input requirement, the mixing model analysis (MMA) and the end-member mixing analysis (EMMA), were verified on a tropical montane headwater catchment (21.7 km2) in the Ecuadorian Andes. Nineteen hydrogeochemical tracers were measured on water samples collected weekly during 3 years in streamflow and eight potential water sources or end-members (precipitation, lake water, soil water from different horizons and springs). Results based on 6 conservative tracers, revealed that EMMA (using all tracers) and MMA (using pair-combinations out of the 6 conservative ones), identified the same end-members: rainfall, soil water and spring water., as well as, similar contribution fractions to streamflow from rainfall 21.9% and 21.4%, soil water 52.7% and 52.3%, and spring water 26.1% and 28.7%, respectively. Our findings show that a hydrogeochemical mixing model requiring a few tracers can provide similar outcomes than models demanding more tracers as input data. This underlines the value of a preliminary detailed hydrogeochemical characterization as basis to derive the most cost-efficient monitoring strategy.  相似文献   
Successful implementation of a forest based climate change mitigation mechanism such as REDD + depends on robust and available methods for measurement and estimation of forest degradation. Currently available methods are for application in single-hit degradation incidents in high density humid forests. However, it has been suggested that gradual degradation, especially in dry forests, is more widespread and that methods are needed for measuring and estimating associated emissions. We assess the applicability of an indirect remote sensing approach for monitoring forest degradation: infrastructure and other indicators of human activities are mapped and used for spatial prediction of degradation activities. For proxy variables we tested distance to forest edge, distance to roads, and population pressure calculated as the sum of inhabitants per pixel in the Landscan 2010 population raster dataset multiplied by an inverse power distance decay function. Wood extraction incidents were counted in 160 plots in two dry forests in Tanzania with infrastructural entry from one side only. We analyzed the spatial pattern of forest degradation as a function of the chosen proxy variables using zero inflated count models which allows for an excess of zero counts. A jack-knife bootstrap using 10,000 runs was applied to optimize the population distance decay function. We found that the impact of forest degradation is highest near high population concentration, above 1000 individuals. Furthermore, distance to nearest forest edge or road was a significant proxy for estimation of the number of wood extraction incidents (p < 0.001), where degradation incidents decreased with increasing distance to forest edge or road. At 3000 m from the forest edge towards the forest core the probability of wood extraction is 20% and dropping. The population distance decay function was found to have a steep decline indicating a relative small impact on forest degradation. Further, and perhaps larger, studies are needed to be able to recommend a distance decay function for general application in Tanzania. However, the results are useful for understanding spatial patterns of wood harvesting as a function of distance to nearest forest edge or road in dry Miombo woodland areas with average population pressure at 1685 ± 101 persons within a radius of 4000 m from the wood extraction sites.  相似文献   
In order to provide an operational reference for tropical cyclone precipitation forecast,this study investigates the spatial distributions of precipitation associated with landfalling tropical cyclones(TCs) affecting China using Geostationary Meteorological Satellite 5(GMS5)-TBB dataset.All named TCs formed over the western North Pacific that made direct landfall over China during the period 2001-2009 are included in this study.Based on the GMS5-TBB data,this paper reveals that in general there are four types of distribution of precipitation related to landfalling TCs affecting China.(a) the South-West Type in which there is a precipitation maximum to the southwestern quadrant of TC;(b) the Symmetrical South Type in which the rainfall is more pronounced to the south side of TC in the inner core while there is a symmetrical rainfall distribution in the outer band region;(c) the South Type,in which the rainfall maxima is more pronounced to the south of TC;and(d) the North Type,in which the rainfall maxima is more pronounced to the north of TC.Analyses of the relationship between precipitation distributions and intensity of landfalling TCs show that for intensifying TCs,both the maximum and the coverage area of the precipitation in TCs increase with the increase of TC intensity over northern Jiangsu province and southern Taiwan Strait,while decreasing over Beibu Gulf and the sea area of Changjiang River estuary.For all TCs,the center of the torrential rain in TC shifts toward the TC center as the intensity of TC increases.This finding is consistent with many previous studies.The possible influences of storm motion and vertical wind shear on the observed precipitation asymmetries are also examined.Results show that the environmental vertical wind shear is an important factor contributing to the large downshear rainfall asymmetry,especially when a TC makes landfall on the south and east China coasts.These results are also consistent with previous observational and numerical studies.  相似文献   
A precise understanding of the aboveground biomass of desert steppe and its spatio-temporal variation is important to understand how arid ecosystems respond to climate change and to ensure that scarce grassland resources are used rationally. On the basis of 756 ground survey quadrats sampled in western Inner Mongolia steppe in 2005–2011 and remote sensing data from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS)—the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) dataset for the period of 2001–2011—we developed a statistical model to estimate the aboveground biomass of the desert steppe and further explored the relationships between aboveground biomass and climate factors. The conclusions are as follows: (1) the aboveground biomass of the steppe in the research area was 5.27 Tg (1 Tg=1012 g) on average over 11 years; between 2001 and 2011, the aboveground biomass of the western Inner Mongolia steppe exhibited fluctuations, with no significant trend over time; (2) the aboveground biomass of the steppe in the research area exhibits distinct spatial variation and generally decreases gradually from southeast to northwest; and (3) the important factor causing interannual variations in aboveground biomass is precipitation during the period from January to July, but we did not find a significant relationship between the aboveground biomass and the corresponding temperature changes. The precipitation in this period is also an important factor influencing the spatial distribution of aboveground biomass (R2=0.39, P<0.001), while the temperature might be a minor factor (R2=0.12, P<0.01). The uncertainties in our estimate are primarily due to uncertainty in converting the fresh grass yield estimates to dry weight, underestimates of the biomass of shrubs, and error in remote sensing dataset.  相似文献   
李志  孟强  薛亮 《海洋科学进展》2020,38(2):199-210
孟加拉湾与其他热带海盆不同,在季风影响下,该地区热带气旋具有双气旋季的独特结构(4—5月的春季转换期和10—11月的秋季转换期)。虽然孟加拉湾气旋频数在10—11月较多,但是4—5月超强气旋(Saffir-Simpson 4,5级)的生成率却远高于10—11月。1981—2016年,春季转换期内孟加拉湾超强气旋都与第一支北传季节内振荡(First Northward-propagating Intra-Seasonal Oscillation,FNISO)相应而生,然而并不是所有伴随FNISO发生的气旋都能发展成为超强气旋。因此本研究以气旋生成指数为基础,利用气旋最佳轨道数据以及NCEP的海气参量数据,诊断指出孟加拉湾夏季风形成的强垂直风速剪切配合低层大气旋度和气旋潜在强度抵消夏季风期间水汽对气旋生成的促进作用,造成双峰分布,而中层大气相对湿度差异双峰不对称的主因。FNISO强度的不同与深对流中心与气旋中心的相对位置的差异,使得部分气旋受季节内振荡影响更大,强深对流的超越作用导致更显著的高低层大气温差,促使气旋具有且达到更大的潜在强度。在年际尺度上大气高低层温差的不同也是引起气旋潜在强度不同的主要原因。当季节内尺度和年际尺度共同作用,使得部分气旋发展成为超强气旋。  相似文献   
研究了热力非对称结构对0421号热带风暴"海马(Haima)"的移动和强度变化的影响。通过物理量场诊断分析发现,热带风暴(气旋)的热力结构在垂直、水平方向均呈非对称分布。热力因子对热带风暴的影响,主要体现在低层。热带风暴朝其移向前方的风暴内部的非绝热增温中心偏折,并有向此方向加速的趋势。了解热带风暴的热力结构分布特征及其对热带风暴移动的影响,对短期预报热带风暴的移动有一定的指示意义。  相似文献   
河南森林旅游发展对策探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
森林旅游的发展已成为社会经济发展的新亮点.河南森林旅游尚处于初期阶段,加快河南森林旅游发展已成为当务之急.在分析了河南森林旅游发展的现状、存在问题以及优势和机遇的基础上,提出了加快河南森林旅游发展的对策.主要对策是:坚持可持续发展原则,正确处理森林旅游开发和森林资源保护的关系;着力推进5个转变;整合资源,推出旅游精品线路;加大开发建设力度,加强基础设施建设;强化管理,提升服务水平;创新用人机制,加快旅游人才的引进和培养;大力进行宣传推介,提高河南森林旅游的知名度和品牌效应.  相似文献   
山东省9216号强热带气旋风暴期间的海岸侵蚀灾害   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
本文比较详细地报导了山东省沿岸在9216号强热带气旋风暴潮期间的海岸侵蚀灾害情况,分析了灾害的形成原因、特点。最后讨论了与之有关的问题。  相似文献   
Andosol soils formed in volcanic ash provide key hydrological services in montane environments. To unravel the subsurface water transport and tracer mixing in these soils we conducted a detailed characterization of soil properties and analyzed a 3-year data set of sub-hourly hydrometric and weekly stable isotope data collected at three locations along a steep hillslope. A weakly developed (52–61 cm depth), highly organic andic (Ah) horizon overlaying a mineral (C) horizon was identified, both showing relatively similar properties and subsurface flow dynamics along the hillslope. Soil moisture observations in the Ah horizon showed a fast responding (few hours) “rooted” layer to a depth of 15 cm, overlying a “perched” layer that remained near saturated year-round. The formation of the latter results from the high organic matter (33–42%) and clay (29–31%) content of the Ah horizon and an abrupt hydraulic conductivity reduction in this layer with respect to the rooted layer above. Isotopic signatures revealed that water resides within this soil horizon for short periods, both at the rooted (2 weeks) and perched (4 weeks) layer. A fast soil moisture reaction during rainfall events was also observed in the C horizon, with response times similar to those in the rooted layer. These results indicate that despite the perched layer, which helps sustain the water storage of the soil, a fast vertical mobilization of water through the entire soil profile occurs during rainfall events. The latter being the result of the fast transmissivity of hydraulic potentials through the porous matrix of the Andosols, as evidenced by the exponential shape of the water retention curves of the subsequent horizons. These findings demonstrate that the hydrological behavior of volcanic ash soils resembles that of a “layered sponge,” in which vertical flow paths dominate.  相似文献   
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