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本文提出了以地理空间数据为支撑,结合手机信令、POI等多源数据刻画城市居民出行特征的方法。首先将信令数据与地理信息区块绑定,根据时间特征和地理区块的社会属性,识别居民的基本职住娱信息;然后综合民生POI点、出行特征拓展关键词、图谱等多源数据,运用工作日通勤分析模型和节假日出行特征提取模型,识别用户的通勤距离、通勤方式、日均通勤频次、周均工作时长、节假日出行场景、出行频次、驻留时长等内容,并形成涵盖职住娱信息的出行特征类标签集。以成都市为例,采集连续1个月的手机信令数据和同时期的POI等数据,验证了该方法的可行性,该成果作为反映城市实际人口规模数量和空间分布特征的城市人口地图大数据产品的重要内容,为政府部门、商企用户开展相关分析业务提供数据支撑。  相似文献   
新丰江库区上地壳三维细结构层析成像   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
在新丰江库区布设一个范围约50 km×40 km、由50个地震临时台站组成的观测台阵,接收来自不同方位的人工震源产生的莫霍界面反射波;台阵中的20个台站和5个区域固定台还对2009年3月至2010年5月发生在库区的地方震进行了观测.本文联合利用人工地震莫霍面反射波走时和天然地震直达波走时,采用连续模型反演技术重建了库区上地壳P波、S波慢度扰动和Vp/Vs扰动分布图像.研究结果表明:新丰江库区东、西部地区上地壳结构存在明显的差异.库区东部地区构造复杂,多条断裂在该区呈交叉状分布.北西向的石角—新港—白田断裂带在库区段内具有复杂的岩性和构造特征,该断裂带在新港至双塘一线可能延伸至地下8 km左右;近北东向的断裂带切割地壳较深.峡谷区及大坝以东附近地区存在上、下贯通的波速比高值区,尤其是大坝以西的深水峡谷区,存在一条顺河走向的陡倾角断层裂隙带,为库水渗透提供了良好通道.库区西部地区为相对稳定构造区,完整坚硬的花岗岩体透水性能较差,受库水渗透影响很小.新丰江水库诱发地震的形成与深部构造环境密切相关.峡谷区及大坝以东附近地区上地壳介质性质呈现明显的横向不均匀性,微震分布在介质物性结构的特定部位,"软"、"硬"交错的介质环境是倾滑正断层型微小震产生的可能原因.  相似文献   
Memory in place     
Geographers and psychologists both seek to understand people's behaviour and their cognitive and emotional lives so it is somewhat surprising that there has not been more theoretical cross‐fertilisation of the two disciplines. ‘On time, place and happiness’ is a rare but welcome exception, showing how research in social‐cognitive psychology might usefully clarify thinking about temporality, place and well‐being. This commentary examines several additional human memory phenomena that geographers might like to consider in their theorising about these matters.  相似文献   
When P waves from distant earthquakes meet a velocity discontinuity in the earth's crust and upper mantle, they give rise to a series of converted PS waves besides PP refracted waves. It is possible to monitor the variation of the physical properties of the medium in the limited formation space above the transition zone of the seismogenic zone by measuring the time difference between the teleseismic PS converted wave and the first arrival P wave, that is, time-variation ΔtPS=tPS-tP. The advantage of this method is that the transition point of the teleseismic source with similar source is relatively stable at the transition interface, and the accuracy of the measured relative time is high, and the change of the medium in a small range of the seismogenic zone above the conversion interface can be monitored. This paper studies the variation of the travel time difference ΔtPS in focal region before and after Wenchuan MS8.0 earthquake. We select 2001 to 2012 as the research period, use teleseismic waveforms which occurred in the southern region of Sumatra and Hindu Kush area recorded by Sichuan station YZP and JJS. These teleseisms satisfy 5.0 ≤ M ≤ 6.5, and their waveform signal-to-noise ratio is high with clear initial P-wave motion. The epicentral distance of teleseisms is less than 3 degrees. Then we obtain the variation of the travel time difference ΔtPS between teleseismic PS converted wave and PP transmitted wave recorded during the study period in the two stations. The results show that there is a slow increasing trend of ΔtPS before 2006, and an obvious low value process of ΔtPS appeared in the period about 2 years before the Wenchuan earthquake. The maximum decline was about 0.2~0.3s, more than 4~5 times the measurement error. The low value has a certain degree of return about 2~3 months before the earthquake. The change of arrival time difference indicates that the medium is in different states in different periods of seismogenic process. The sharp decrease in ΔtPS from 2006 to January 2008 may be due to the strong disturbance caused by the stress accumulation of the medium. At this stage, the velocity of P wave and S wave increases with the increase of stress, and the increase of S wave velocity will result in the decrease of ΔtPS. The change of ΔtPS is greatly affected by S wave velocity, so ΔtPS appears to decrease rapidly. Regarding the low value that has a certain degree of return about 2~3 months before the Wenchuan earthquake, the possible reason is that the release of stress is much higher than the accumulation of stress in meta-instability stage. At this stage, the velocity of S wave decreases and the decrease of S wave causes ΔtPS to increase. Then, the Wenchuan earthquake of magnitude 8.0 occurred. It is shown that the teleseismic converted wave method in this paper can monitor the variation of medium's wave velocity before large earthquakes, and it has a good prospect in seismic monitoring and worth further experimental study.  相似文献   
大众在旅游途中期望获得开销低、行程方便、舒适度高的旅游体验,同时还具有历史人文、自然景观、美食购物等不同游览需求.因此,本文提出了一种基于改进混合蛙跳算法的个性化旅游路线推荐方法.首先建立个性化旅游路线推荐问题的优化模型,并针对该模型的特点,设计改进混合蛙跳算法.通过调整可控精度,增加筛选准则和及时处理异常解等策略增强群体的多样性,降低遗漏最优解的风险,强化局部搜索能力,并提高算法的求解精度.以南京三日游个性化旅游路线推荐问题作为实例,收集南京市内知名景点的门票价格、开放时间、不同出行方式所需的时间和花费情况以及食宿费用等相关数据,基于改进混合蛙跳算法进行求解.实验结果表明,与改进前的方法相比,所提改进方法能够获取更优的路径解,推荐的路线能够更好地满足用户的个性需求.  相似文献   
新物质主义是对消费地理研究中呼吁"重返物质"的补充和超越,论文旨在从新物质主义的视角审视消费地理的研究进展.首先,简要介绍行动者网络理论、拼装体理论、超越人类理论和非表征理论等新物质主义的相关理论基础,发现新物质主义强调物质的能动性、动态性及其对消费网络的影响能力,受此影响,消费地理研究对空间性、社会性、主体性和物质性...  相似文献   
探究高密度城市公园绿地资源空间配置的有效性和供需平衡问题对城市规划和居民生活具有重要意义。已有研究较少从多尺度、多交通出行模式以及结合地图大数据算法的角度对公园绿地可达性进行探究。本文以广州市越秀区为例,利用百度地图多交通出行数据,提出一种结合多类型公园绿地多级可达时间阈值的改进型引力模型,对越秀区公园绿地的空间可达性及其供需平衡特征进行研究。结果表明:(1)越秀区各尺度和各类型公园绿地可达性差异显著,城区尺度可达性大体上呈现由北向南逐层递减趋势,街道尺度可达性则表现出明显的“极化”现象,大型公园绿地可达性远高于社区公园和街头游园且在城市整体可达性中占主体地位;(2)从空间集聚情况来看,城区尺度公园绿地可达性值呈现明显的空间集聚分布特征,由北向南表现为高值聚类、不显著、低值聚类,街道尺度相比城区尺度高值聚类减少,低值聚类和无统计意义的区域增多;(3)基于供需平衡视角的空间可达性结果显示,公园绿地供给与居民需求在城区尺度和街道尺度分别呈现出整体平衡和局部失衡的现象,局部失衡主要集中在公园绿地资源相对匮乏的街道。  相似文献   
从广义反演理论出发,对多层反射波的走时联合反演,可以同时获得所有的各层速度及厚度参数。其优点是在不需要把问题线性化过程的同时,统一考虑了各层反射波走时的离散对整个地壳模型的影响,又可兼顾观测数据的不同误差分布。本文将该方法进行了数值模拟并应用于华北北部的几个不同构造单元,反演得出了其反射P波速度结构,并与正演结果进行了对比。  相似文献   
二维复杂介质中地震波走时和射线的计算方法及其应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将Podvin和Lecomte的精确局部格点走时计算方法和Schneider等人的动态规划方法结合起来,可得到一种快速、有效的有限差分波前计算方法。使用该方法对各种类型地震波的走时和射线的计算进行了讨论,并给出了这种有限差分走时计算在叠前深度偏移中的应用实例。  相似文献   
汪丽  曹小曙  李涛 《地理科学》2021,41(8):1437-1447
以热门旅游城市西安市为研究区域,采集网络游记数据,综合运用社会网络分析和GIS空间分析方法,探讨不同出游时间下的游客流动网络结构及其分异特征,研究发现:① 不同的出游时间约束下,游客旅游出行行为表现出显著的时间异质性。② 基于游客流动的西安市旅游吸引物的节点结构具有显著的等级规模分异特征,随着出游时间的增加,旅游节点等级结构体系呈现出以高等级景点为枢纽的“强强”关联特征,高等级景点的游客集聚功能提升显著。③ 随着出游时间增加,西安市区旅游节点核心?边缘结构越明显,核心区的节点联系强度越大,区位邻近、知名度接近与交通便利是形成景点组团的关键因子。  相似文献   
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