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刘志高  张薇 《地理研究》2018,37(7):1349-1363
以演化经济地理学为理论基础,综合经济地理学、产业经济学等相关研究成果,认为中国高新技术产业的形成与发展是本地要素与全球力量、历史条件与现实努力、技术创新与制度变革共同作用的结果,并构建了基于多尺度、多要素的中国高新技术产业分叉动力机制分析框架。同时,以武汉市作为案例区,通过梳理武汉市生物产业形成和演化历程,总结影响其生物产业发展的要素和作用形式。研究发现:生物产业与本地光电子产业之间的技术联系、高校和研究所、以及企业本身仅仅是决定生物产业在武汉市形成的一部分因素,地方政府、跨国公司和留学归国人员等主体也是促成生物产业“生根发芽”的重要主体,它们在武汉生物产业发展的各个阶段,作用程度是不同的。这一点是区别于欧美发达国家以技术为核心的产业分叉研究的,也在一定程度上反映出中国目前的高新技术产业发展仍然停留在“量的扩张”阶段,与欧美发达国家以“质的提升”为主的发展本质有所不同。  相似文献   
六盘山植物区系基本特征的初步分析   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
六盘山位于陕甘宁交接地区,属于半湿润气候向半干旱气候的过渡带,是黄土高原生物多样性最丰富的地区之一,有维管植物836种,隶属于93科,359属。本区属于泛北极植物区、中国-日本森林植物亚区、华北植物地区的黄土高原亚地区。全部种子植物可分为13个分布区类型和12个变型,以北温带分布类型为主,与其他植物区系联系广泛,但特有属较贫乏。六盘山与小陇山、太白山和中条山的属相似性系数较高,均达60%以上,表明几座山体处于相似的生物气候背景之下,地理隔离性不明显。与贺兰山的属相似性系数低于60%,因为贺兰山位于干旱的荒漠与半荒漠区,可能有地理隔离作用。  相似文献   
新疆东部基性超曲性岩常成群成带分布,明显受区域性深大断裂控制,可分为蛇绿岩套型和岩浆侵入型两种,前者包括阿尔曼太岩带和克拉美丽岩带,是蛇绿岩套的主要组成部分,前者包括阿尔曼太岩带和克拉美丽岩带,是蛇绿岩套的主要组成部分,包括喀拉通克岩带黄山岩带,为来源于上地幔的原始岩浆经分异,结晶而成,文中对这两类基性超基性岩的地质地球化学特征进行了系统研究。  相似文献   
A combined gravity map over the Indian Peninsular Shield (IPS) and adjoining oceans brings out well the inter-relationships between the older tectonic features of the continent and the adjoining younger oceanic features. The NW–SE, NE–SW and N–S Precambrian trends of the IPS are reflected in the structural trends of the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal suggesting their probable reactivation. The Simple Bouguer anomaly map shows consistent increase in gravity value from the continent to the deep ocean basins, which is attributed to isostatic compensation due to variations in the crustal thickness. A crustal density model computed along a profile across this region suggests a thick crust of 35–40 km under the continent, which reduces to 22/20–24 km under the Bay of Bengal with thick sediments of 8–10 km underlain by crustal layers of density 2720 and 2900/2840 kg/m3. Large crustal thickness and trends of the gravity anomalies may suggest a transitional crust in the Bay of Bengal up to 150–200 km from the east coast. The crustal thickness under the Laxmi ridge and east of it in the Arabian Sea is 20 and 14 km, respectively, with 5–6 km thick Tertiary and Mesozoic sediments separated by a thin layer of Deccan Trap. Crustal layers of densities 2750 and 2950 kg/m3 underlie sediments. The crustal density model in this part of the Arabian Sea (east of Laxmi ridge) and the structural trends similar to the Indian Peninsular Shield suggest a continent–ocean transitional crust (COTC). The COTC may represent down dropped and submerged parts of the Indian crust evolved at the time of break-up along the west coast of India and passage of Reunion hotspot over India during late Cretaceous. The crustal model under this part also shows an underplated lower crust and a low density upper mantle, extending over the continent across the west coast of India, which appears to be related to the Deccan volcanism. The crustal thickness under the western Arabian Sea (west of the Laxmi ridge) reduces to 8–9 km with crustal layers of densities 2650 and 2870 kg/m3 representing an oceanic crust.  相似文献   
山地垂直带谱是气候和植被水平地带变化和更替的缩影,垂直带的带幅、带间过渡方式、带内结构和垂直带组合方式都表现出高度的异质性和复杂性。本文发现在中国南北过渡带中部太白山发育了世界上最宽的山地垂直带——山地落叶阔叶林垂直带。该垂直带从基带到典型垂直带再到先锋性垂直带皆为山地落叶阔叶林,3种本来可以独立存在的垂直带,连续分布形成了包含3个栎林亚带、2个桦林亚带的“三层五亚带”超级垂直带,远远超过正常情况下山地垂直带1000 m的阈值,且其上限达到了海拔2800 m。它的形成与秦岭所处的过渡性地理位置、秦岭中部垂直带谱的完整性、丰富的落叶木本植物种群及其形成的强大群落竞争优势等因素紧密相关。超级垂直带的发现有多方面的意义:它是中国南北过渡带又一重要的标志性自然地理特征;它表明山地垂直带在特殊的山地环境中可以具有非常复杂的内部结构和宽大带幅,这扩展了我们对山地垂直带谱结构及机理认识的广度,对于创建山地垂直带谱结构理论具有十分重要的意义;超级垂直带的发现,也说明中国南北过渡带还有很多科学内容有待我们去探索和发现,希望本文能起到抛砖引玉的作用,引起学界对超级垂直带形成的气候和生物多样性因素、地理过渡带的结构和生态效应等重大问题进行深入研究。  相似文献   
探讨了混合架构下C/S和B/S对空间数据并发修改操作带来的空间数据库一致性问题,提出了在同一数据库中建立过渡数据库和生产数据库的方案,并以某省森林防火地理信息系统为例验证了该方法的可行性。  相似文献   
随着中国社会经济的发展及社会文化的转型,人们的日常游憩需求日益增强并呈现出多样化特征。公园作为城市公共游憩空间的重要组成部分,是城市居民日常休闲游憩活动的重要空间载体。深入分析和探讨城市居民的公园游憩动机及行为特征,对于城市公园开发、建设及管理具有重要意义。以南京大型综合性城市公园——玄武湖公园为例,依据问卷调查数据,研究城市居民公园游憩动机类型及其行为特征。研究结果显示:城市居民公园游憩动机主要包括个人爱好与交际、接近自然与放松、情感交流和消磨时间;在动机分析的基础上将公园游憩者分为接近自然类、休闲放松类、消遣爱好类和情感交流类4种类型;不同类型的公园游憩者在人口属性特征和游憩行为特征方面具有明显的不同。在此基础上提出以游憩者行为特征与偏好为导向的城市公园规划管理对策与建议。  相似文献   
新疆主要造山带地壳发展的五阶段模式及成矿系列   总被引:59,自引:1,他引:59  
按汉尼克(1981)提出的简单剪切模式,大陆解离是沿一条缓倾斜的拆离带发生移离。随着拆离的发展,上地慢软流圈隆起追随拆离面下降的一侧迁移,而始终处于解离大陆一侧边缘的下方(而不是在拉伸洋盆的中线上)。因此,在有上地幔软流圈隆起对应的陆缘一侧,会产生大量火山—深成岩浆作用(主要是上地幔物质的渗入),称为“岩浆型被动陆缘”(旧称“火山型被动陆缘”);而另一侧,则仅表现为地壳表层的构造破坏和陆源碎屑堆积作用,即经典意义上的大西洋型被动陆缘,称为“非岩浆型被动陆缘”。裂谷一般地可看成是上述解离过程初期阶段的产物。上述过程的几种构造环境下的地壳,都具有厚度减小、地壳渗透性增加、成熟度降低的特点,称为“拉张型过渡壳”。拉张型过渡壳阶段是陆同型造山带地壳发展中必不可少的阶段。它的标志性建造是双峰式火山岩建造(岩浆型被动陆缘)和巨厚陆源碎屑岩夹基性火山岩建造(非岩浆型被动陆缘),建造序列由稳定性类型向非稳定性类型演化,地球化学表现出成熟度不断降低的趋势。当基底陆壳拉伸减薄至零时,出现洋壳,洋壳阶段的产物为蛇绿岩建造。当扩张终止,洋盆开始消减,两侧陆缘演化即进入“汇聚型过渡壳阶段”。在汇聚阶段中,前两阶段形成的产物被强烈堆挤  相似文献   
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science has throughout its history considered a diverse range of habitats including estuaries and fjords, brackish water and lagoons, as well as coastal marine systems. Its articles have reflected recent trends and developments within the estuarine and coastal fields and this includes the changing use of well-accepted terms. The term “transitional waters” first came to prominence in 2000 with the publication of the Water Framework Directive of the European Communities [European Communities, 2000. Directive 2000/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2000 establishing a framework for Community action in the field of water policy. Official Journal of the European Communities 43 (L327), 75 pp.], where “transitional waters” are defined as “bodies of surface water in the vicinity of river mouths which are partially saline in character as a result of their proximity to coastal waters but which are substantially influenced by freshwater flows”. The inclusion of the term transitional waters in our own aims and scope reflects the evolution of language in this subject area, encompassing tidal estuaries and non-tidal brackish water lagoons. This article reflects on some of the difficulties posed by the use of the term and its attempts to be inclusive by incorporating fjords, fjards, river mouths, deltas, rias and lagoons as well as the more classical estuaries. It also discusses the problems of including in the term river mouths discharging either into predominantly brackish areas such as the Baltic Sea, or into freshwater-poor areas bordering the Mediterranean.  相似文献   
The Great Belt, the Øresund and the Little Belt connect the central Baltic Sea and the Kattegat. A fixed station was moored in the contraction area in the Little Belt during the period 18–28 July 1995, measuring temperature, salinity and current in two levels, while discharge was measured by the RVDana. The composite Froude number calculated at the fixed station shows that the two layer flow through this area was most often supercritical. The discharges were satisfactorily related to the currents measured at the fixed station, and time-series of transports through the Little Belt were established. When compared to the transports through the Øresund the water transport ratio (Øresund:Little Belt) was found to be 4·4, while the salt transport ratio was found to be 3·0. The resistance of the Little Belt, when considering the differences in sea level from Gedser to Hornbæk, was 1839×10−12 s2 m−5. On the basis of water level and surface salinity measurements made during the period 1931–76, a net discharge of 2300 m3 s−1and a net salt transport of 36 tonnes s−1through the Little Belt from the central Baltic Sea were found.  相似文献   
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