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转型期广州市居住迁移的分阶段比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将住房制度改革划分为起步、房改售房和住房市场化3个阶段,利用大规模的入户调查资料,分析不同阶段城市居民的居住迁移影响因素差异.研究发现,住房制度改革以来广州市年均居住迁移率呈波动上升趋势,1998年货币分房政策的实施引发大规模的居住迁移,导致城市空间大规模重构;利用事件史分析方法分析发现家庭生命周期、工作单位变动、住房产权和住房性质选择等都显著影响居住迁移,但不同阶段其作用机制和影响程度存在明显差异.起步阶段的居住迁移仍是制度安排下的被动迁移;市场化阶段的居住迁移自发性增强;房改售房阶段两种体制并存,居住迁移行为相对更复杂.随着住房市场化程度的进一步增强,家庭生命周期因素和社会经济地位的变化对居住迁移的影响将会增强.  相似文献   
中国农村宅基地转型的理论与证实   总被引:52,自引:5,他引:47  
龙花楼 《地理学报》2006,61(10):1093-1100
土地利用转型是土地利用变化的表现形式之一,也是由IGBP和IHDP联合发起的全球土地研究计划 (GLP) 的重要研究内容。目前土地利用/覆被变化 (LUCC) 研究仍然有待进一步理论化,在学科综合与集成基础上提出的假设对土地变化科学显得尤为重要。土地利用转型研究需要寻求一种综合的方法,来对社会和环境变化的时间尺度和历史背景进行整合。通过分析特定时期内中国农村建房的影响因素及相应的管理政策,在了解中国农村建房发展过程的基础上,提出了中国农村宅基地转型趋势的理论假设:随着社会经济的发展,农村宅基地在增加的建设用地总量中所占比例将由高逐渐降低,直到这一比例趋向于一个固定值。最后运用长江沿线样带农村宅基地转型研究结果验证了该理论假设。  相似文献   
开封市商品住宅价格的探索性空间数据分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
商品住宅价格空间分布是房地产价格研究的热点。为了探测商品住宅价格的空间分布特征,以开封市商品住宅交易均价为例,利用探索性空间数据分析(ESDA)的理论与方法分析开封市商品住宅价格空间自相关性和变异性。研究表明:开封市商品住宅价格全局空间自相关性显著,总体上呈空间集聚格局;开封市大部分商品住宅价格呈现局部空间集聚格局,少量存在空间异质性而呈现局部离散格局;开封商品住宅价格的地域分异规律明显。  相似文献   
住房支付能力事关广大百姓生活质量与福祉,已成为世界各国政府共同关心的民生话题。2020年度住建部城市体检工作对中国城市住房支付能力给予了高度重视,并将其纳入到城市体检评价指标体系。基于全国337个地级以上城市房价/房租和家庭可支配收入数据,从购房群体和租赁群体视角客观评估了中国城市住房支付能力及其变化,并划分了中国城市住房支付能力空间类型区,最后分析总结了中国城市住房支付能力的影响机制与分类调控对策。研究结果表明:① 中国城市房价收入比略微偏高且有所提升,2015年和2019年的平均房价收入比分别为7.01和7.76;中国城市房租收入比更加合理且有所下降,2015年和2019年的平均房租收入比分别为25.04%和22.01%。② 中国城市住房支付能力空间分异明显,房价收入比呈现出明显的东部高、中西部低的特征,房租收入比却呈现明显的南高北低的特点。③ 根据房价收入比和房租收入比联合空间分布特点,可将中国城市住房支付能力划分为租购支付能力双弱型、租购支付能力偏弱型、购房支付能力偏弱型、租购支付能力双强型和租房支付能力偏弱型等5种空间类型区,不同空间类型区的住房支付能力调控策略有所区别。④ 中国城市住房支付能力的影响机制包括城市住房供给和需求、城市生活质量、社会预期和住房偏好、金融与房地产政策以及家庭收入水平等方面。  相似文献   
Tuna Tasan 《GeoJournal》1999,49(1):91-103
The aim of this paper is to show how and in what sense the post-socialist transformation process has influenced the urban spatial structure of Warsaw with the help of empirical evidence dealing with housing. Therefore, the main focus of the study is the transformation of the housing market in the 1990s under social and economic restructuring process. The article comprises two parts: the first part involves the geographical development of the urban spatial structure within the context of housing market changes. In order to explain today's transformation, the system of socialist time is also discussed. In the second part emphasis is placed on the evidence of the transformation in urban space, dealing with new tendencies and challenging mechanisms in the housing market. The last period of transformation is also investigated in terms of changes in the urban space since housing is seen as an important factor of urban transformation. Hence, following the brief outline of historical development of the urban space housing market changes including the privatization of urban land is going to be the concern of the paper. The problems of the transformation and practical implementation of the privatization process are also discussed. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Much science-fiction literature is based upon the creation and exploration of alternative environments. Stanley G. Weinbaum's short story, “Parasite Planet,”introduces an unusual environment that may be wrong in the light of recent evidence on Venus but still stimulates the geographical imagination.  相似文献   
中国耕地和农村宅基地利用转型耦合特征与机制(英文)   总被引:16,自引:5,他引:11  
Land use transition refers to the changes in land use morphology (both dominant morphology and recessive morphology) of a certain region over a certain period of time driven by socio-economic change and innovation, and it usually corresponds to the transition of socio-economic development phase. In China, farmland and rural housing land are the two major sources of land use transition. This paper analyzes the spatio-temporal coupling characteristics of farmland and rural housing land transition in China, using high-resolution Landsat TM (Thematic Mapper) data in 2000 and 2008, and the data from the Ministry of Land and Resources of China. The outcomes indicated that: (1) during 2000-2008, the cor-relation coefficient of farmland vs. rural housing land change is -0.921, and it shows that the change pattern of farmland and rural housing land is uncoordinated; (2) the result of Spear-man rank correlation analysis shows that rural housing land change has played a major role in the mutual transformation of farmland and rural housing land; and (3) it shows a high-degree spatial coupling between farmland and rural housing land change in southeast China during 2000-2008. In general, farmland and rural housing land transition in China is driven by socio-economic, bio-physical and managerial three-dimensional driving factors through the interactions among rural population, farmland and rural housing land. However, the spatio-temporal coupling phenomenon and mechanism of farmland and rural housing land transition in China are largely due to the "dual-track" structure of rural-urban develop-ment.  相似文献   
本方案充分结合南方中小城市地域气候特点,套型设计注重可实施性,充分体现低公摊和高标准的经济适用原则。  相似文献   
在城镇居民居住需求的多样化以及商品房价格持续上涨的背景下,商品房的设计出现了综合化的趋势,新的样式层出不穷,给房产测绘带来了很多基础性认定的问题。本文主要结合实际工作中遇到的房屋层高、特殊形式的复式楼梯、有柱走廊的认定等几个细节问题进行探讨,并提出了实际工作中的解决方法及一些建议。  相似文献   
We explore the rhetoric and symbolism deployed in the course of selling residential properties at Hobsonville Point, a new development in Auckland. Specifically, we ask what understanding of community is promoted in this development, and how this understanding is represented in promotional material. Our study is informed by analysis of newspaper articles, promotional material and planning/legal documents as well as field observation (2011–2012). We conclude that appealing to a contemporary yearning for nature and social cohesion at an urban coastal location has generated a situation in which community is being ‘sold’ at Hobsonville Point, yet paradoxically is yet to be found.  相似文献   
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