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In Britain, concepts of `social mix' and the `balanced community' provide an example of how policy discourses have adapted to changing conceptions of the role of the state in public provision, forms of social division and inequality, and housing market transformations. The recent development of a policy agenda by the Labour government in Britain devised to promote more socially balanced neighbourhoods is not new, and its lineage may be traced back to the origins of housing and urban policy. However, the manner in which this objective has been framed and the intervention it has provoked have varied considerably over time. One is struck more by the episodic and discontinuous nature of the application of mix and balance in British policy than any sense of a coherent set of strategies pursued through changing times. This paper contrasts the place of social mix and balance in the discourses of the immediate post-war period in Britain with the renewed emphasis on such ideas in the policies of the New Labour government elected in 1997. In the first period, the claims of social mix were infused with the language of national reconstruction and the post-war settlement and the development of universal state provision. More recently, interest in social balance has arisen partly as a response to increased management difficulties and the process of `residualisation' in social housing and partly in response to new concepts of the underclass, social exclusion and social capital. The promotion of social mix and balance in contemporary policy has been shaped by notions of the underclass, social exclusion and the development of social capital in poorer communities. Policy intervention is overtly premised on the assumption that more mixed communities will promote more positive social interaction for residents, despite the lack of evidence for this claim. In practice, much of the discourse has now taken on a stronger sense of discipline and control in order to manage social housing estates. The meaning of social balance remains confused, however, and the achievement of this objective through policy intervention is likely to remain fraught with problems.  相似文献   
刘望保  闫小培  曹小曙 《热带地理》2006,26(4):349-352,364
利用社会-人口统计学研究方法,以问卷调查结果为基础,从自置房和租赁房、资助房和商品房两个层面,分析住房产权分异影响因素,研究发现社会经济特征变量与组织变量对住房产权分异都有显著影响,尤其是组织变量对资助房与商品房产权分异的影响更显著.家庭社会经济特征,如户主年龄、婚姻状况、家庭规模和家庭收入对产权分异的影响基本与西方类似.国有单位和工龄长的职工,享受资助房的机会相对较多.目前的住房制度改革集中在住房的私有化和大规模的商品房开发建设上,应更加关注新形势下住房分配的不平等.  相似文献   
北京城市内部居住空间分布与居民居住区位偏好   总被引:44,自引:9,他引:35  
张文忠  刘旺  李业锦 《地理研究》2003,22(6):751-759
在对北京城市内部居住空间分布现状和居民个人居住区位选择偏好的调查基础上,分析了北京城市内部居住空间分布的基本特征、居民居住空间偏好以及居民个人属性特征与居住空间偏好的关系。结果显示:北京城市内部居住空间分布城北明显高于城南,居民购房也多倾向于选择城北;从居民居住空间偏好看,三、四环之间仍是居民购房的首选空间。  相似文献   
广州市三类社区居住满意度与迁居意愿研究   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6  
何深静  齐晓玲 《地理科学》2014,(11):1327-1336
通过问卷调查了解广州三种不同类型居住区即传统老城区、城中村、商品房小区居民的迁居情况,利用线性回归和多元Logistic回归,对不同类型居住区居民迁居后居住满意度的决定因素和居民迁居意愿产生的影响因素进行了研究。研究发现:不同类型居住区居民迁居后居住满意度的影响因素不同,总体上受社区归属感、住房所有权、设施完善程度影响较大,且与在本居住区居住时间呈负相关关系;迁居意愿的产生受很多因素的综合影响,不同类型居住区迁居意愿的影响因素有所差异。传统老城区家庭总月收入越低,居民对现住房越满意,越不可能产生迁居意愿,男性比女性更容易产生迁居意愿,高学历者更容易产生迁居意愿;城中村居民迁居意愿的产生是多种因素的复杂作用结果,其中社区归属感越强烈,越不可能产生迁居意愿;商品房小区居民的迁居意愿受户主年龄和婚姻状况的影响较大。研究结果表明西方的迁居理论,如生命周期理论并未能完全适用于中国,这与转型期中国城市复杂的住房构成和住房市场机制相关。  相似文献   
本文主要介绍了2013年海峡两岸土地学术交流会上提出的16个重要观点:大陆管理体制不衔接加剧了产城分离;通过设定地上权来提高国有土地利用效率;大陆农村土地承包经营权入股存在风险;大陆应以土地为核心进行不动产统一登记;大陆农村宅基地流转很有必要;大陆开征不动产税面临着许多实践难题;大陆征地制度改革面临的紧迫问题是纠纷解决渠道不畅、补偿对象不明和程序不规范;台湾应在土地征收程序中建立判断公共利益的机制;公共利益不是以获利人数的多少作为判断依据,而是有质的认定;台湾的土地征收已经到了严重侵害人权的程度;台湾的《土地征收条例》还需完善;台湾的土地征收补偿应向日本学习;大陆目前的保障性安居工程建设存在政府失灵、市场失灵和公民规划权利缺失等问题;台湾社会对住宅问题形成了错乱情结;搞好土地评估才能解决台湾的高房价问题;居民偏好居住于空间形态较为分散的地区.  相似文献   
西安市住宅价格空间结构和分异规律分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋雪娟  卫海燕  王莉 《测绘科学》2011,36(2):171-174
利用ESDA方法对西安市城区的291个普通住宅项目均价数据进行研究,通过计算Moran指数和半变异函数分析了其空间自相关性和变异性,并进行了趋势分析。应用Kriging空间插值方法对西安市普通住宅价格空间分布进行了模拟。研究结果表明:西安市房价存在显著的空间自相关性,大部分住宅价格呈空间集聚格局,少部分因存在空间异质性而呈离散分布;房价变异函数表现出各向异性,不同方向有不同结构特征,空间自相关尺度为14.2km;西安市房价空间分异规律明显,房价分布格局受城市功能区划和交通影响较大。  相似文献   
我国大多数破坏性地震都发生在农村,通过分析我国农村房屋建筑的主要结构形式、震害特征及其建造特点,发现缺乏设防意识、缺乏抗震技术和经济条件差是农房“小震致灾、大震大灾”的主要原因.通过对既有的结构抗震、鉴定、加固、隔震技术的综述,发现目前我国仍比较缺乏适合农村房屋的抗震及加固技术.最后对农村房屋抗震与加固方法提出建议,展...  相似文献   
中国农村地区住房结构的区域差异及其影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农村住房结构是决定地震灾害脆弱性的重要因素。对全国农村住房结构的差异性及其影响因素进行分析,是科学评估农村房屋脆弱性的基础。首先,根据2000年全国第五次人口普查(五普)结果,将农村房屋分为“钢混”、“砖混”和“传统结构”(包括五普中住房墙体材料的“木、草、竹”和“其他”2个类型)3种结构类型,建立了全国县级尺度农村住房数据库,共2699个区县。探讨农村住房结构的空间差异,遴选可能与之相关的因素进行相关分析,然后通过主成分分析和因子分析归纳出影响各类房屋空间分布的主要因素。结果表明,砖混结构是全国大部分农村地区最主要的住房结构类型,尤其在中东部地区的比例很高,而传统结构住房在西部地区所占比例较高(接近50%),影响这两种结构住房空间分布的主要因素是气候、地域文化和农村经济发展水平,农民收入水平越高,砖混结构房屋比例越高。钢混结构在农村房屋中所占比例普遍很低,东中部地区比西部、东北略高,气候、非农就业和镇域经济发展水平是影响其空间分布的主要因素。为了降低农村地区地震脆弱性,建议中国农村政策应以提高农民收入水平为主,并积极推动农村人口向小城镇聚集,还需要在农村地区逐步推广房屋抗震规范。  相似文献   
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Book Reviewed in this article: Women, Work, and Ideology in the Third World . Haleh Afshar, ed. The Birth of the National Park Service. The Founding Years 1913–33 . Horace M. Albright Theatres of Accumulation: Studies in Asian and Latin American Urbanization . Warwick Armstrong and T.G. McGee. New Tools for Social Scientists, Advances and Applications in Research Methods . William D. Berry and Michael S. Lewis -Beck , eds . Uncertain Dimensions: Western Overseas Empires in the Twentieth Century . Raymond F. Betts. Geography of Sugar Cane . Helmut Blume. The Mines of Neptune: Minerals and Metals from the Sea . Elisabeth Mann Borgese. Geographical Dimensions of Energy . F.J. Calzonetti and B.D. Solomon, eds. Statistical Methods for Geographers . W. A. V. Clark and P. L. Hosking. In The Wake of Columbus, Islands and Controversy . John DeVorsey, Jr., and John Parker, eds. Housing, States and Localities . Peter Dickens, Simon Duncan, Mark Goodwin and Fred Gray. Physician Location and Specialty Choice . Richard L. Ernst and Donald E. Yett. Practical Ecology for Geography and Biology: Survey, Mapping, and Data Analysis . D.D. Gilbertson , M. Kent and F.B. Pyatt Large Scale Water Transfers: Emerging Environmental and Social Experiences . Genady N. Golubev and Asit K. Biswas, eds. The Nature of the Environment . Andrew Goudie. Planning for Population Change . W.T.S. Gould and R. Lawton. The Niger and its Neighbors: Environmental History and Hydrobiology. Human Use and Health Hazards of the Major West African Rivers . A.T. Grove, ed. Remote Sensing of Ice and Snow . Dorothy K. Hall and Jaroslav Martinec. Atlas of Antebellum Southern Agriculture . Sam Bowers Hilliard. Galilee Divided; The Israel-Lebanon Frontier, 1916-1984 . Frederic C. Hor . Plains Country Towns . John C. Hudson. Agricultural Geography: A Social and Economic Analysis . Brian W. Ilbery. Industry in the 1980s: Structural Change and Interdependence . U.N. Industrial Development Organization. Crabgrass Frontier: The Suburbanization of the United States . Kenneth T. Jackson. The Industrial Geography of Italy . Russell King. Studies in Linguistic Geography: The Dialects of English in Britain and Ireland . John M. Kirk, Stewart Sanderson, J.D.A. Widdowson, eds. Tourism: A Community Approach . Peter E. Murphy. Cities and Services: The Geography of Collective Consumption . Steven Pinch. An Historical Geography of Europe 1800–1914 . Norman J. G. Pounds. An Introduction to Human Ecology Research on Agricultural Systems in Southeast Asia . A. Terry Rambo and Percy E. Sajise, eds. Discovering Past Landscapes . Michael Reed, ed. Managing the Ocean: Resources, Research, Law . Jacques G. Richardson, ed. Carta fitosociologica de la transecta botanica de la Patagonia Austral . F.A. Roig , Juan Anchorema , Orlando Dollenz , A.M. Faggi and Eduardo Mandez Intermetropolitan Migration in Canada: Changing Determinants over Three Decades . R. Paul Shaw. Chinese Cities—The Growth of the Metropolis since 1949 . Victor F. Sit, ed. Urbanization in the World-Economy . Michael Timberlake, ed. The Al Business: Commercial Uses of Artificial Intelligence . Patrick H. Winston and Karen A. Prendergast, eds.  相似文献   
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