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用紫色蚌和非紫色蚌制取细胞小片,分别插入紫色蚌和非紫色蚌外套膜内,探究三角帆蚌(Hyriopsis cumingii)无核珍珠颜色与制片蚌、育珠蚌的关系;用不同类型制片蚌的不同部位制取细胞小片,分别插入育珠蚌外套膜内,进一步探究珍珠颜色与制片蚌珍珠质颜色的关系。结果表明,以紫色蚌为制片蚌,所产的珍珠为紫色系,珍珠紫色深浅与细胞小片所对应部位的制片蚌珍珠质紫色深浅呈正相关。以非紫色蚌为制片蚌,所产的珍珠有白色系和黄色系,珍珠黄色深浅与细胞小片所对应部位的制片蚌珍珠质黄色深浅呈正相关。三角帆蚌外套膜无核珍珠颜色是由提供细胞小片的制片蚌珍珠质颜色所决定,而与育珠蚌无关。该结论支持珍珠囊表皮细胞来自于移植细胞小片的观点。该结果表明,通过定向选育纯紫、纯白色贝壳珍珠质三角帆蚌新品系,即可培育出纯紫、纯白色无核珍珠。  相似文献   
In the northern Bay of Bengal, the existence of intense temperature inversion during winter is a widely accepted phenomenon. However, occurrences of temperature inversion during other seasons and the spatial distribution within and adjacent to the Bay of Bengal are not well understood. In this study, a higher resolution spatiotemporal variation of temperature inversion and its mechanisms are examined with mixed layer heat and salt budget analysis utilizing long-term Argo(2004 to 2020) and RAMA(2...  相似文献   
新近系韩江组是珠江口盆地恩平凹陷的油气主要储集层段,随着勘探程度的提高,寻找岩性油气藏是未来油气勘探的重要方向。为了系统地研究该地区岩性圈闭的发育类型,在“沉积层序”理论模型的指导下,划分出高位体系域、海侵体系域及低位体系域,并通过井震结合、岩芯观察,结合RGB属性融合技术增强关键沉积单元的刻画,开展了精细的沉积微相研究,共识别出辫状河道、串沟河道、曲流河道、河口坝、海岸砂脊和远砂坝6种沉积微相类型。在微相砂体刻画的基础上,结合构造特征,总结了该地区发育的构造-岩性圈闭、多砂体类型岩性圈闭以及上倾尖灭型岩性圈闭三大岩性圈闭类型,其中凹陷中部、西南部以河道砂为储层的构造-岩性圈闭为最具勘探潜力的目标类型。  相似文献   
黄杆菌种类多、分布广,但从深海海山环境中发现黄杆菌新物种的报道还没有。2017年我们从西太平洋卡罗琳深海海山水域分离到一株细菌XN-5T,经16S rRNA基因序列测定表明,该菌与黄杆菌属(Flavobacterium)内系统发育关系最近模式菌株F.degerlachei LMG 21915TF.frigoris LMG 21922T之间的相似性分别为97.5%和97.8%。本研究采用形态学观察、生理生化特征、遗传特征、脂肪酸和极性脂测定等方法,对该菌株进行了详细的多相分类鉴定。结果表明,XN-5T菌株在16S rRNA基因系统发育、生长温度、淀粉、酪蛋白水解、硝酸盐还原,产α-半乳糖苷酶、α-葡萄糖苷酶、β-葡萄糖苷酶,同化L-阿拉伯糖、D-甘露醇、N-乙酰-氨基葡萄糖、葡萄糖酸钾,发酵蔗糖、阿拉伯糖,以及脂肪酸、极性脂组成等方面,均与相近模式菌株有所差异。综合多相分类鉴定数据,我们判定XN-5T菌株为Flavobacterium属内的一个新种,命名为Flavobacterium pacifica sp. nov。  相似文献   
Hypoxia is increasingly reported off the Changjiang River Estuary with the confluence of multiple high volume nutrient sources. The Regional Ocean Modeling System coupled with a biological model was used to analyze the effect of different nutrient sources on the development of hypoxia off the Changjiang River Estuary. By comparing to observed data, our model suitably captured the regional dynamics of chlorophyll a, dissolved oxygen, and nutrient concentration. A series of sensitivity experiments were conducted to investigate the hypoxia response to the various nutrient sources, such as loading from the Changjiang River, Kuroshio and Taiwan Warm Current. Our model results indicated that nutrients from different sources significantly influenced the hypoxia off the Changjiang River Estuary, and it was mostly affected by nutrients sourced from the Kuroshio. The nutrients input from the Changjiang River had larger impacts on the hypoxia in the north of 30°N than that in the south of 30°N. The nutrients sourced from the Taiwan Strait had a least influence on the hypoxia off the Changjiang River Estuary.  相似文献   
人类活动和自然因素共同但有区别的作用引起了长江口及邻近海域富营养化,造成夏季底层水体低氧现象加剧,成为近海生态健康恶化的重要征兆。本文梳理了国内外学者在该海域低氧研究中获得的重要认识,分析了底层水体溶解氧的潮周期尺度、事件尺度和年际尺度的变化特征,重点从层化与物质输运角度,介绍了长江冲淡水、台湾暖流、海洋锋面、风和潮等过程影响底层水体中氧气消耗或补充的机制,揭示了本海域主要低氧现象分别位于长江口和浙江近海的特征,对比了两处低氧区形成与演变的异同机制。目前,对低氧形成机制的定性认识和多尺度变化特征的了解已经有较好的基础,未来需要从多学科交叉角度加强现场试验和定量研究,掌握低氧的长期演变趋势,研发底层水体低氧的预测预警技术,支撑我国河口近海的生态预警监测工作。  相似文献   
天然气水合物与资源和全球环境变化等重大科学问题密切相关。前期关于甲烷渗漏区地球化学特征的研究主要集中于浅表层沉积物(<20 m),而浅层沉积物(>20 m)地球化学特征知之甚少。为探讨海洋浅层沉积物微量元素特征与天然气水合物勘探的相关关系,对南海神狐海域沉积物进行了4个站位的钻探取样,分析了样品主、微量元素和有机碳地球化学特征,并采用氧化还原状态以及Mo与TOC相关关系的分析方法进行探讨。结果显示,沉积物主量元素特征主要受到陆源碎屑物质输入的主导,与天然气水合物富集无明显关系。水合物赋存段及附近沉积物中Ba和Mo元素高度富集,存在明显的“Ba峰”和“Mo峰”,主要是由于天然气水合物分解释放大量甲烷产生的硫化环境所导致。因此,沉积物中的Ba和Mo富集特征可作为识别可能存在天然气水合物分布的重要地球化学指标。  相似文献   
Karst areas and their catchments pose a great challenge for protection because fast conduit flow results in low natural attenuation of anthropogenic contaminants. Studies of the hydrochemistry of karst sources and river solutes are an important tool for securing and managing water resources. A study of the geochemical downriver evolution of the Wiesent River and its tributaries, located in a typical karst terrain, revealed unexpected downstream decreases of nitrate with maximum mean values of 30 mg/L at the source to minimum values of 18 mg/L near the river mouth. This trend persisted over the length of the river even though increased agricultural activities are evident in the downstream section of the catchment. This pattern is caused by fertilizer inputs via diffusive and fast conduits flow from karst lithology in the upstream area that may have reached the river's source even from beyond the hydrological catchment boundaries. Further downstream, these influences became diluted by tributary inputs that drain subcatchments dominated by claystone and sandstone lithologies that increased potassium and sulphate concentrations. Our findings indicate that bedrock geology remains the dominant control on the major ion chemistry of the Wiesent River and that agricultural influences are strongest near the headwaters despite increased land use further downstream, due to long‐term storage and accumulation in karst aquifers. This feature may not be unique to the Wiesent River system, as carbonates cover significant portions of the Earth's surface and subsequent work in other river systems could establish whether such patterns are ubiquitous worldwide.  相似文献   
虽然乔普卡铁矿和土山铁矿在地理位置上相隔甚远,但是二者在赋矿层位、磁异常特征、矿体及围岩特征、矿石结构构造、矿物成分和矿石类型以及矿床成因等诸多方面存在着较大的相似性,进一步研究对比二者的共同和异同点,对于寻找此类矿床有一定的指导作用。本文主要在乔普卡铁矿和土山铁矿详查工作和参考前人工作研究的基础上,对比分析了两个铁矿的异同点,从而总结出相邻区域里寻找此类矿床的几个注意点。  相似文献   
The Sakarya River is one of the largest rivers in Turkey and is fed mainly from Sakaryabaşı springs. The Sakaryabaşı springs are located in the Central Anatolia and issue from confined/semi-confined karst having a thermal component and therefore, having quite different hydrogeological characteristics as compared to the Taurus Karst region, a typical example of the Mediterranean type of karst. The karstic carbonate rocks that form the groundwater reservoir are overlain by a thick semi-pervious overburden of mainly clastics of Neogene age. Tectonics is the major factor controlling the occurrence of the karst springs in the area where topography is rather flat. This study aimed at explaining the occurrence and movement of the karst groundwater within the system by use of hydrogeological, chemical, and isotopic tools. Isotopic composition of the waters revealed that all waters in the region are of meteoric origin and the thermal component is due to deep circulation. The catchment area of the hydrogeological system extends to the south and groundwater movement is towards the outlets, which are in a depression along a major fault. The movement of the groundwater, based on analysis of remotely sensed images, is controlled mainly by structural elements.  相似文献   
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