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The paper presents an ethnographic analysis of a group of secondary school students' protests against (illegal) bars in the city centre of El Alto, Bolivia. It shows how informal and formal practices are entangled through the state's dependence on the (illegal) actions of the citizenry in order to ensure civil security. The paper suggests that urban intervention is coproduced by state and nonstate actors at the margins of the state and that urban transformation entails subject formation, in this case that of political youth. Following Hansen and Verkaaik's (2009) argument that the city is essentially multilayered and unknowable, I argue that urban life, as well as state‐citizen relations, is indeterminate, and that it is due to this indeterminacy that the students succeeded in transforming a common association between Alteño youth, alcohol consumption and potential criminal conduct into an alternative notion of youth as responsible citizens of the New Bolivia. This conceptualization permits us to understand the urban sphere as a space not only of conflict but also of endurance and hope, and hence as a zone that allows for the imaginative production of the otherwise (Povinelli, 2011).  相似文献   
In an attempt to elucidate the mechanics of deep-water wave breaking, a variety of breaking waves, including spilling and plunging waves, of different length scales and geometries was studied. The waves were generated through wave-wave interactions using wave packets with constant-steepness components, constant-amplitude components, and also components following the Pierson-Moskowitz distribution. Wave steepening prior to breaking were found to cause an increase in the high frequency spectral slope of the wave spectrum. The slopes were correlated to the type of breaking and the intensity of the breaking. The energy loss through breaking varied with the spectral characteristics of the wave packet. On the other hand, it was also noted that, irrespective of the wave packet, the losses were from the higher frequency end of the first harmonics.  相似文献   
近60年洞庭湖泊形态与水沙过程的互动响应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以历史文献、图件及1951~2009年长系水沙等资料为依据,对比分析洞庭湖形态与水沙过程的互动响应,结果表明:由于湖泊形态与水沙过程存在着相互作用的关系,近60年间,水沙过程以多种形式改变湖泊形态特征值,如湖盆结构破碎、解体,水深变浅以及湖面﹑湖容依次减少1840km2及130×108m3;同时湖泊形态特征值改变也引起水沙特性变异,在1951~2002年间湖盆蓄水量呈明显的增减波动,但同流量下汛期水位普遍抬高1.2~1.90m,西﹑南﹑东洞庭湖水位变幅依次增大1.61m、1.39m和1.35m,各主要水文站前5位最高洪水位排序的年份均出现在湖面积(容积)历史最低值,泥沙淤积率为70%以上;2003年6月三峡水库蓄水及"退田还湖"后,高、中水位下湖盆调蓄量有所减少,城陵矶丰、枯水位分别降低1.12m及0.35m,西湖区与东南湖区的泥沙输出比均呈增大趋势,泥沙淤积率减至35.9%。其互动响应机制,可概化为泥沙淤积循环→湖盆结构破碎、解体,湖面湖容缩小→水沙特性异变→改变湖泊形态→水沙特性变异的互动响应动态演进模式。  相似文献   
澳门海洋空间资源利用研究——澳门的填海造地工程   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
澳门原系海中孤岛,由于利用了自然条件,进行填海造地工程,使孤岛相连,土地面积扩大,城市发展,交通改善,经济增长,成为利用海洋空间资源的典型地区。文章论述了澳门有利于填海工程实施的自然条件,海洋空间利用的发展过程,及填海造地工程的巨大作用和深远意义。  相似文献   
基于上市公司网络的长三角城市网络空间结构研究   总被引:16,自引:8,他引:16  
李仙德 《地理科学进展》2014,33(12):1587-1600
公司内部网络研究是当前城市经济网络研究的重要内容.本文利用2005、2010年长三角A股上市公司企业网络数据库,运用社会网络分析方法、位序—规模分析法等,分析了2005、2010年长三角城市网络空间结构演变及其主要影响因素.研究发现:①长三角上市公司总部沿沪宁—沪杭—杭甬Z字形轴线集聚,从一主(上海)二副(杭州、南京)三中心向一主(上海)三副(杭州、苏州、南京)四中心空间结构演变;苏州超过南京成为第三大企业总部集聚中心.②长三角城市网络核心—边缘结构整体延续,Z字形轴线城市维持核心地位,具备强大的网络权力与威望.③长三角城市网络除等级扩散、邻近扩散等特征之外.还具有明显的行政地域性.主要体现在省会南京、杭州分别成为江苏、浙江省内外上市公司子公司的重要据点;尤其是南京凭借省会优势,中心度仍然高于总部职能较强的苏州.④在长三角经济一体化背景下,跨行政地域性的联系有所加强,特别是上海、苏南向苏中、苏北的扩散明显;浙西南仍是网络相对封闭、孤立的地带,中心度相对较低.⑤行政等级和区划,市场容量等是长三角城市网络空间结构的主要影响因素,而到上海高速公路时间距离、劳动力成本和土地成本的影响在统计上未通过显著性检验.  相似文献   
沙粒跃移云及Magnus力对床面有效粗糙度的影响   总被引:2,自引:5,他引:2  
黄宁  郑晓静 《中国沙漠》2003,23(6):616-620
建立了考虑Magnus效应的、吹过平坦沙面的稳定风场中风与跃移沙粒相互耦合的风沙跃移云模型,并通过数值模拟研究了风沙跃移运动对床面粗糙度的影响。结果表明,跃移沙粒对风速的影响类似于床面粗糙度的影响,有效粗糙度随摩阻速度的变化关系可用二次函数表征;Magnus力对有效粗糙度有明显的影响,但这种影响并不改变有效粗糙度与摩阻风速之间的二次函数关系。  相似文献   
珠江三角洲地区风暴潮重现期及增水与环境要素的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
珠江三角洲地区是我国海岸中台风暴潮最严重的区域之一,受全球变暖和海平面上升影响,该地区风暴潮增水重现值将出现显著的变化。本文采用耿贝尔方法和皮尔逊Ⅲ型分布法,分别计算了珠江三角洲地区11个潮位站的最大增水值的重现期,并对计算结果进行了比较,绘制了风暴潮增水重现值分布曲线。结果表明大部分潮位站的耿贝尔分布曲线与经验频率点吻合程度较好,少数潮位站的皮尔逊Ⅲ型分布曲线与经验频率点吻合程度较好,两种方法结合起来效果最佳;分析了该地区风暴潮重现期的基本特征;最后总结了风暴潮与台风路径、天文潮以及地形之间的关系。该计算结果将为政府规划设计部门决策提供参考,对风暴潮预报、海岸工程设计和估计风暴潮造成的损失提供科学依据。  相似文献   
According to climate features and river runoff conditions, Xinjiang could be divided into three research areas: The Altay-Tacheng region, the Tianshan Mountain region and the northern slope of the Kunlun Mountains. Utilizing daily observations from 12 sounding stations and the annual runoff dataset from 34 hydrographical stations in Xinjiang for the period 1960-2002, the variance of the summertime 0℃ level height and the changing trends of river runoff are analyzed both qualitatively and quantitatively, through trend contrast of curves processed by a 5-point smoothing procedure and linear correlation. The variance of the summertime 0℃ level height in Xinjiang correlates well with that of the annual river runoff,especially since the early 1990s, but it differs from region to region, with both the average height of the 0℃ level and runoff quantity significantly increasing over time in the Altay-Tacheng and Tianshan Mountain regions but decreasing on the northern slope of the Kunlun Mountains. The correlation holds for the whole of Xinjiang as well as the three individual regions, with a 0.01 significance level. This indicates that in recent years, climate change in Xinjiang has affected not only the surface layer but also the upper levels of the atmosphere, and this raising and lowering of the summertime 0℃ level has a direct impact on the warming and wetting process in Xinjiang and the amount of river runoff. Warming due to climate change increases the height of the 0℃ level, but also speeds up, ice-snow melting in mountain regions, which in turn increases river runoff, leading to a season of plentiful water instead of the more normal low flow period.  相似文献   
属性识别模型在艾比湖水质评价中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据新疆博尔塔拉蒙古自治州环境监测站对艾比湖5个代表性的监测断面最近5年的水质实测资料,结合熵权法和国家地表水环境质量标准系统地建立了属性识别模型,运用属性计算和属性得分详细评价了艾比湖的水质.模型评价结果表明:艾比湖的水质污染主要为氨氮、磷、砷的污染.就空间而言,湖心2水质较好,没有出现V类水质,其次为喇叭口,博乐河口与精河河口水质较差;就时间而言,2003年各监测断面水质均属I类,之后逐渐恶化,到2008年半数以上的监测断面属于V类水质,且与改进密切值法的评价结果比较,结果较吻合.采用属性识别模型评价湖泊水质,概念清晰,计算简单,评价结果客观、合理,可以反映出艾比湖水质的现状,是湖泊水质评价中简便实用的评价方法之一.  相似文献   
利用1951-1991年古里雅冰芯净积累量、1951-2000年南疆盆地南沿的降水资料和1958-2000年NCEP/NCAR再分析的大气环流资料,讨论了它们之间的相互关系,并对其机理进行了初步分析,在此基础上建立了南疆盆地南沿近2000年高分辨率的干湿变化序列。  相似文献   
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