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甘肃河西走廊沙尘暴与赤道中,东太平洋海温之间的遥相关分析 总被引:20,自引:14,他引:20
春、夏季甘肃河西走廊沙尘暴发生次数与赤道中、东太平洋海温之间遥相关分析结果表明:春、夏季河西走廊沙尘暴发生次数与前二年赤道中、东太平洋海温的负相关最好,时间过远或过近,相关性反而较差。利用前期的赤道中、东太平洋海温可以较好地预报出河西走廊春季沙尘暴发生的多寡。 相似文献
风对沙漠化过程具有重要影响,起沙风是塑造沙漠地貌格局的主要动力。根据1957-2014年库布齐沙漠周边4个基准气象站的地面风资料,从风速、风向和输沙势等方面分析库布齐沙漠的地面风场特征。结果显示:(1)库布齐沙漠的起沙风频率与平均风速有很高的相关性;(2)年平均风速为2.7 m·s-1,全年盛行风向为WNW-NW,为中等变率锐双峰风况,合成输沙风向约为310°。4月风速最大,为中等变率环境;8月风速较小,为高变率环境;1月风速最小,为低变率环境。3-6月风速最大,风向集中度一般;11月至翌年2月风速较大,风向集中度高;7-10月风速最小,风向集中度差;(3)20世纪80年代中后期和2007年前后风速、起沙风频率和输沙势发生了较大变化,尤其是2007年前后由减小向增大发展;(4)大气环流和地表粗糙度的改变是库布齐沙漠地面风场变化的重要原因。 相似文献
Observed polarization ellipses for fundamental-mode surface waves observed at a digital station in Hawaii deviate from those expected for isotropic models of crust and mantle structure for that region. The anomalous motion occurs as rotations of the ellipse about all three axes in a cartesian corrdinate system. The largest and most consistent deviations occur as anomalous slopes of the ellipse about the horizontal axis transverse to the direction of propagation.The observed orientations and magnitudes of these angles can be explained by models of the upper mantle which contain olivine for which thea-axis dips significantly from the horizontal and which includes a sufficiently thick sedimentary layer (1 km) and a thicker than normal oceanic crust (15 km). The ellipses are also generally inclined from great circle paths about the vertical axis and are tilted about the axis aligned with the propagation direction. Both angles are small and difficult to measure, but the inclination angles are consistent with a model of the upper mantle in which thea-axis of olivine is preferentially oriented in an east-west direction. 相似文献
Marco Verweij 《GeoJournal》1999,47(3):453-461
Since the 1950s, the governments of the riparian countries of the Rhine have attempted to protect the ecosystems of the river
basin through international cooperation. Before 1987, their relations were unproductive and antagonistic. International programs
for the protection of Rhine were far less effective than domestic policies. From 1987 onwards, international cooperation on
the protection of the Rhine has been exemplary, and has led the way in domestic and international water protection policies.
Many existing frameworks of international relations are not able to offer an adequate account of this wholesale change. In
this article, an attempt is undertaken with the help of grid-group theory.
This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
2008年汶川8.0级地震后,通过自贡及邻近区一系列中小地震的检验,证明自贡青岩洞水温观测点是一个难得的敏感点。自贡青岩洞水温观测值在长宁震群、自贡威远间地震、自贡隆昌间的3至4级震例中均出现了超过年变基础之上的短临趋势异常或短临突跳异常现象,其异常幅度均超过年平均值0.5倍均方差以上,特征明显,对应率高,有利于对地震震中位置和时间的判断。地震映震敏感区主要沿华蓥山断裂带西南段至川滇交界处东侧分布。井孔具有有效监控自贡东部、南部及华蓥山断裂带中南段地区5级以上中强地震及川滇交界处东部沿线地区6.5级以上破坏性地震的监控能力,配合其他观测手段可以提高短临预测预报效能。 相似文献
地质学家重视研究深部(变质)CO_2对古气候的影响 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
地质学家重视研究深部(变质)CO2对古气候的影响贾跃明(中国地质矿产信息研究院,北京,100037)近几年来,随着过去全球变化研究的兴起,地质学家越来越重视地质历史时期影响大气CO2浓度的因素的调查。不少人认为,变质作用和火山活动可能是过去大气中CO... 相似文献
青鹏煤矿位于重庆市沙坪坝区青木关镇及壁山县壁城镇,已开采50余年.随着开采水平的延深,矿井地下水流场发生了相应的变化,改变了地下水原有的补、径、排条件.2012年2月,青鹏煤矿-200m水平-22103运输巷施工过程中,碛头煤层(M2)顶板裂隙突水造成局部淹井事故.通过地面及井下水文地质调查以及采取地表水、泉水、矿井水样进行水质分析,指出矿井突水水源由须家河组裂隙水、采空区积水和嘉陵江组灰岩岩溶裂隙水的越流补给3部分组成.为矿井防治水提供了水文地质依据. 相似文献
在砂井地基固结度计算中,土的固结系数是一个十分重要的参数,土的固结系数通常通过室内试验求得,但室内取得水平向固结系数制样比较困难。利用软基处理过程中孔隙水压力监测资料来推算软土的固结系数,并和室内试验加以对比分析,总结出二者之间的相互关系及变化规律,可供同类工程设计借鉴。 相似文献
首次应用具有我国自主知识产权的中巴资源卫星影像数据对煤矿矿区采煤地面塌陷进行遥感调查研究。煤矿采空区地面塌陷随着时间日趋严重,面积不断扩大,兼有渐变和突变的特点,用常规方法定点观测难以适应其发展,确定其边界分布非常困难。文章应用中巴资源卫星HR高分辨率影像数据,以六道湾一铁厂沟煤矿矿区为例,通过已知塌陷区的基本特点,建立塌陷区的遥感影像地物解译标志体系,通过人机交互遥感影像解译,圈定地面塌陷的边界并获得塌陷区的有关数据,为该地区环境地质灾害治理提供依据。 相似文献
Co-seismic ground deformation and source parameters of Mani M7.9 earthquake inferred from spaceborne D-InSAR observation data 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
SHAN Xinjian MA Jin WANG Changlin LIU Jiahang SONG Xiaoyu & ZHANG Guifang .Institute of Geology Laboratory of Tectonophysics China Seismological Bureau Beijing China .Institute of Remote Sensing Application Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing China 《中国科学D辑(英文版)》2004,47(6):481-488
In recent ten years, Differential Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (D-InSAR) has become a major technique of space-based geodesy together with GPS, VLBI and SLR. Interferometric Synthetic Aper-ture Radar (InSAR) has many advantages, such as all-weather, all-time, strong stability and dynamic survey property, and no requirements for ground sta-tions. In particular, the surveying results by InSAR can cover a large range of the ground deformation field in succession and has gr… 相似文献